Isabella Serena Liso, Rita Masciale, Costantino Masciopinto, Giuseppe Passarella, Mario Parise, 2021, Karst springs along the Murge Adriatic coastline (Apulia, southern Italy),
Flowpath 2021 - National Meeting on Hydrogeology - 5th Edition, pp. 114–114, Naples, Italy, 1-3/12/2021,
Apulia is an almost entirely karst region in southern Italy, being characterized by several thousand-meter-thick ...
Apulia is an almost entirely karst region in southern Italy, being characterized by several thousand-meter-thick Mesozoic carbonate succession, diffusely outcropping in the Gargano (north), Murge (center) and Salento (south) areas.
It is surrounded by Adriatic and Ionian seas for most of its extent, with over 850 km of coasts and a significant, but not yet quantified, amount of freshwater gushing out along coastline or offshore. Mainly the coastal sectors of Apulian aquifers are then strongly exposed to seawater intrusion phenomena for both natural causes, due to the presence of fractures and karst forms, or human induced causes, such as sea level rise and over-exploitation.
Focusing on Murge area, the groundwater discharge to the sea typically occurs in a diffuse way, through groundwater fractures; locally it is concentrated where karst conduits reach the sea or coastal zones, that is where the hydraulic function of karst conduits for freshwater transfer prevails. Many thermal anomalies have been detected in the past thanks to multi-spectral aerial surveys (visible, infrared and thermal infrared), due to differences in temperatures between spring water and seawater.
In this work, we describe the Adriatic coast between the city of Monopoli and the Torre Canne place_ in this area, the main known springs show average discharges ranging from 300-400 to 600 l/s, with maximum peaks slightly lower than 1.200 l/s. This is the coastal stretch where most of the thermal anomalies have been recognized as submarine springs. In addition, at several other locations, in the immediate proximity and along the coasts, there are proofs of water emergencies. To provide a contribution aimed at improving the knowledge about hydrogeology of this sector of Murge, we present new data on the karst coastal springs and a first attempt to link them with those coming out from the main inland recharge area.
campionamento di acque sotterranee con determinazioni in sito dei parametri chimico-fisici non stabili e misure ...
campionamento di acque sotterranee con determinazioni in sito dei parametri chimico-fisici non stabili e misure piezometriche
campionamento di acque sotterranee con determinazioni in sito dei parametri chimico-fisici non stabili e misure ...
campionamento di acque sotterranee con determinazioni in sito dei parametri chimico-fisici non stabili e misure piezometriche.
Giorgio De Giorgio Vittoria Dragone Limoni Pier Paolo Polemio Maurizio Zuffianò Livia Emanuela, 2021, ATTIVITÀ DI MONITORAGGIO IDROGEOLOGICO PERIODICO DELLE ACQUE SOTTERRANEE IN CONTRADA MARTUCCI, COMUNE DI CONVERSANO (BARI) – Rapporto Tecnico Finale,
pp.1–30, 2021,
Il rapporto condensa le conoscenze emerse durante il periodo di attività (24 mesi) in uno, ...
Il rapporto condensa le conoscenze emerse durante il periodo di attività (24 mesi) in uno, con le conoscenze pregresse, definendo così un quadro di conoscenze unitario e consistente.
De Giorgio G., Zuffianò L.E., Polemio M., 2021, Groundwater And Salinisation Risk_ Management Experience In The Mediterranean Area,
48th IAH Congress, pp. 1–1, Brussels, Belgium, 06-10/2021,
The increasing use of groundwater and the effect of seawater intrusion makes the study of ...
The increasing use of groundwater and the effect of seawater intrusion makes the study of coastal aquifers extremely relevant. There are various measures, practices, and actions throughout the world for managing groundwater when this natural resource is subject to salinization risk. This research, focusing on the effect of seawater intrusion, classifies the different practical solutions protecting groundwater through salinization mitigation across the Mediterranean Area with a literature review. The literature review was based on the study of about 300 papers, which are mainly international journal articles (76%). The remaining papers include
conference papers (11.8%), reports and theses (7%), and books or chapters of a book (25%). Three main schematic groundwater management approaches can be distinguished for the use of groundwater resources at risk of salinization.
The engineering approaches optimize the quality and quantity of the discharged fresh groundwater. The most recent experiences of tapping submarine springs have been realized in the Mediterranean Sea using underground concrete dams, tools shaped like a parachute or tulip (including flexible tubes and a plexiglass dome), or a fiberglass telescopic tube-bell, especially in the case of karstic aquifers. The current widespread form of the engineering approach is to address the issue of groundwater exploitation by wells. More complex solutions use subhorizontal designs. These works include horizontal drains or radial tunnels bored inside the saturated aquifer, shafts excavated down to the sea level with radial galleries. These solutions have been successfully applied in Malta Islands. The discharge management approach encompasses at least an entire coastal aquifer and defines rules concerning groundwater utilisation and well discharge. A multi-methodological approach based on monitoring networks, spatiotemporal analysis of groundwater quality changes, and multiparameter well logging is described in Apulian karstic coastal aquifers (Italy). The core is the definition of the salinity threshold value between pure fresh groundwater and saline groundwater mixture. The water and land management approach should be applied on a regional scale. The main choice for this approach is pursuing water-saving measures and water demand adaptation. In Guyennon et al. 2017 a multiple-users and multipleresources-
Water Supply System model is implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of Increasing the Maximum Capacity of the surface reservoir and Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Puglia, a semi-arid region of South Italy characterized by a conspicuous water demand for irrigation.
Giorgio De Giorgio, GiusepperMusicco, Michele Chieco, Vittoria Dragone, Pier Paolo Limoni, Annarita Romanazzi, Livia Emanuela Zuffianò, Maurizio Polemio, 2021, Sustainable Development Goals, natural risks and best practices for low enthalpy geothermal systems_ Apulian experiences,
Flowpath 2021 - National Meeting on Hydrogeology, pp. 1–1, Naples, Italy, 1-3 December 2021,
The United Nations General Assembly of 2015 approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which ...
The United Nations General Assembly of 2015 approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is based on the 17 sustainable development objectives (SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals). These objectives were assumed as landmarks to define the route of the regional decision, orienteering the legislative activity and the regional planning to the global context. The described experience is focused on the objective 7, concerning the development of renewable energy sources.
The use of low enthalpy geothermal systems is part of a regional strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change in Apulia. These systems allow reduction of energy consumption and emission by fossil fuels, offering the best thermal comfort, and lend itself to integration with other thermal renewable energy sources, using heat pumps. Many projects were developed as many geothermal systems are operating in Apulia, some of which can be classified as best practices, which deserve to be brought to the attention of the decision makers. At same time, as the diffuse realization of these systems calls for a systematic definition of optimal technical criteria, defined considering possible natural risks and potential negative effects.
The cooperation between the Apulian Regional Council and the CNR is part of an evidence-based legislation process and is focused on two main scopes. At global scale, the selection for sharing purposes of data and best practices at local, regional, national and international level, which are functional to progress related to the long-term implementation of the SDGs, was pursued. At detailed or regional scale, a research on optimal criteria to guide the approval of new geothermal system was realized. Effects of system installation and use, including underground temperature variations, are considered, assessing any kind of natural risks due to use of low enthalpy geothermal system.
Giorgio De Giorgio, Livia Emanuela Zuffianò, Maurizio Polemio, 2021, A comprehensive geodatabase to supporting the management of the coastal carbonate aquifers of Adriatic and Ionian Seas,
Flowpath 2021 - National Meeting on Hydrogeology, pp. 1–1, Naples, Italy, 1-3 December 2021,
The increasing groundwater exploitation and contamination risks due to the progressive population growth in coastal ...
The increasing groundwater exploitation and contamination risks due to the progressive population growth in coastal areas are emphasised in the case of carbonate coastal aquifers (CCAs), the peculiarities of which, especially in the Mediterranean basin, constitute a scientific matter of worldwide relevance.
The CCAs of the Adriatic and Ionian coasts not only ensure the socio-economic development of the populations but feed with their spring waters valuable wetland and coastal environments with relevant and highly positive effects on ecosystems. The groundwater resources of CCAs are highly vulnerable, especially if affected by karstic phenomena, to the quality and quantity degradation phenomena, not only for the increasing water demand and the decreasing recharge due to climate changes but also in relation to the sea level changes and the pollutant loads due to the contamination occurred in the whole hydrogeological basins.
