Products Products & Services
SedInConnect: Sediment Connectivity Assessment
SedInConnect is a stand-alone application for the computation of the Sediment Connectivity Index (Cavalli et al., 2013, Crema et al., 2015).
The software has been developed in the frame of the SedAlp project, funded by the Alpine Space Programme (European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013)
The output of the applied model is a topography-based index aiming at evaluating the potential connection between hillslopes and features acting as targets ...
Data on maximum annual rainfall in north-eastern Italy
The database includes annual maximum rainfall corresponding to durations of 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 hours and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days for approximately 800 raingauges in north-eastern Italy (Trentino, Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia). The database contains data until 1997 for the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano, 1990 for the Autonomous Province of Trento, and 1996 for Veneto and Friuli Venezia ...
Operational systems for flood wave forecasting (MISDc and STAFOM-RCM models) and flooding prediction (KS model)
Semi-distributed continuous hydrological model (MISDc) for real-time soil moisture estimate and river discharge prediction in the Upper-Middle Tiber River basin; flood wave routing model (STAFOM-RCM) for stage hydrograph forecasting at some selected hydrometric stations in the Tiber River basin; Rainfall-runoff database coupled with the kinematic model KS for an expeditious estimate of probability flooding ...
Levees vulnerability database
National levees database, where the levees are identified by a code consisting in two parts: the first one identifies the river; the second one is a sequential number increasing from downstream to upstream. For each levee the location, the characteristics and topographic surveys are reported along with vulnerability to overtopping and piping, flood hazard maps and information about levee inspection and ...
Numerical modelling of instability and deformation processes of soils and rocks
Based on the application of numerical modelling techniques, CNR – IRPI can provide consulting services on stability/instability conditions and kinematical evolution of potentially unstable slopes, underground caves, embankments, open-pit mines, landfills and any other type of natural or man-made soil/rock structure at ...