Operational systems for flood wave forecasting (MISDc and STAFOM-RCM models) and flooding prediction (KS model)

Continuous hydrological model (MISDc) and flood wave routing model (STAFOM-RCM) for real-time flood event forecasting. Rainfall-runoff Database and kinematic modeling (KS model) for flooding scenarios assessment as an operational tool to support real-time flood risk management


Semi-distributed continuous hydrological model (MISDc) for real-time soil moisture estimate and river discharge prediction in the Upper-Middle Tiber River basin; flood wave routing model (STAFOM-RCM) for stage hydrograph forecasting at some selected hydrometric stations in the Tiber River basin; Rainfall-runoff database coupled with the kinematic model KS for an expeditious estimate of probability flooding maps.


  • Local Civil Protection authorities (municipal, regional, functional centers) and the National Department of Civil Protection to support in real-time the monitoring and management of flood events and flooding phenomena.
  • National and international universities and research institutes interested in developing, improving and comparison of flood forecasting modelling/procedures for real-time monitoring and management.


Real-time discharge and water level hydrographs forecasting, maps of flooding probability.