The aim of this study is to offer a systematic and synoptic view, useful for knowledge, management and forecast purposes, contributing to assure enduring availability of high-quality groundwater, conciliating water demand satisfaction with the ecological needs of coastal Adriatic and Ionian environments in which the role of groundwater is very important. A geodatabase, collecting information for all carbonate aquifers present along the Adriatic and Ionian coast, have been created. At the core, there is a Geographic Information System, in which are placed the spatial information regarding the geology of aquifers, hydrogeological and geochemical features, together with specific information concerning groundwater use of CCAs. The added value of this database is the availability of a wide bibliography related to CCAs, together with a schematised summary of key information realised considering available information in the whole geodatabase.
Limoni Pier Paolo
Campagna di misure inclinometriche totali nell'abitato di Volturino e comparazione sintetica dei risultati con dati ...
Campagna di misure inclinometriche totali nell'abitato di Volturino e comparazione sintetica dei risultati con dati storici.
Evelina Volpe, Loredana Antronico, Francesca Ardizzone, Roberto Coscarelli, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Alessandro Mondini, 2021, Evaluating the climate impact on slow-moving landslides at a regional scale using Earth Observation data,
Worshop CNR IRPI - Il contributo del CNR IRPI al sistema Paese nella mitigazione dei rischi geo-idrologici, pp. 1–1, Roma, 25-26/11/2021,
Earth observation (EO) data are useful tools to analyse geomorphological processes, among which slow-moving landslides ...
Earth observation (EO) data are useful tools to analyse geomorphological processes, among which slow-moving landslides triggered by rainfall. EO data are also used to evaluate climate change and to assess its impact on geomorphological processes and geo-hydrological phenomena. The latter is the topic of the Project OT4Clima (Innovative Earth Observation technologies to study Climate Change and its impact on the environment) joined by CNR-IRPI within a consortium that includes other CNR institutes, universities and private companies. The OT4CLIMA project moves from the awareness that the impacts of climate change on the environment need to be better observed, understood, and modelled, especially at a regional scale, in order to put in place appropriate and effective risk mitigation strategies.
Within the project, the CNR-IRPI group works on the development of rigorous methods and procedures for evaluating the impact of climate and its change on landslides, in particular on those characterized by a slow cinematic, at a regional scale.
The test site is represented by four catchments located in the Basilicata region, southern Italy, namely the basins of the Bradano, Basento, Agri, and Sinni rivers.
Long-term rainfall series gathered from 22 rain gauges located in the four catchments are analysed to evaluate the presence of temporal trends. To this aim, non-parametric and statistical tests are applied to the series.
Historical landslide information is gathered from the analysis of the IFFI (Inventario dei Fenomeni Franosi in Italia) database, the Idrogeo platform ( and the AVI (Aree Vulnerate in Italia) catalogue. Only some types of landslide movements are considered, namely rotational-translational slides, slow slides/flows, complex movements.
Moreover, Copernicus Sentinel-1 images are employed to detect the spatial and temporal distribution of slow earth surface deformations. The obtained results are used for checking the completeness of the landslide inventories. More in detail, the deformation maps of the test site are obtained by means of the application of the SBAS (Small BAseline Subset) technique to three datasets of Sentinel-1 images_ t146 ascending orbit and t51 and t124 descending orbits, for the period 2015-2020.
Then, a comparative analysis of rainfall data with displacement series is carried out with the aim of identifying clusters of satellite measurements with homogeneous behaviour likely correlated to variations in the rainfall regime. In particular, only the points with a mean velocity in the observation higher than 0.1 cm/year are considered to be moving. Moreover, only the displacement series of points located in areas mapped as landslides - as for the historical inventories - and sited within the influence regions of each rain gauge in the study area are analysed. A 10-km circular buffer centred in the stations are used to define the influence region of each station.
The displacement series are analysed and compared to the rainfall series to search for correlations and to evaluate the effects of climate drivers on slow moving landslides.
Font Barnet A.; Boque Ciurana A.; Olano Pozo J.X.; Russo A.; Coscarelli R.; Antronico L.; De Pascale F.; Saladie O.; Anton-Clave S.; Aguilar E., 2021, Climate services for tourism_ An applied methodology for user engagement and co-creation in European destinations,
Climate services 23 (2021). doi_10.1016/j.cliser.2021.100249,
DOI: 10.1016%2Fj.cliser.2021.100249
This article presents an exploratory methodology to co-create climate services for the tourism sector together ...
This article presents an exploratory methodology to co-create climate services for the tourism sector together with local stakeholders, emphasizing focus groups as an essential step for obtaining relevant data throughout the process. The article describes the user engagement for defining the optimal conditions for tourism in four different types of destinations in terms of tourist specialisation in Spain (Jacetania Council in the Aragon Pyrenees, the city of Calvià on the island of Majorca; the city of Barcelona and the Barcelona Coast) and Italy (Sila National Park) This methodology involves a sequence of steps to extract and validate such information through engagement, with destination stakeholders along the value chain (from accommodation managers to destination planners as well as final users). The process facilitates the design of numerical indices based on the information collected (from qualitative to quantitative data). Our methodology is suitable for application in other contexts and tourism activities where the subjective perception of weather and climate plays a role, as well as in other sectors.
van der Schrier, Gerard; Allan, Richard P.; Osso, Albert; Sousa, Pedro M.; Van de Vyver, Hans; Van Schaeybroeck, Bert; Coscarelli, Roberto; Pasqua, Angela A.; Petrucci, Olga; Curley, Mary; Mietus, Miroslaw; Filipiak, Janusz; Stepanek, Petr; Zahradnicek, Pavel; Brazdil, Rudolf; Reznickova, Ladislava; van den Besselaar, Else J. M.; Trigo, Ricardo; Aguilar, Enric, 2021, The 1921 European drought_ impacts, reconstruction and drivers,
Climate of the past (Print) 17 (2021): 2201–2221. doi_10.5194/cp-17-2201-2021,
DOI: 10.5194%2Fcp-17-2201-2021
The European drought of 1921 is assessed in terms of its impacts on society and ...
The European drought of 1921 is assessed in terms of its impacts on society and in terms of its physical characteristics. The development of impacts of the drought are categorized by a systematic survey of newspaper reports from five European newspapers covering the area from England to the Czech Republic and other parts of Europe. This is coupled to a reconstruction of daily temperature and precipitation based on meteorological measurements to quantify the drought severity and extent, and reanalysis data are used to identify its drivers. This analysis shows that the first impacts of the drought started to appear in early spring and lingered on until well into autumn and winter, affecting water supply and agriculture and livestock farming. The dominant impact in western Europe is on agriculture and livestock farming while in central Europe the effects of wildfires were reported on most often. The peak in the number of reports is in late summer. Preceding the first impacts was the dry autumn of 1920 and winter 1920-1921. The area hardest hit by the drought in the following spring and summer was the triangle between Brussels, Paris and Lyon, but a vast stretch of the continent, from Ireland to the Ukraine, was affected. The reported impacts on water supply and water-borne transport in that region were matched by an analysis of the hydrological situation over the Seine catchment. On average, the 1921 summer was not particularly hot, but the heatwave which was observed at the end of July saw temperatures matching those of the heatwaves in modern summers. Similar to modern droughts, an anticyclone was present roughly over the British Isles, maintaining sunny and dry weather in Europe and steering away cyclones to the north. Its persistence makes it exceptional in comparison to modern droughts. The 1921 drought stands out as the most severe and most widespread drought in Europe since the start of the 20th century. The precipitation deficit in all seasons was large, but in none of the seasons in 1920 and 1921 was the precipitation deficit the largest on record. The severity of the 1921 drought relates to the conservative nature of drought which amplifies the lack of precipitation in autumn and winter into the following spring and summer.
Coscarelli, Roberto; Aguilar, Enric; Petrucci, Olga; Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M.; Zimbo, Fabio, 2021, The Potential Role of Climate Indices to Explain Floods, Mass-Movement Events and Wildfires in Southern Italy,
Climate (Basel) On line 9 (2021). doi_10.3390/cli9110156,
DOI: 10.3390%2Fcli9110156
Climate variability can be the source of several multiple hazards and damaging phenomena, such as ...
