Regional Projects
Laboratorio a Cielo aperto delle Grandes Jorasses per lo sviluppo di tecniche di monitoraggio di processi di instabilità in ambito glaciale
Climate change has a powerful impact on high-altitude Alpine sectors and glaciers. This impact often turns into an increase in instability processes that can lead to very high-risk conditions. These risk conditions can significantly affect the usability of areas characterized by intense tourist flows, making risk management very ...
INMOSTRA: Fiber optic sensors engineering for the monitoring of structural reinforcements on unstable slopes
Geo-Hydrological risks are one of the main sources of economic losses for our country causing a huge number of victims and damages. From 1966 to 2015, landslides and floods caused 1948 casualties, 3524 injured and more than 412,000 displaced people. The Venetian mountain has always been subject to major landslides and, almost every year, new emergencies occur with the intensification of the autumn and spring rains, which are increasing due to ...
GEOSCAMBIO: Partenariato di studio e documentazione a supporto dell’attività legislativa sugli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile e focus sul geoscambio termico
The topic of low geothermal enthalpy is crucial as a strategy to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
With this in mind, the structuring of environmental knowledge and information on the topic of low geothermal enthalpy in its various forms and a test site activity to deepen current knowledge on the regulatory context and on the effects on subsoil and on groundwater of geothermal plants is envisaged on a territorial ...
LASMON: Landslide Smart Network
Among all types of landslide phenomena present in Alpine environment, the rockfalls are certainly the most impacting, because they also are extremely widespread. Rockfall are very difficult to monitor and they are often managed exclusively through the execution of active or passive works aimed at risk mitigation. Due to the rockfalls impulsive behavior, it is a difficult task to locate them a priori. The problem of rockfalls can be approached ...
Ordinanza 473: Decree 473: early civil protection actions to cope with rainfall events that affected Calabria on November 2016 and January 2017
SMoRI: Smart Monitoring of basins subject to high geohydrological risk
The R&D project SMoRI starts from two needs to be reconciled. The first, coming from the scientific community, concerns a best definition of integrated monitoring systems aimed at controlling the conditions of high geo-hydrological risk. The second need is to acquire by the industrial partners a specialized know-how on new technologies related to Cloud Computing and I.o.T. and on the environmental ...
RMS_Filiera: Risk Management System (RMS)
The management of emergencies, in particular those determined by natural events, is complex and must be able to use all the available cognitive elements. During emergencies, it is possible to acquire useful data regarding the processes that determine the same emergencies. These data can contribute to significantly improve planning and design of prevention ...
AIDESIR: Accuracy of hydrological data for extreme events analysis and upgrade of Umbria Regional Hydrological Service’s platform
The improved understanding of the underlying physical processes of extreme events is closely linked to the development and verification of procedures to better control, analysis and validation of hydrological data for the description and visualization of meteorological events creating an operational "database of event" which enables to better identify under what conditions hazards ...
GEO_PUGLIA: Integrated assessment of geo-hydrological instability phenomena in the Apulia region, interpretative models and definition of rainfall thresholds for landslide triggering
The Apulia region is affected by multiple types of geo-hydrological instability processes such as sinkholes, flash floods and landslides.
Landsliding mainly affects the north-western sector of the Region (bordering with Apennine chain) and the sea rocky cliffs.
The sub-Appennine Daunia portion of the Region is exposed to landslide risk due to hydro-geological setup of the soil/rock deposits, the poor mechanical properties of the ...
RAMSES: Railways Meteo Security System
In recent years, following short and intense meteoric events, along the railway line of the Department of Reggio Calabria, there have been a series of interruptions in correspondence of basins below 3-4 km2. Based on the current procedures for risk mitigation in RFI, in the event of a "red alert" issued by the Civil Protection, RFI management locate along the railway line personal in correspondence of the area in question. This procedure is ...
Deep seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DsGSD) analysis and criticalities assessment of the regional monitoring network of the landslides
The Aosta Valley region presents a landscape almost totally occupied by mountain. In this context, a number of meaningful landslides is present, which vary from rock falls to deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DsGSD), passing for the complex landslides. The study of these phenomena, finalized to guarantee suitable standard of safety and to facilitate a compatible development, results a fundamental necessity for this ...
