FIRB, PRIN Projects
URGERE: URban GEodiversity for a Resilient Environment
Geodiversity refers to the variety of natural abiotic features, as the natural variety of geological (rocks, minerals), geomorphological (landforms, physical processes), hydrological and soil properties. The parameter “geomorphodiversity” is a measure of the dynamics of the Earth's surface and it has a key role in conservation of biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystems. Thus, it affects evolution of the biotic world and of human life. ...
ENTERPRISING: IntEractions between hydrodyNamics and bioTic communities in fluvial Ecosystems: advancement in the knowledge and undeRstanding of PRocesses and ecosystem sustainability by the development of novel technologieS with fIeld monitoriNg and laboratory testinG
The development of an innovative system for monitoring river flows during extreme events and the impact of hydrodynamic pressures on ecosystems are two important challenges identified by the World Meteorological Organization for flood event control and by the European Commission for the European Biodiversity Strategy for the protection of ecosystems and ...
Design and restore underground
Puglia is one of the italian region with a higher density of hypogean sites of great value from the archaeological historical and artistic point of view. Many of them are in so precarious conditions that it is not possible to comprehend the precise history of the places and to define restoration interventions for their utilization and ...
Integration of hydrometric measurements for river discharge monitoring and channel roughness coefficients assessment
River discharge monitoring is fundamental for the study of the hydraulic regime of river flow and for the validation and calibration of rainfall-runoff models. The assessment of channel roughness coefficients associated with the measured discharges is fundamental for the calibration of flood routing models that can be used to address civil protection activities in real time. Unfortunately, the number of river flow monitoring stations in the ...