Climate variability can be the source of several multiple hazards and damaging phenomena, such as flash floods, debris flows, landslides, forest fires, etc. In this study the response in the frequency of landslides, floods and forest fires to a set of climate indices is studied, referring to a region of southern Italy (Calabria) located in the center of the Mediterranean basin, a hot-spot for climate change. For these comparisons, 5022 landslides and 1584 flood occurrences for a 29-year period (1990-2018) have been selected for the whole Calabria; the burnt areas have been analyzed for the same territory from 2008 to 2018. The climate indices have been calculated by means of daily rainfall and temperature data registered in 93 stations. The results showed that landslide occurrences are more linked with climate indices describing not very intense rainfall. Conversely, floods show best matches with climate indices representative of more extreme precipitation. Regarding the burnt areas, the results confirmed that very dry climate conditions, modifying the moisture content of the soil, can change the intensity and the extension of fires.
Giuseppe Esposito, Olga Petrucci, 2021, Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment for Civil Protection Early Response,
Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, edited by Sassa Kyoji, Miko? Matja?, Sassa Shinji, Bobrowsky Peter T. , Takara Kaoru, Dang Khang, pp. 513–518. CH-6330 Cham (ZG): Springer International Publishing, 2021,
This paper presents a series of severe landslide disasters occurred in Italy, during which the ...
This paper presents a series of severe landslide disasters occurred in Italy, during which the local scientific community supported civil protection authorities in the management of the emergency responses. Depending on the event characteristics, scientific support focused on landslide mapping, damage assessment, monitoring, early warning, and designing of countermeasures. Relevant studies, published after the disasters and describing these activities, highlight that, in case of major events, the scientific community can provide a significant support in decision-making processes and intervention strategies, by means of multi-disciplinary skills, experience and resources. The Italian example of cooperation between the scientific community and civil protection authorities here described highlights as a knowledge transfer from theoretical frameworks to practical applications can optimize the disaster response operations. Even if this study focuses on the Italian situation, it may represents a starting point to evaluate the real contribution provided by landslide experts in disaster responses worldwide, for understanding weaknesses and strengths. In many countries, in fact, local authorities are not able to provide timely and effective responses also because of a lacking or insufficient support of scientists.
Marchese E., Valentinotti R., Marchi L., 2021, Individuazione di complessi sistematori potenzialmente critici,
XV Convegno Nazionale GIT- Geosciences and Information Technologies, Ripatransone (AP), 19-21/12/2021,
La costruzione di opere di protezione per contrastare piene torrentizie e colate detritiche è stata ...
La costruzione di opere di protezione per contrastare piene torrentizie e colate detritiche è stata avviata nelle Alpi fin dal XIX° secolo ma, dagli anni '60 del secolo scorso, si è avuto un incremento del numero di strutture costruite lungo gli alvei torrentizi, come briglie di consolidamento e di trattenuta. Tuttavia, senza l'implementazione di appropriate strategie di manutenzione, l'efficacia della mitigazione è destinata a diminuire nel tempo in quanto le opere sono inclini ad essere danneggiate dagli stessi processi che dovrebbero mitigare. Accertare lo stato di integrità e la funzionalità delle opere richiede un monitoraggio capillare di strutture spesso costruite in zone non facilmente accessibili che risulta gravoso per gli enti preposti alla loro manutenzione.
I danni dovuti al cedimento di opere di difesa in corsi d'acqua torrentizi si sono manifestati durante l'evento alluvionale "Vaia" che ha interessato l'Italia nordorientale (27-29 ottobre 2018), quando un bacino del Trentino occidentale (rio Rotiano, 2.5 km2) è stato interessato da una colata detritica che ha causato la distruzione di un sistema di briglie costruito dal 1970. La Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha quindi promosso un progetto di ricerca finalizzato allo studio di quanto avvenuto nel bacino del Rio Rotiano. Fra gli scopi del progetto vi è anche lo sviluppo di metodi atti ad individuare le opere che presentano simili potenziali criticità in altri bacini della Provincia di Trento. A tal fine, è stato sviluppato un indice di classificazione per ogni singola opera su base GIS basato su tre fattori "interni", relativi ai componenti costruttivi delle opere e tre fattori "esterni" descrittivi del contesto ambientale in cui l'opera è ubicata. La classificazione di ogni fattore si è basata sull'individuazione di soglie critiche che potessero discriminare in modo univoco le classi. ed è stato assegnato un punteggio di criticità (basso, moderato, elevato). L'indice è definito come la sommatoria ponderata dei valori delle classi dei fattori individuati cosicché il calcolo risulti agevole e di facile controllo e che attraverso l'attribuzione di un peso ad ogni fattore è possibile regolare con semplicità la sensibilità dell'indice alle molte combinazioni possibili. È stato riscontrato attraverso varie prove che non tutti i fattori hanno un peso uguale e che la loro corretta determinazione può riflettersi in una migliore coerenza con lo stato di potenziale criticità delle opere. L'applicazione dell'indice è attualmente in corso e i primi risultati mostrano coerenza con le evidenze di terreno sulla potenziale criticità di alcuni complessi sistematori.
Scorpio V., Steger S., Cavalli M., Crema S., Marra F., Zaramella M., Borga M., Marchi L., Comiti F., 2021, Storm-induced geomorphic effects in a dolomitic catchment_ insights for the understanding of the hillslope-channel sediment coupling.,
15 Convegno GIT - Geoscience and Information technology, Ripatransone (Ap), 20-21/12/2021,
Several heavy precipitation events causing flash floods, debris flows, landslides, and morphological channel changes have ...
Several heavy precipitation events causing flash floods, debris flows, landslides, and morphological channel changes have occurred in Europe over the last years. In mountain environments, mass movements along the hillslopes are important sources of sediment supply to the rivers and may enhance the geomorphic effects of floods.
The Stolla creek (catchment area_ 40 km2) is a confined/partly confined channel of the Dolomites (Easter Italian Alps), that was affected by an extreme flood in August 2017, and by a moderate flood in August 2020.
The geomorphic effects caused by the two storms were investigated with the aims_ to compare the morphological changes induced by the two events in the channel and along the hillslopes; and to assess the impacts of the lateral sediment connectivity to the channel response.
A multi-methodical approach was applied, including radar rainfall estimation, rainfall-runoff modeling, field surveys, remote sensing, geomorphological and statistical analysis. Hillslope and channel processes were mapped by comparing multitemporal orthophotos and changes in bed level elevation in the Stolla channel and sediment volume budget along the main channel and along the hillslope were accomplished using the difference of multi-temporal DTMs (DoD technique). Debris-flow connectivity to the main channel was derived by combining field evidence and geomorphometric analysis.
The 2017 flood was caused by rainfall with a short duration (6 hrs) and a rain rate exceeding 45 mm h-1. More than 600 debris flows were triggered along the hillslopes. The Stolla channel experienced widening occurred through bank erosion, and overbank depositions and bed level aggradation up to 1.2 m or incision up to -2.2 m. Although 294,000 m3 of sediments eroded in the connected debris flows, limited volumes of sediments (< 1000 m3) were exported to the catchment outlet.
The 2020 flood event was characterized by a lower rain rate (max 17 mm h-1) and a long duration (48 hrs) and did not trigger debris flows. The moderate magnitude of the flood peak did not lead to channel widening, but only bed incision (up to -1.4 m) in some reaches.
The results show that different rainfall intensities and durations controlled the sediment transport effectiveness during the two floods and that the structural connectivity had an important role on the sediment cascade from the hillslopes to the main channel.
Macchi Giorgia, Crema Stefano, Boretto Gabriella, Monegato Giovanni, Marchi Lorenzo, Arziliero Luciano, De Fanti Barbara, Cavalli Marco, 2021, A framework for assessing sediment volumes mobilized by debris flows_ test in the Liera catchment (Dolomites),
GIT2021, Ripatransone (AS), 19-21/12/2021,
Presentazione per congresso GIT ...
Presentazione per congresso GIT
Steger S., Scorpio V., Comiti F., Cavalli M., 2021, A data-driven spatial approach to identify (ir)relevant areas to provide debris flow sediments to the fluvial system,
15 Convegno GIT - Geoscience and Information technology, Ripatransone (Ap), 20-21/12/2021,
Debris flow processes are known to contribute substantial amounts of sediment to the fluvial system ...
Debris flow processes are known to contribute substantial amounts of sediment to the fluvial system in mountainous areas, such as the Alps. In fact, debris flow release areas represent relevant sediment sources that should be taken into account when mitigating flood hazards for lower order streams.
However, terrain that frequently produces debris flows is not necessarily connected to the channel network while structurally connected areas may often not produce debris flows. Therefore, the relevance of an area to contribute debris flow material to a channel mainly depends on the co-occurrence of two aspects_ a high debris flow susceptibility which coincides with a high structural sediment connectivity.