Methodologies for the analysis of alluvial fans
Some areas mapped in the Piani di Assetto Idrogeologico (Watershed Management Plan) of Piave, Brenta-Bacchiglione and Livenza Rivers require specific studies aimed at assigning a degree of hazard. Among the warning areas, there are numerous alluvial fans. The Soil Conservation Division of Veneto Region, in charge of the inquiry, identified the need to find an objective method for assessing the hazard of such ...
CIRCE: Cooperative Internet-of-Data Rural/Alpine Community Environment
Environmental sensor monitoring is continuously developing, both in terms of quantity (i.e. measurement sites), and quality (i.e. technological innovation). Environmental monitoring is carried out by either public or private entities for their own specific purposes, such as scientific research, civil protection, support to industrial and agricultural activities, services for citizens, security, education and information.
The left Cenischia ...
AIM-DAMS: Advanced and Integrated Monitoring of Earth DAMS
The project AIM-DAMS is aimed at developing a laboratory of integrated and advanced environmental monitoring for the control of the behavior of the earth-dams due to the different factors acting on the dams during their lifetime. Based on the integration of innovative and non-invasive sensors, as well as recent monitoring techniques and numerical modelling, the project is intended to fulfill the need of the dam management agencies of using ...
Analysis and monitoring of Planpincieux Glacier, Monte Bianco massif (AO)
The Planpincieux Glacier is one of the glaciers that characterize the Italian side of the massif of the Grandes Jorasses. It is considered a temperate glacier and its front is currently located near a morphological step that determines a strong propensity to the activation of frequent ice falls in particular during the summer. These phenomena are typical of this glacier, but its particular asset may cause, as already occurred in the past, to ...
SMAT-F2: Advanced Environment Monitoring System (SMAT) – F2
The environment monitoring has several purposes, including the prevention of geo-hydrogeological risks, forest fires, or prevention and suppression of illegal activities. The SMAT-F2 main objective is to define, design and develop an advanced monitoring system of the territory based on innovative unmanned air systems, coordinated by a supervision and coordination station (SSC). The first phase of the project, called SMAT-F1, finished at ...
Analysis of the Mt. de La Saxe landslide
The Mont de La Saxe landslide affects the south-western side of Mont de La Saxe near Courmayeur, Valle d'Aosta. This landslide at present can be considered one of the most critical active landslides in the Italian Alps. The estimated unstable mass is more than eight millions of cubic meters and the main elements at risk are the hamlets of La Palud and Entreves, and the motorway access to the international tunnel of the Mont ...
Register of the caves and artificial cavities of Apulia
Within the framework of the project “Register of the Caves and Artificial Cavities of Apulia Region” (PO FESR 2007-2016), committed by the Ecology Service to the Apulian Speleological Federation (FSP), this latter involved CNR-IRPI to guarantee high scientific value to the documents to be produced, and to work with the cavers in the different phases of the ...
DInSAR techniques for the assessment of sinkhole hazard
Sinkholes occur as sudden collapses of the ground, related to natural cavities produced by karst processes in soluble rocks, or to man-made cavities deriving from different types of human activities in different historical ages. Sinkholes are widespread all over the world, and the related hazard is extremely high, with very severe damage to built-up areas and human infrastructures, and heavy losses to the ...
Identification of the channel network in the Autonomous Province of Trento
The accurate representation of the channel network is fundamental in cartography. The increasing availability of high-resolution, LiDAR-derived DTMs provides an excellent topographic basis for the representation of the channel network, but requires innovative techniques for managing and processing ...
GIS technologies for managing sinkhole hazard
The widespread sinkholes that involve large sectors of the Apulian territory are related to natural cavities produced by karst processes in soluble rocks, or to man-made cavities deriving from different types of human activities in different historical ages. The related hazard is extremely high, with very severe damage to built-up areas and human infrastructures, and heavy losses to the ...
Hydrological study of the Paglia river basin
The Tiber River Basin Authority (ABT) and the Umbria Region (Service Water Resources and Hydraulic Risk), considering the verified underestimation of the flood-prone areas in the Paglia River basin provided by the Italian PAI (hydro-geological management plan) and the update of rating curves, decided to revise the hydrological study of the drainage basin in order to re-estimate the flood hazard maps for the Paglia River reach bounded upstream ...
