InterReg Projects
SedInOut: Assessing sediment connectivity and availability in several mountain catchments in the Veneto Region
Mass wasting is a threat to residential areas and infrastructure, causing widespread destabilization in alpine stream channels, also in relation to ongoing climatic changes. Although hillslope sediment supply represents a critical factor for stream channel stability during heavy rainstorms, there is a general lack of procedures for quantifying sediment availability and composition. Moreover, we lack validated empirical models for estimating ...
MUHA: MUltiHAzard framework for water related risks management
The MUHA project is building upon the idea to address disaster management cycle consisting of preparedness-response-mitigation-rebuild components in the ADRION countries. It will connect the observed and modelled hazards and risks related to the integrated water cycle, by effectively join them with the existing and improved coping capacity developed by national, bilateral and EU Civil Protection ...
Monitor II: Monitoring system for the Hahnebaum test site
A Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DGSD) affects the south-west flank of mount Ganderberg (Moso in Passiria – BZ). The continuous displacements of the landslide induce secondary hazardous phenomena. A 800.000 m3 rock slab shows signs of incipient movement; a detachment could create a natural barrier on the river ...
CISM: Albanian International Center on Marine Sciences
The project CISM faces problems related to marine Albanian waters in view of the Adriatic basin, which must meet various environmental problems in other portions of the Adriatic Sea, which are still influenced by the contribution of Albanian waters. CISM is not only a time of growth of the scientific culture of Albania, but also a landmark in the international scenario of the Adriatic ...
WATER-MAP: Vulnerability maps for monitoring and management of groundwater resources in the Archimed area
FLOODMED: Monitoring, Forecasting and Best Practices for FLOOD Mitigation & Prevention in the CADSES Region
Hydrometeorological monitoring and flood forecasting are indispensable in preventing hydraulic hazard and ensuring civil protection. Implementing a sustainable plan to combat floods requires further activities, such as best practices for agricultural, forestry and land use management in flood risk areas. Methodologies must be developped within a transnational context, transending local ...
RISK-AWARE: RISK-Advanced Weather forecasting system to Advice on Risk Events and management
The RISK-AWARE project contributed to at fostering our collective ability to forecast the consequences of severe meteorological conditions, including high intensity and prolonged rainfall periods. For the purpose, geological/geomorphological models that predict the location and timing of landslides, or the propensity of a territory to generate slope failures, are of primary ...