In this work, we present a novel data-driven approach that allows to identify areas that are both, susceptible to debris flow initiation and structurally connected to the main channel network. The methodology was developed for a debris flow prone basin located in the South Tyrolean Dolomites and further tested for two other catchments that exhibit different geomorphological settings.
The methodical approach was based on the manual mapping of event-specific connected and disconnected debris flows areas that allowed to (i) calibrate a statistically based debris flow release susceptibility model and (ii) to derive quantitative thresholds for the previously derived connectivity index map (IC). The joined results reflect debris flow connectivity-susceptibility maps that were evaluated from numerous perspectives, including the evaluation of the spatial transferability of the approach.
We present (i) quantitative IC index thresholds that allow to discriminate connected from disconnected debris flow release areas, (ii) well-performing debris flow release susceptibility models and (iii) joint debris flow connectivity-susceptibility maps that allow identifying zones that are differently relevant in terms of debris flow connectivity. Issues related to the geomorphic plausibility of the results and the spatial transferability of the approach are discussed. The proposed approach requires few basic input data sets and has therefore the potential to be applied over vast areas.
Cavalli M., Crema S., Cucchiaro S., Macchi G., Trevisani S., Marchi L., 2021, Valutazione della connettività dei sedimenti attraverso un approccio geomorfometrico,
15 Convegno GIT - Geoscience and Information technology, Ripatransone (Ap), 20-21/12/2021,
La connettività dei sedimenti, definita come il grado in cui un sistema favorisce il trasferimento ...
La connettività dei sedimenti, definita come il grado in cui un sistema favorisce il trasferimento di sedimenti attraverso i suoi diversi settori, è emersa recentemente come una proprietà fondamentale dei sistemi geomorfici. Il crescente interesse della comunità delle scienze della terra per la connettività ha portato questa proprietà a diventare un concetto chiave per quanto riguarda l'analisi dei processi di trasferimento dei sedimenti e uno degli elementi costitutivi della moderna geomorfologia. La crescente disponibilità di modelli digitali delle elevazioni (DEM) ad alta risoluzione derivati da diverse tecniche quali LiDAR e Structure from Motion (SfM) ha aperto la strada ad approcci quantitativi e semiquantitativi per valutare la connettività dei sedimenti. Nel corso degli ultimi anni è stato sviluppato e affinato un indice geomorfometrico di connettività dei sedimenti (Borselli et al., 2008; Cavalli et al., 2013), basato su parametri derivabili dal DEM come area drenata, pendenza, lunghezza dei percorsi di deflusso e scabrezza superficiale, insieme ad uno specifico strumento software stand alone, freeware e open source (SedInConnect, Crema & Cavalli, 2018). L'indice mira a rappresentare la connettività a scala di bacino per valutare il contributo di una data parte del bacino come sorgente di sedimenti e definire i relativi percorsi di trasferimento. Il crescente interesse per la caratterizzazione quantitativa dei legami tra le diverse unità del paesaggio e la semplice applicabilità di questo indice hanno portato a numerose applicazioni in diversi contesti (Cavalli et al., 2020). Il presente lavoro presenta e discute le principali applicazioni di questo indice che essendo basato sulla topografia, si concentra sugli aspetti strutturali della connettività tenendo in considerazione che qualità e risoluzione dei DEM possono avere un impatto significativo sui risultati. Lo sviluppo futuro dell'indice dovrebbe considerare un approccio più basato sui processi e incorporare la variabilità temporale direttamente nello schema di calcolo. Inoltre, questo lavoro dimostra che, se applicato con attenzione considerando i limiti intrinseci dell'approccio prevalentemente topografico, l'indice può fornire rapidamente una caratterizzazione spaziale della dinamica dei sedimenti, migliorando così la comprensione del comportamento del sistema geomorfologico e, di conseguenza, la valutazione della pericolosità e del rischio.
Claudio Smiraglia (1) e Giovanni Mortara (2), 2021, Evoluzione della conoscenza dei ghiacciai attraverso i documenti della Biblioteca Nazionale del CAI,
La montagna scritta - Viaggio alla scoperta della Biblioteca Nazionale del Club Alpino Italiano, edited by Gianluigi Montresor e Alessandra Ravelli, pp. 80–101, 2021,
Che la conoscenza dei ghiacciai e della loro evoluzione abbia acquisito negli ultimi decenni una ...
Che la conoscenza dei ghiacciai e della loro evoluzione abbia acquisito negli ultimi decenni una notevole importanza e una grande diffusione sia a livello scientifico sia a livello di pubblica opinione è ormai un dato di fatto.
I ghiacciai delle catene montuose come le Alpi, infatti, non solo vengono considerati una significativa risorsa economica a livello idrologico, energetico e turistico, ma soprattutto vengono percepiti come gli indicatori e i testimoni più evidenti dell'impatto antropico sul clima del nostro pianeta.
Direttore DSSTTA, responsabile del sito e membro del comitato di indirizzo del progetto CNR-CAI
Paolo Bonasoni e Silvio Davolio, membri del comitato di indirizzo del progetto CNR-CAI
Luigi Mazari Villanova, Referente tecnico del sito
Guido Nigrelli, webmaster del sito e membro del comitato di indirizzo del progetto CNR-CAI, 2021, Website rifugisentinella,
Le montagne ricoprono un terzo della superficie emersa della Terra. In Italia rappresentano oltre la ...
Le montagne ricoprono un terzo della superficie emersa della Terra. In Italia rappresentano oltre la metà del territorio, corrispondente a un'area in cui risiede una popolazione di oltre 14 milioni di abitanti, distribuiti in più di 4.200 comuni. Gli ambienti montani rappresentano un "hot spot" climatico dove l'aumento delle temperature si manifesta in misura quasi doppia rispetto alla scala globale. Gli effetti sono evidenti e costituiscono un serio problema per il futuro. Nasce quindi la necessità di monitorarne lo stato, studiarne l'evoluzione nel tempo e diffonderne le conoscenze acquisite.
Per tali finalità è necessario fare riferimento ad un portale web, appositamente progettato per raccogliere ed elaborare i dati climatici e ambientali che verranno acquisiti dalle stazioni meteorologiche installate presso i Rifugi CAI e gli Osservatori CNR costituenti la Rete, localizzati lungo tutta la dorsale Alpina-Appenninica, isole comprese.
Al fine di diffondere le conoscenze acquisite e renderle fruibili a tutti, è stato realizzato questo sito che, collegato direttamente al portale web dei dati, costituisce il vero punto di riferimento dell'intero progetto. Consultando questo sito è possibile seguire lo stato di avanzamento del progetto nonché visualizzare i dati climatici ed ambientali che presto verranno acquisiti.
Trevisani S., Marchi L., 2021, Hypsometry,
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences, edited by B.S. Daya Sagar, Qiuming Cheng, Jennifer McKinley, Frits Agterberg. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London_ Springer, 2021,
In very general terms, hypsometry is the measurement of land elevation. In geomorphology, hypsometry refers ...
In very general terms, hypsometry is the measurement of land elevation. In geomorphology, hypsometry refers to the analysis of the cumulative distribution of the elevation, absolute or relative, in a given region. The distribution of elevation is a basic topographic feature of a territory, and its representation is useful for interpreting and characterizing geomorphic processes. Hypsometry can be computed in spatial domains of any shape and extent, including the whole earth surface; however, often the studies of hypsometry focus on drainage basins.
Hypsometric curves, which represent the fraction of area above a given elevation, are a widely adopted tool for the graphical representation of hypsometry.
Given the relationships between hypsometric characteristics and geomorphic processes and factors, it is not surprising the ample literature related to the exploitation of hypsometric-based indices in multiple research contexts, not limited to the analysis of drainage basins (e.g., morphology of glaciers, planetary morphology, etc.).
Giuseppe Cianflone (1,2), Giovanni Vespasiano (1,2), Rosanna De Rosa (1), Carmine Apollaro (1), Rocco Dominici (1,2), Maurizio Polemio (3), 2021, From the hydrogeological and geochemical conceptualisation to the groundwater management_ the Gioia Tauro Plain (Southern Italy),
EGU General Assembly 2021, pp. 10192–10192, Vienna, 27/04/2021,
The Gioia Tauro plain (GTP) is an industrialized and agricultural coastal area of about 500 ...
