
Publications found: 7385

Hurricane-induced lahars at Volcán de Colima (México): seismic characterization and numerical modeling

Thunderslide – from rainfall to preliminary landslide mapping_ an automated open-data workflow for regional authorities

Calibration of a Distributed Hydrological Model (VIC-3L) Based on Global Water Resources Reanalysis Datasets

Double-scale analysis on the detectability of irrigation signals from remote sensing soil moisture over an area with complex topography in central Italy

Irrigation estimates from space_ Implementation of different approaches to model the evapotranspiration contribution within a soil-moisture-based inversion algorithm

Irrigation Mapping on Two Contrasted Climatic Contexts Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data

Developing a large-scale dataset of flood fatalities for territories in the Euro-Mediterranean region, FFEM-DB

Different Ground Subsidence Contributions Revealed by Integrated Discussion of Sentinel-1 Datasets, Well Discharge, Stratigraphical and Geomorphological Data_ The Case of the Gioia Tauro Coastal Plain (Southern Italy)

Effects of gully control measures on sediment yield and connectivity in wooded rangelands

Temperature in aumento nell’ambiente periglaciale alpino

Broadening and Deepening the Rainfall-Induced Landslide Detection_ Practices and Perspectives at a Global Scale

A systematic review of scientific literature on earthquake-induced landslides

The Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS): structure and perspectives within the main European biodiversity and environmental strategies

Rock temperature variability in high-altitude rockfall-prone areas

Landslide susceptibility maps of Italy_ lesson learnt from dealing with multiple landslide classes and the uneven spatial distribution of the national inventory

Geomorphological slope units of the Himalayas

Geomorphological slope units of the Himalayas

The role of morphology on the spatial distribution of short-duration rainfall extremes in Italy

Storm characteristics dictate sediment dynamics and geomorphic changes in mountain channels_ A case study in the Italian Alps

Underground Built Heritage in Naples_ from knowledge to monitoring and enhancement

Sviluppo di sistemi tecnologicamente avanzati per il monitoraggio dei fenomeni franosi – ATTIVITÀ 2018

A first attempt to evaluate the impact of agricultural practices on slope stability

DEWS: a QGIS tool pack for the automatic selection of reference rain gauges for landslide-triggering rainfall thresholds

A data-driven approach to establish prediction surfaces for rainfallinduced shallow landslides in South Tyrol, Italy

Riconoscimento dei processi torrentizi_ il continuum piena – colata di detriti

Valutazione della connettività dei sedimenti attraverso un approccio geomorfometrico

Overview on the Index of Connectivity

Predicting sediment connectivity in a mountain basin_ A quantitative analysis of the index of connectivity

Repeated ETRTs in a Complex Stratified Geological Setting_ High-Resolution Thermal Conductivity Identification by Multiple Linear Regression

On the Use of Optical Fiber Sensors for Debris Flow Monitoring_ A Review of Recent Achievements

Scale-dependence of observational and modelling uncertainties in forensic flash flood analysis


Review article_ Factors leading to the occurrence of flood fatalities_ a systematic review of research papers published between 2010 and 2020

Brief communication_ monitoring a soft-rock coastal cliff using webcams and strain sensors

Assessment Principles for Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions

Performance of satellite rainfall products for landslide prediction in India

Rainfall and landslide initiation

Aumento delle temperature_ l’impatto ambientale sulle Alpi

I rifugi, le nostre sentinelle

Earthquake-triggered landslides susceptibility assessment by critical acceleration_ grid cells vs. slope units vs. ground-motion

Socio-environmental value of glacier lakes_ assessment in the Aosta Valley (Western Italian Alps)

Assessment of suspended sediment dynamics in a small ungauged badland catchment in the Northern Apennines (Italy) using an in-situ laser diffraction method

Mass-Movements and Climate Change

ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC – Mission, strategy and action plan

Competence Centre ICDI per Open Science, FAIR, ed EOSC – Mission, strategia e piano d’azione

The International Soil Moisture Network_ Serving Earth system science for over a decade

A Review of Irrigation Information Retrievals from Space and Their Utility for Users

The 63-year changes in annual streamflow volumes across Europe with a focus on the Mediterranean basin

Closing the Water Cycle from Observations across Scales_ Where Do We Stand?

Monitoring of slow-moving landslides. The importance of integration between surface and depth measurements

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