Integrated multi-scale methods for seismically induced landslide hazard zonation



The research activity aims at defining a coherent and unambiguous framework for the assessment and zonation of seismically induced landslides, at different geographical, temporal and management scales. To this end, the project works at the pre-event temporal scale, concerning spatial planning and soil protection and corresponding to years to decades time periods, and at the real-time or civil protection scale, corresponding to time periods ranging from a few hours to a few months.


The methods concern (a) synoptic or national scale seismically induced landslide hazard in Italy; (b) regional scale seismically induced landslide hazard; (c) assessment of co-seismic deep seated landslides; (d) detection and geo-technical modeling of co-seismic deep seated landslides, starting from post-event advanced DInSAR satellite data.


The research activity aims at defining a coherent and unambiguous framework for the assessment and zonation of seismically induced landslides, at different geographical, temporal and management scales. More at:


Application of the proposed methods to real world case studies will produce the following products:

  1. Synoptic (national scale) zonation of seismically induced landslide hazard, based on expert assessment
  2. Ensemble zonations of seismically induced landslide hazard at regional scale, in areas historically concerned by earthquakes, and zonations of seismically induced landslide hazard for recent earthquakes that triggered landslides.
  3. Probabilistic results about the number and total volume and seismically induced landslides triggered by recent earthquakes.
  4. Co-seismic deformation maps due to slope instability.