The Gioia Tauro plain (GTP) is an industrialized and agricultural coastal area of about 500 km2in the Tyrrhenian side of Calabria. Its harbour is one of the most important container traffic hubs in the Mediterranean basin. The GTP groundwater resources are constantly at risk of depletion and quality degradation due to anthropic activities.
GTP is a half-graben bounded by two massifs. The boundaries are marked by three main fault systems_ the Nicotera-Gioiosa fault zone, NW-SE striking and right lateral kinematics along the north boundary; the NNE-SSW Cittanova Fault, a high-angle normal and active fault along the eastern border; the Palmi-Locri fault zone with NW-SE trend and a mainly strike-slip kinematics along the south boundary. The GTP sedimentary infill is made by an upper Miocene siliciclastic and carbonate succession overlays by Pliocene marly-limestone rhytmites and Piacenzian-Calabrian sandstones and calcarenites with interbedded 20m thick volcaniclastic deposits. Upward, the sedimentary infill continues with alluvial (in eastern and middle sector) and coastal (in the western sector) deposits.
Six geochemical facies of groundwater were distinguished, with different salinities and temperatures (Italiano et al., 2010). The majority of samples is of cold shallow groundwater and shows Ca-HCO3, Ca(Mg-Na)-HCO3(Cl-SO4) and Na-HCO3composition and overall low salinities (TDS <1g / L). Only few samples, with Na-SO4and Na-Cl composition, show high salinity (TDS <3.5g / L) and temperature (above 20 ° C). These latter occur in the northern portion of the plain, near the intersection of the Palmi-Gioia Tauro and Nicotera-Gioiosa faults systems, and in the southern sector, near Palmi town.
It was created a geodatabase using data of hundreds of boreholes, geotechnical and geophysical investigations. Furthermore, it is carrying out a geological and geophysical survey along the plain boundaries using passive seismic technique to infer the deep of discontinuities among the main geological units described above. The acquired data allowed to identify_ i) the shallow aquifer, made by Pleistocene-Holocene deposits characterized by complex lateral variations; ii) at the bottom, the aquitard, represented by Pliocene marls; iii) the deep aquifer, consisting of the upper Miocene succession. The highest thickness of shallow aquifer (more than 200 m) is observed in the
middle GTP sector. The thickness variation is strictly related to the NE-SW high angle normal faults which cross the GTP. The ongoing geological, geochemical, and geophysical surveys will allow_ i) to identify the geometry of the hydrogeological units; ii) to define the hydrogeological features of the groundwater systems useful for modelling purposes, and iii) to improve the knowledge of water rock interactions processes (e.g., relations between deep and shallow waters, anthropogenic effects, seawater intrusion) for management purposes.
Ali G.; Bilotta E.; Chiaravalloti F.; Pantano P.; Pezzi O.; Scuro C.; Valentini F., 2021, Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation in a Ring of Chua’s Oscillators,
Regular and chaotic dynamics 26 (2021): 717–731. doi_10.1134/S1560354721060095,
DOI: 10.1134%2FS1560354721060095
In the present work the spontaneous dynamics of a ring of N Chua's oscillators, mutually ...
In the present work the spontaneous dynamics of a ring of N Chua's oscillators, mutually coupled through a resistor R in anearest-neighbor configuration, is investigated numerically for different strengths of the coupling. A transition from periodic to chaoticglobal dynamics is observed when the coupling decreases below a critical value and complex patterns in the spatiotemporal dynamics of thering emerge for a small coupling interval after the transition to chaos. The recovered behavior, as well asthe value of the criticalthreshold, appears to be independent of the size of the ring. We also propose aninterpretation of this property, which relates the regularsynchronized dynamics of the ring to the dynamics of the isolated oscillator. Finally,for the ring of the coupled oscillator, a theoretical wavedispersion relation is calculated and successfully compared with the results of thenumerical simulations, analyzed by classicaltechniques adopted for turbulent flows.
Cianflone G.[1,2], Vespasiano G.[1,2], De Rosa R.[1], Dominici R.[1,2], Apollaro C.[1], Vaselli O.[3,4], Pizzino L.[5], Tolomei C.[5], Capecchiacci F.[3,4], Polemio M.[6], 2021, Hydrostratigraphic framework and physicochemical status of groundwater in the Gioia Tauro coastal plain (Calabria–southern Italy),
Water (Basel) 13 (2021): 1–17. doi_10.3390/w13223279,
DOI: 10.3390%2Fw13223279
In this study, we analysed the Gioia Tauro Plain (Tyrrhenian coast, southern Italy) in
terms of ...
In this study, we analysed the Gioia Tauro Plain (Tyrrhenian coast, southern Italy) in
terms of hydrostratigraphy and the physicochemical status of groundwater. We investigated the
hydrostratigraphic framework of the area identifying a deep aquifer (made by late Miocene succession), an aquitard (consisting of Pliocene clayey and silty deposits) and a shallow aquifer (including
Late Pleistocene and Holocene marine and alluvial sediments) using subsoil data (boreholes and
geophysics). Our reconstruction showed that the structural geology controls the spatial pattern
of the aquitard top and the shallow aquifer thickness. Furthermore, we evaluated the hydraulic
conductivity for the shallow aquifer using an empirical method, calibrated by slug tests, obtaining
values ranging from 10-4
to 10-5 m/s with a maximum of 10-3 m/s located close to inland dune
fields. The piezometric level of the shallow aquifer recorded a significant drop between the 1970s
and 2021 (-35 m as the worst value). It is the effect of climate and soil use changes, the latter being
the increased water demand for kiwi cultivation. Despite the overexploitation of the shallow aquifer,
shallow groundwater is fresh (736 µS/cm as mean electrical conductivity) except for a narrow coastal
area where the electrical conductivity is more than 1500 µS/cm, which can be due to the seawater
intrusion. What was more complex was the physicochemical status of the deep aquifer characterised
by high temperature (up to 25.8 oC) and electrical conductivity up to 10,520 µS/cm along the northern
and southern plain boundaries marked by tectonic structures. This issue suggested the dominant role
of the local fault system that is likely affecting the deep groundwater flow and its chemical evolution.
Marta Chiarle, 2021, Frane di alta quota_ Sentinelle dei cambiamenti climatici,
Notiziario della Banca Popolare di Sondrio 146 (2021): 32–37.,
High mountains are the realm of the cryosphere_ snow, glaciers and permafrost give charm to ...
High mountains are the realm of the cryosphere_ snow, glaciers and permafrost give charm to mountain slopes, but at the same time protect them from atmospheric agents and contribute to their stability. Climate change, and in particular temperature increase, is however causing cryosphere reduction, exposing high mountains to an increasing instability. In this context, landslides are both an effect and an indicator of climate change impact on terrestrial systems. In particular from the hot summer of 2003, awareness of the ongoing climate change and its effects has gradually grown, thanks also to international research efforts. An alliance between citizens, public administrations and research institutions is urgently needed to understand the ongoing changes, develop future scenarios, and tackle climate change and its impacts.
Polemio M., De Giorgio G., Matic N., Zuffianò L.E., 2021, A comprehensive approach to the knowledge of the carbonate transboundary aquifers of the Adriatic Region,
ISARM2021 2nd International Conference - Transboundary Aquifers Challenges and the way forward, pp. 174–174, Paris, 06 - 09 December 2021,
The increasing groundwater exploitation and contamination risks due to the progressive population growth in coastal ...
The increasing groundwater exploitation and contamination risks due to the progressive population growth in coastal areas are emphasized in the case of carbonate coastal aquifers, the peculiarities of which, especially in the Mediterranean basin, constitute a scientific matter of worldwide relevance, especially as some of these are wide transboundary aquifers. These aquifers not only ensure the socio-economic development of the populations but feeds with their spring waters valuable wetland and coastal environments with relevant and highly positive effects on ecosystems. Their groundwater resources are highly vulnerable, especially if affected by karstic phenomena, to the quality and quantity degradation phenomena, not only for the increasing water demand and the decreasing recharge due to climate changes but also in relation to the sea level changes and the pollutant loads due to the contamination occurred in the whole hydrogeological basins. The aim of this study is to offer a systematic and synoptic view, useful for knowledge, management and forecast purposes, contributing to assure enduring availability of high-quality groundwater, conciliating water demand satisfaction with the ecological needs of coastal Adriatic and Ionian environments in which the role of groundwater is very important. A geodatabase, collecting information for all carbonate aquifers present along the Adriatic and Ionian coast, have been created. At the core, there is a Geographic Information System, in which are placed the spatial information regarding the geology of aquifers, hydrogeological and geochemical features, together with specific information concerning groundwater use of CCAs. The added value of this database is the availability of a wide bibliography related to CCAs, together with a schematized summary of key information realized considering available information in the whole geodatabase. This study meets the requirements connected with UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 6 - Environment (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all). Basing on this broad approach, the conceptualization and the management of any transboundary aquifer could be planned, starting from the information sharing. The potentialities of the knowledge system are shown for selected study case, e.g. transboundary aquifers between Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy.
