Others Projects
PRIORITÀ: PRogetto IntegratO di mitigazione del RIschio da sprofondamento di caviTÀ
Il progetto intende formulare una metodologia innovativa, basata su un approccio multi-disciplinare, per una valutazione appropriata della suscettibilità al collasso di cavità artificiali in aree urbane del territorio italiano, considerando le peculiarità geologiche e geo-meccaniche degli ambienti ipogei, nonché le loro interazioni con gli elementi vulnerabili dell’ambiente urbanizzato. In particolare, si intende predisporre una ...
RIMA: Valutazione del rischio idraulico finalizzata alla individuazione di interventi di mitigazione per la ricostruzione post-sisma
The seismic events that have affected central Italy since 24 August 2016 have caused extensive damage in the municipalities of Castelsantagelo sul Nera, Ussita and Visso (Marche Region). In order to proceed with the reconstruction, it is necessary to carry out interventions to reduce the hydraulic risk in urban ...
ITALGAS service
SAPERE: Space advanced project for excellence in research and enterprise
The project SAPERE is an Industrial Research oriented project (PON and FAR funds) focused on promoting the competitiveness of the National Aerospace Technology Cluster. The participants to the project include 8 private firms of the Cluster (industrial component), with Thales Alenia Space Italia being the leader, as well as academic (University) and research (CNR-National Research Council) ...
Topographic monitoring of the Costa Concordia vessel wreck
Following the run aground off near the "Isola del Giglio" (Tuscany, Italy, January 13, 2012) of the cruise vessel "Costa Concordia", a monitoring system for handling the security of the SAR (Search and Rescue) operations and for the control of the ships' movements/deformations during the subsequent defueling and recovery phases has been progressively installed and ...
Continuous monitoring of the seismogenic Paganica fault (AQ) after the April 6 2009 L’Aquila earthquake
The L’Aquila earthquake occurred the 6th April 2009, causing several casualties and damages to a large number of buildings and infrastructures. The event was a 6.3 moment magnitude (Mw). In the days following the earthquake, several aftershocks with Mw>4 affected the same general area. In total, within an area of about 50 km radius from L’Aquila town, the seismic sequence counted ca. 2×104 events in about one year. Among the severely ...
Pilot Project “Mitigation of the desertification processes in Calabria, in areas with a very high vulnerability”
Calabria is part of the 27% of the Italian territory deemed at desertification risk from the Plan of the National Area with Puglia, Sicilia and Sardegna. This project had a realization in an area called Valle dell’Esaro, close to Crotone, that is an area with high desertification risk. In fact, this area for its soil, climate, morphology characteristics and for the agricultural procedures represents the best site to test a model of good ...
I.S.PA.RI.DE.: Identification and estimation of the parameters for assessing the risk of desertification
The Calabria region, because of its climatic, geomorphological and anthropic characteristics, is one of the regions most exposed to the risk of desertification in the Mediterranean basin. Methods already known in the literature and new approaches were applied at a basin scale on an area of the Ionian side, that, for rainfall and climatic characteristics, is one of the most exposed to this ...