Design and restore underground
Strategies for the restoration and exploitation of the urban and extraurban underground.
Puglia is one of the italian region with a higher density of hypogean sites of great value from the archaeological historical and artistic point of view. Many of them are in so precarious conditions that it is not possible to comprehend the precise history of the places and to define restoration interventions for their utilization and exploitation.
To contribute to the exploitation of the underground architectures through the analysis, presence, use and new project of the different underground typologies and to define and test design models enforceable also to “rupestrian habitat” in urban and extraurban areas.
This research takes into account the different items of the hypogean types, geology, location and restoration with a multidisciplinary and multiscale approach aiming at joining the underground areas to town planning processes. The studies have been carried out on three “Case Histories”: Canosa, Gravina di Puglia and Palagianello.
- Data collection about the hypogean location, consistency and functionality.
- Realization of a data base of the different typologies; anthropic hypogeans and rupestrian settlements along “lame”.
- Definition of spaces, paths and destinations for the connection to the urban territory through designing solutions.
- Creation of guideline through the definition of design models related to different typologies.
The spread out of data base and of designing models through the publishing of the data obtained.
The hypogean heritage in Puglia is complex and articulated and is based on many kinds of settlements characterizing different ages. It is threatened by anthropic aggression and interacts with the above structures. This study analyzed the possibility to use the underground spaces in a different way and to obtain public areas.