Hazard of alluvial fans
In international literature, it is now widely recognized that alluvial fans are areas of high geomorphic activity. Debris flows and flash floods occur episodically in these environments, and place many communities at high risk. Calabria (southern Italy) is a region where alluvial fans widely occur. In this region, the presence of mountain fronts/alluvial and/or coastal plain, or deep and narrow valleys debouching into larger valleys are key ...
Updating the list of Apulian municipalities with presence of man-made cavities
The widespread occurrence of sinkholes related to man-made cavities in Apulia highlights the need to perform a careful reconnaissance of the artificial caves over the whole region, and of their stability conditions. Knowledge of the presence and typology of artificial cavity, and of its main features, is a mandatory step for the mitigation of the sinkhole ...
Flooding-prone areas delineation
Dynamic flooding scenarios
The project activities were carried out in two phases:
"dynamic scenarios of flood risk" identification through hydrologic-hydraulic modeling addressed to Civil Protection activities (2009-2011);
operational implementation of developed dynamic scenarios of flood risk and results dissemination trough web-GIS technologies, also within the context of Floods Directive 2007/60 /EC (2012-203); flood forecasting models implementation; ...
SECLI: Siccità E Cambiamenti cLImatici
SECLI Project is aimed to assess the combined effects of processes related to natural and anthropogenic climate change on water resources, both surface and groundwater, in the Umbrian territory, identifying the possible consequences of such effects on drinking water policy, and on how these may affect the existing system of withdrawals and ...
Modelling for real-time flood forecasting
The project activities concern:
development and implementation of: 1) a semi-distributed continuous hydrological model (MISDc) for real-time soil moisture estimate and river discharge prediction in the Upper-Middle Tiber River basin; 2) a flood wave routing model (STAFOM-RCM) for stage hydrograph forecasting at some selected hydrometric stations in the Tiber River basin;
support for installation of soil moisture sensors in the ...
MIRASAT: Methodology for the estimation of environmental risk indicators, using satellite remote sensing techniques
EPSILON Italia, the leader of the partnership proposing the project, is a SME, located in Calabria, specializing in the delivery of advanced services for the protection and management of natural resources, with a high standard of quality and technological content. The SME is also actively involved in the development and implementation of new technologies and in R&D activities conducted both in their own and in partnership with universities ...
Upper-middle Tiber river basin: the flood event of 25-28 november 2005
On 25-27 November 2005, the territory of central Italy was affected by heavy rainfall that hit the Tiber River basin and, mainly, the province of Perugia. The meteoric event had a significant phase with a duration of approximately 48 hours with widespread precipitation up to a maximum accumulated value higher than 100 mm. Significant increases in water levels occurred in most rivers of Upper-Middle Tiber
causing extended flooding in ...
Progetto Presídi
Il progetto presidi soddisfa un’esigenza normativa (D.P.C.M. 27/02/2004) e conoscitiva della Protezione Civile Regionale del Piemonte; diventa uno strumento funzionale all’aggiornamento dei punti di criticità idrogeologica del territorio, individuati e verificati dopo una complessa indagine retrospettiva e lunga concertazione di diversi Enti territoriali competenti, e al loro monitoraggio durante le fasi parossistiche di eventi di piena o ...
Hydrological and hydraulic studies to assess dam safety
The artificial reservoirs are fundamental for water resources management, by regulating releases to meet the different users request (industrial, irrigation, hydropower, etc.), and for downstream territories floods defence through lamination of critical flood waves.
The main objective of the project concerns the review of hydrological-hydraulic studies carried out for the Montedoglio dam, on Tiber River, Casanuova dam, on Chiascio River, ...
Flooding-prone areas delineation for hydraulic risk assessment for river reaches of the secondary hydrographic network in Tiber river basin
Analysis, control and hydro-meteorological data processing – Rating curve estimate
The activities of the project concerns the analysis and processing of hydro-meteorological data collected by the monitoring network of the Umbria Region for the period 1994-2014. In particular, the study regards the rainfall, temperature and water level time series. In addition, the discharge series corresponding to observed water levels are estimated for at hydrometric station through the rating curve estimated on the basis of flow velocity ...