Cartographical Products & Services


The CNR IRPI archive preserves 170.000 aerial photographs useful for stereoscopic applications. Most part of those photographs were taken during a number of surveys carried out between 1954 and 2005 in tha Padan Plain, Triveneto and Liguria (Northern Italy) but some examples date from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. In this documentation the effects of many floods and landslides events can be observed. In particular, we would mention the aerial ...

Aerial and terrrestrial LiDAR surveys

The study of the evolution of the territory and especially of the of geo-hydrological instabilities can be often based on the use of high resolution digital terrain models. The possibility to make ad hoc surveys and repeat them over time can be useful for the identification and measurement of the topographic effects of a particular morphological process. LiDAR can be usually considered the best solution for the creation of high resolution DEM. ...

CWS: Cartographic web services

We provide maps and layers through standard OGC services and WebGIS applications. Our aim is to disseminate information on landslides and floods hazards and the related risk. More specifically the services focus on thematic data concerning landslides and floods, including: (i) landslide inventory maps at different scales and covering different geographical areas, (ii) landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk maps, and (iii) information on ...