Lorenzo Marchi
Marco Cavalli
Velio Coviello
Stefano Crema, 2021, Flood of 21-22 October 2019 in the Orba River basin_ peak discharge reconstruction in selected tributaries,
The peak discharge of three small streams affected by the flood of 21-22 October 2019 ...
The peak discharge of three small streams affected by the flood of 21-22 October 2019 in the Orba River basin (Piemonte) was indirectly estimated based on the survey of flood marks and cross-sections in selected channel reaches.
Stefano Crema, Alessandro Sarretta, Giorgia Macchi, Velio Coviello, Marco Borga, Francesco Marra, Lorenzo Marchi and Marco Cavalli, 2021, Thunderslide – from rainfall to preliminary landslide mapping_ an open data-oriented tool for local management authorities,
Il contributo del CNR IRPI al sistema paese per la mitigazione dei rischi geo idrologici, Roma, 25-26 novembre 2021,
Gathering systematic information on the effects of extreme weather events (e.g., flooded areas, shallow landslide ...
Gathering systematic information on the effects of extreme weather events (e.g., flooded areas, shallow landslide and debris flow activations, windthrows) is a fundamental prerequisite for local authorities to put into practice management strategies and establishing early-intervention priorities. The collection of these data is a resource-demanding task requiring huge personnel effort and financial means. Furthermore, events occurring in remote areas with a low chance of intersecting human infrastructures, are rarely detected and mapped accurately, thus leading to incorrect assumptions in relation to both extreme events spatial distribution and especially to the real occurrence probability. The present work aims at tackling some of the above-mentioned issues by providing a framework for obtaining the automatic identification of severe weather events that may have caused important erosional processes or vegetation damage, combined with a rapid preliminary change detection mapping over the identified areas.
The proposed approach leverages the free availability of both high-resolution global scale radar rainfall products and Sentinel-2 multi-spectral images to identify the areas to be analyzed and to carry out change detection algorithms, respectively. Radar rainfall data are analyzed and areas where high intensity rainfall and/or very important cumulative precipitation has occurred are used as a mask for restricting the subsequent analysis, which, in turn, is based on a multi-spectral change detection algorithm.
The testing phase of the proposed methodology provided encouraging results_ applications to selected mountain catchments hit by the VAIA storm in northeastern Italy (October 2018) were capable of identifying flooded areas, debris-flow and shallow landslide activations and windthrows with good accuracy and with the ability to distinguish between erosional processes and windthrows.
The described approach can serve as a preliminary step toward detailed post-event surveys, but also as a preliminary "quick and dirty" mapping framework for local authorities especially when resources for ad hoc field surveys are not available.
Such a systematic potential change identification, in combination with regular expert-driven validation, can finally pave the way for a process of self-improvement in detection and classification accuracy_ if classified changes are validated, machine-learning algorithms can subsequently be trained to learn and improve the performance not only in change detection accuracy but also in single-scene classification.
Future improvements of the described procedure could be finally devised for allowing a continuous operational activity and for maintaining an open-source software implementation.
Cavalli M., Crema S., Borselli L., Comiti F., Cucchiaro S., Macchi G., Trevisani S., Marchi L.,, 2021, Sediment connectivity assessment through a geomorphometric approach_ review of recent applications,
Il contributo del CNR IRPI al sistema paese per la mitigazione dei rischi geo idrologici, Roma, 25-26/11/2021,
Sediment connectivity, defined as the degree to which a system facilitates the transfer of water ...
Sediment connectivity, defined as the degree to which a system facilitates the transfer of water and sediment through itself by means of coupling relationships between its components, has recently emerged as a paramount property of geomorphic systems. The growing interest of the earth sciences community in connectivity led this property becoming a key concept concerning sediment transfer processes analysis and one of the building blocks of modern geomorphology. The increasing availability of high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from different sources as LiDAR and Structure from Motion (SfM) paved the way to quantitative and semi-quantitative approaches for assessing sediment connectivity. A geomorphometric index of sediment connectivity (Borselli et al., 2008; Cavalli et al., 2013), based on DEM derivatives as drainage area, slope, flow length and surface roughness, has been developed along with related freeware software tool (SedInConnect). The index aims at depicting spatial connectivity patterns at the catchment scale to support the assessment of the contribution of a given part of the catchment as sediment source and define sediment transfer paths. The increasing interest in the quantitative characterization of the linkages between landscape units and the straightforward applicability of this index led to numerous applications in different contexts (Cavalli et al., 2020). This work presents and discusses the main applications of this sediment connectivity index. Being a topography-based index, it is focused on structural aspects of connectivity, and quality and resolution of DEMs may have significant impact on the results. Future development should consider process-based connectivity and incorporate temporal variability directly into the index. Moreover, this work demonstrate that, when carefully applied considering the intrinsic limitations of the mainly topographic-based approach, the index can rapidly provide a spatial characterization of sediment dynamics, thus improving the understanding of geomorphic system behavior and, consequently, hazard and risk assessment.
Massimiliano Alvioli, Michele Santangelo, Federica Fiorucci, Mauro Cardinali, Ivan Marchesini, Paola Reichenbach and Mauro Rossi, 2021, A data-driven method for assessing the probability for terrain grid cells of initiating rockfalls on a large area,
Geomorphometry 2021, Perugia, 13-17 settembre 2021,
Rockfalls are one harmful kind of landslide, due to their
rapidity, destructive potential and high probability ...
Rockfalls are one harmful kind of landslide, due to their
rapidity, destructive potential and high probability of occurrence on
steep topographies, often found along transportation corridors.
Various factors can trigger rockfalls, including intense rainfall and
seismic activity, and diverse phenomena affect their occurrence, like
rock weathering and fracturing. Existing approaches for the
assessment of rockfall susceptibility range from purely
phenomenological to purely deterministic, physically based methods.
A common requirement for many approaches is the need to locate
the potential point locations of source areas, often located uphill on
cliffs. Application of a physically based model, in particular, allows
the calculation of material runout stemming from rockfalls
originating from such point locations. In this work, we propose a
method for the location of rockfall source points, on a digital
elevation model, suitable for large areas. We deem the method as
data-driven, because it relies on expert delineation of potential
source areas from Google Earth images in few sample locations,
representative of the study area at large. We measure the slope
distribution of grid cells encompassed by expert-mapped source
areas, and generalize the distribution of sources to the whole of the
study area. We apply the method to a corridor of about 17,000 km in
length and varying width, containing the entire Italian railway
network. The map of source areas represents the main input for a
physically based simulation of rockfall trajectories with the model
STONE, and likely of other similar physically based or
phenomenological models for rockfall runout assessment.
M. Alvioli, 2021, Physically based simulations of seismically induced rockfalls,
Italy-Japan joint workshop on landslide monitoring systems and related topics, Perugia, 4-5 novembre 2021,
Three-dimensional model for rockfalls
Assumes point-like boulders
Simulates trajectories from
user-defined starting points
Trajectories ...
Three-dimensional model for rockfalls
Assumes point-like boulders
Simulates trajectories from
user-defined starting points
Trajectories are a sequence of falling, bouncing, rolling states
Boulders stop when kinetic energy is exhausted by friction
Input_ digital elevation model (here, 10 m national DEM, 300,000 km2)
Ancillary data_ terrain geological/lithological information
=> terrain parameters (friction coefficient, normal & tangential restitution)
Massimiliano Alvioli+, F. Mori §, A. Mendicelli §, M. Rossi +, M. Moscatelli §, I. Marchesini +, P. Reichenbach +, 2021, Rockfall susceptibility and seismically induced rockfall susceptibility at regional and national scale,
Il contributo del CNR IRPI al sistema paese per la mitigazione dei rischi geo idrologici, Roma, 25-26 novembre 2021,
Three-dimensional model for rockfalls
Assumes point-like boulders
Simulates trajectories from user-defined starting points
Simulated trajectories_ ...
Three-dimensional model for rockfalls
Assumes point-like boulders
Simulates trajectories from user-defined starting points
Simulated trajectories_ falling, bouncing, rolling
Boulders stop when kinetic energy is exhausted by friction
Input_ digital elevation model
(here, 10 m national DEM, 300,000 km2)
Ancillary data_ terrain geological/lithological information
=> terrain parameters (friction, restitution coefficients)
=> Usually applied at slope/catchment scale with static sources (susceptibility maps)
=> We run STONE at national scale, and select sources dynamically (specific trigger)
Giorgia Macchi, Stefano Crema, Gabriella Boretto, Giovanni Monegato, Lorenzo Marchi, Luciano Arziliero, Barbara De Fanti, Marco Cavalli, 2021, A framework for assessing sediment volumes mobilized by debris flows_ the case of study of Liera catchments (Dolomites),
Il contributo del CNR IRPI al sistema paese per la mitigazione dei rischi geo idrologici, Roma, 25-26/11/2021,,
Extreme meteorological events cause environmental damages, particularly in mountain areas, which are prone to destructive ...
Extreme meteorological events cause environmental damages, particularly in mountain areas, which are prone to destructive processes such as landslides and debris flows. An intense storm, named Vaia, occurred from 27th to 30th October 2018 over Northeastern Italy, triggering mass wasting processes, generating new slope instabilities, causing widespread windthrows, and damaging anthropic structures. The objectives of the present study are to create and compare pre- and post-event sediment source inventories and to quantify debris flows mobilized volumes.
Alessandro Pasuto, Matteo Mantovani, Raniero Beber, Mario Floris, Emanuele Lingua, 2021, Progetto VaiaLand – Relazione del primo anno di attività,
Il rapporto presenta le attività svolte nell'ambito dell'Accordo di Collaborazione tra il Commissario delegato ai ...
Il rapporto presenta le attività svolte nell'ambito dell'Accordo di Collaborazione tra il Commissario delegato ai primi interventi urgenti di protezione civile in conseguenza degli eccezionali eventi meteorologici che hanno interessato il territorio della Regione Veneto, dal 27 ottobre al 5 novembre 2018, l'Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IRPI), il Dipartimento di Geoscienze (GEO) e il Dipartimento Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali (TESAF) dell'Università di Padova, per l'analisi del rischio da frana e conseguenti azioni per la mitigazione del rischio e gestione delle criticità anche ai fini di protezione civile, del territorio della Regione Veneto .
Giulia Bossi, Matteo Mantovani, Gianluca Marcato, Alessandro Pasuto, Giorgia Macchi, Stefano Crema, Marco Cavalli, 2021, Relazione intermedia Progetto ANICE,
Il report presenta le attività svolte nell'ambito dell'Accordo di Collaborazione Scientifica tra Regione del Veneto ...
Il report presenta le attività svolte nell'ambito dell'Accordo di Collaborazione Scientifica tra Regione del Veneto e il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione idrogeologica nell'ambito del progetto DTA.AD003.587 ANICE -'Analisi degli aspetti geologici - geomorfologici e morfometrici dei nodi idraulici di Cencenighe e Perarolo, nell'ambito degli interventi previsti per la "Realizzazione dei modelli fisici/matematici delle confluenze di Perarolo e Cencenighe e indagini connesse"
Giorgio De Giorgio, Livia Emanuela Zuffianò, and Maurizio Polemio, 2021, Groundwater and salinization risk_ tapping works and management experience in the Mediterranean Area,
EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, 19-30 April 2021,
Lorenzo Marchi, Marco Borga, Marco Cavalli, Francesco Comiti, Velio Coviello,
Stefano Crema, Nicola Surian, 2021, Flash floods in Europe_ flow response and geomorphic impact,
Main results_
Collection of a large dataset of radar rainfall data, flow response, and geographical data ...
Main results_
Collection of a large dataset of radar rainfall data, flow response, and geographical data in European countries and Israel.
Differences in seasonal occurrence, unit peak discharge and runoff coefficient between climatic regions.
Identification of hydraulic and topographic factors that control channel changes during flash floods.
Venier C.; Menegon S.; Possingham H.P.; Gissi E.; Zanella A.; Depellegrin D.; Sarretta A.; Barbanti A.; McGowan J., 2021, Multi-objective zoning for aquaculture and biodiversity,
Science of the total environment 785 (2021). doi_10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146997,
DOI: 10.1016%2Fj.scitotenv.2021.146997
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production industry in the world yet research and guidance ...
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production industry in the world yet research and guidance demonstrating strategic multi-objective zoning for sector expansion is scarce. Quantifying and mitigating conflicts and impact on sensitive coastal environments through jointly-optimized objectives for aquaculture and biodiversity simultaneously has not been tested yet. We here develop and evaluate six alternative planning scenarios for one of the European Union's highest priority bivalve shellfish aquaculture areas, the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy. We i) develop an aquaculture profitability surface as a function of the distance from main ports, and in parallel build a fine-scale aquaculture suitability distribution surface for important commercial species using multi-criteria analysis; ii) prioritize protected areas for biodiversity while testing how different considerations of human impacts influence priorities; iii) simultaneously plan for aquaculture and biodiversity while minimizing impacts on other maritime activities. We compare results from different scenarios according to how well they capture suitable aquaculture habitats and minimize impacts. We introduce a new evaluation method for scenario comparison in spatial optimization using a nearest-neighbor analysis for spatial pattern similarities. Lastly, we test the "value of information" provided by our investment in developing the fine-scale suitability surface to improve efficiencies. We find that an integrated multi-objective zoning approach, which simultaneously optimizes for biodiversity and aquaculture, supports more efficient planning than traditional sector specific growth strategies. We also discovered that the fine-scale suitability model delivered a 5% more efficient solution than the simple distance function, highlighting the role of proxy cost surfaces and diminished returns from investing in comprehensive habitat suitability analysis in regions without much variation in key parameters. We offer evidence of improved efficiency and practical guidance for integrated planning in Blue Growth agendas. Our analysis can be applied in any context where multiple objectives occur for aquaculture sector growth and biodiversity conservation.
Nigrelli G., Chiarle M., 2021, Evolution of temperature indices in the periglacial environment of the European Alps in the period 1990-2019,
Journal of mountain science (Online) 18 (2021): 2842–2853. doi_10.1007/s11629-021-6889-x,
DOI: 10.1007%2Fs11629-021-6889-x
Air temperature in the European Alps shows warming over recent decades at an average rate ...
Air temperature in the European Alps shows warming over recent decades at an average rate of 0.3 °C/10 years, thereby outpacing the global warming rate of 0.2 °C/10 years. The periglacial environment of the Alps is particularly important for several aspects (i.e. hydropower production, tourism, natural hazards, indicator of global warming). However, there is a lack of specific and updated studies relating to temperature change in this environment. In order to fill this gap, the recent temperature trends in the periglacial environment of the Alps were analyzed. Mean/maximum/minimum daily air temperatures recorded by 14 land-based meteorological stations were used, and the temperature indices for the period 1990-2019 were calculated. The periglacial environment of the Alps showed a warming rate of 0.4 °C/10 years, 0.6 °C/10 years and 0.8 °C/10 years for the mean/maximum/minimum temperatures, respectively. These warming rates are higher than that observed for the entire Alpine area. In 2050 many glaciers of the Alps below 3000 m altitude are expected to be extinct, and all the areas previously occupied by glaciers will become periglacial. In order to manage and adapt to these changes, more in-depth climate analyses are needed. This is necessary for all the mountainous areas of the world, which are undergoing similar changes.
Gola G.[1], Botteghi S.[1], Brozzetti F.[2], Chiarabba C.[3], De Nardis R.[2], Ferrarini F.[2], Groppelli G.[4], Lavecchia G.[2], Limoni P.P.[5], Montanari D.[6], Norini G.[4], Petracchini L.[7], Polemio M.[5], Santaloia F.[5], Santilano A.[1], Scrocca D.[7], Trumpy E.[1], Manzella A.[1], 2021, The Thermal Structure of the Upper Crust in Central-Southern Italy and its Correlation with the Distribution of Geothermal Resources,
World Geothermal Congress (WGC) 2020+1, pp. 1–7, Reykjavik, Iceland, April - October 2021,
Temperature is a key parameter in controlling the in-situ petrophysical properties, the solid and fluid ...
Temperature is a key parameter in controlling the in-situ petrophysical properties, the solid and fluid phase equilibria, the stress-strain
relationships as well as the occurrence and potential of geothermal resources. Thermal field anomalies are determined by a great
number of different factors and the study of their nature together with a quantitative appraisal are critical in mapping the spatial
distribution of the conventional and unconventional geothermal resources as well as estimating the deep crustal conditions and their
lateral variability. With the aim to study the thermal structure of the upper crustal levels in Central-Southern Italy, we exploited
lithostratigraphic, hydrological, petrophysical and geophysical data. We described the main heat transport phenomena occurring in
the upper crust and we applied these concepts to a numerical modelling approach. We developed a new 3D geological model
considering the main lithothermal units acting as the cap-rock of the deep-seated hydrothermal systems, the regional carbonate
reservoirs and the crystalline/metamorphic basement. The temperature data from the accessible deep boreholes represented the main
thermal constraints of the models. The maximum logged depth is about 7 km, although the majority of the data distributes in the
depth range 1.5-3.5 km. At greater depths, seismological and rheological evidence (i.e. the thickness of the seismogenic layer) gave
us further indirect information regarding the deep thermal state of the upper crust. Along the Apennine chain, particularly in
correspondence of outcropping carbonate units, the temperature distribution is affected by downward heat advection. The most
favourable geological conditions leading to the development of high temperature hydrothermal systems occur far from the
outcropping carbonate units; especially in the Tyrrhenian side of the peninsula affected by crustal stretching and Plio-Pleistocene
magmatic activity.
Dalla Santa G.[1], Schenato L.[2], Pasquier P.[3], Galgaro A.[1,4], 2021, A Comparison Between Traditional and Hybrid Optic Fibre Based Ground Thermal Response Tests,
World Geothermal Congress (WGC) 2020+1, pp. 1–7, Reykjavik, Iceland, April - October 2021,
The importance of analysing and understanding the entity of the ground thermal conductivity aimed at ...
The importance of analysing and understanding the entity of the ground thermal conductivity aimed at evaluating the heat exchange
capability in ground-source heat-pump (GSHP) applications is crucial. The subsoil represents the limiting factor in borehole heat
exchanger (BHE) field design for building conditioning, due to its immutability and the cumbersome expenses associated with the
installation drilling phase. Currently, there are several methods for assessing the thermal properties of a geological setting_ laboratory
analyses on sample corings, thermal response tests (TRTs) and distributed TRTs carried out with fibre optic sensors.
In this regard, a GSHP system of more than 60 BHEs 120m deep has been realized at the new humanistic campus of the University
of Padova (Italy). The coring provided a detailed stratigraphic sequence of unconsolidated alluvial deposits. Besides, the monitoring
well has been equipped with a hybrid optical fibre cable integrating some electrical wires conductors and a bundle of fibre optics,
sealed into the well. The fibre optic cable has been used here in an active mode to perform an Enhanced Thermal Response Test
(ETRT) by injecting a constant heating power through the electrical wires contained within the cable structure and by measuring the
transient thermal behaviour of the borehole. This kind of TRT has distributed features because exploits the optical fibre sensing
technology to provide a spatial distributed representation of the behaviour of the subsoil along the stratigraphic succession.
In the paper, the data acquired from the distributed ETRT have been analysed with two different method (analysis of the measured
temperature by applying the first-order approximation of the infinite line-source model and the derivative analysis); the results are
compared each other and to the global thermal conductivity provided by the traditional TRT in relation to the local stratigraphic
Pisano Luca
Con contributi di_
Fabio Barnaba
Dott.ssa Luciana Giornetti
Dott.ssa Alessia Basso, 2021, RELAZIONE FINALE relativa alle Attività prioritarie per l’attuazione dell’art. 45 “Interventi per esplorazione dei fenomeni carsici”, comma 1 della L.R. n. 45 del 30,
Il presente documento illustra le attività realizzate nell'ambito del Protocollo di Intesa "Attività prioritarie per ...
Il presente documento illustra le attività realizzate nell'ambito del Protocollo di Intesa "Attività prioritarie per l'attuazione del'art. 45 comma 1 della L. R. del 30/12/2013" tra la Regione Puglia - Assessorato alla Qualità dell'Ambiente e Enti Pubblici di ricerca e/o Associazioni attive nella promozione e valorizzazione del patrimonio geologico, speleologico ed ambientale di seguito riportati (complessivamente denominati per i fini del presente Protocollo come "Soggetti Attuatori").
Le attività attuate dal CNR-IRPI rispecchiano quelle riportate nella proposta operativa allegata al Protocollo di Intesa e rimodulate all'unanimità dal Comitato tecnico durante la seduta svoltasi in data 18/02/2020.
Gli argomenti trattati sono i seguenti_
(i) Materiali e metodi per la realizzazione della Carta geomorfologica
(ii) Attività di campo
(iii) Realizzazione della carta geomorfologica
(iv) Carta geomorfologica carsica
Michele Santangelo, Mauro Cardinali, Francesco Bucci, Federica Fiorucci, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, 2021, Exploring event landslide mapping using Sentinel-1 SAR backscatter products,
Geomorphology (Amst.) (2021). doi_10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108021,
DOI: 10.1016%2Fj.geomorph.2021.108021
Landslides triggered by meteorological phenomena occur worldwide and cause extensive and severe damages to properties, ...
Landslides triggered by meteorological phenomena occur worldwide and cause extensive and severe damages to properties, and life loss. Detailed maps of event landslides can sensibly shorten emergency response time, possibly resulting in reduced death tolls. In most cases, however, optical post-event images are not always available right after the event, due to dense cloud cover. Since Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors overcome the limitation of cloud cover, in this work we explore the use of C-band Sentinel-1 SAR amplitude images to map event landslides. A team of four expert photo-interpreters first defined interpretation criteria of SAR amplitude post-event images of the backscatter coefficient (??) and of the derived images of change. The same team mapped two large event landslides occurred in Villa Santa Lucia (Chile) and Tonzang (Myanmar). Maps were prepared on a total of 72 images for the Chile test case and 54 for the Myanmar test case. Images included VV (vertical transmit, vertical receive) and VH (vertical transmit, horizontal receive) polarisation, ascending and descending orbits, multilook processing, adaptive and moving window filters, post-event images and images of change. In the first case, interpreters were asked to map the event landslide on an optical post-event image before mapping on SAR images, whereas in Myanmar it was done in the end. Results were quantitatively compared to the maps prepared on post-event optical images, assumed as benchmark. Results revealed a good agreement between the SAR-derived maps and the benchmark. Locally, errors can be due to geometrical distortions, and speckling-like effects. Also polarisation plays an important role, as opposed to filtering. Despite the preliminary nature of this study, it proved that SAR amplitude derived products are suitable to prepare accurate maps of large event landslides, and that they should be further tested to prepare event inventories.
Coscarelli R.; Caroletti G.N.; Joelsson M.; Engstrom E.; Caloiero T., 2021, Validation metrics of homogenization techniques on artificially inhomogenized monthly temperature networks in Sweden and Slovenia (1950-2005),
Scientific reports (Nature Publishing Group) 11 (2021). doi_10.1038/s41598-021-97685-7,
DOI: 10.1038%2Fs41598-021-97685-7
In order to correctly detect climate signals and discard possible instrumentation errors, establishing coherent data ...
In order to correctly detect climate signals and discard possible instrumentation errors, establishing coherent data records has become increasingly relevant. However, since real measurements can be inhomogeneous, their use for assessing homogenization techniques is not directly possible, and the study of their performance must be done on homogeneous datasets subjected to controlled, artificial inhomogeneities. In this paper, considering two European temperature networks over the 1950-2005 period, up to 7 artificial breaks and an average of 107 missing data per station were introduced, in order to determine that mean square error, absolute bias and factor of exceedance can be meaningfully used to validate the best-performing homogenization technique. Three techniques were used, ACMANT and two versions of HOMER_ the standard, automated setup mode and a manual setup. Results showed that the HOMER techniques performed better regarding the factor of exceedance, while ACMANT was best with regard to absolute error and root mean square error. Regardless of the technique used, it was also established that homogenization quality anti-correlated meaningfully to the number of breaks. On the other hand, as missing data are almost always replaced in the two HOMER techniques, only ACMANT performance is significantly, negatively affected by the amount of missing data.
Caloiero T.; Coscarelli R.; Pellicone G., 2021, Trend analysis of rainfall using gridded data over a region of southern Italy,
Water (Basel) 13 (2021). doi_10.3390/w13162271,
DOI: 10.3390%2Fw13162271
Climate change is affecting all regions worldwide. Globally, polar ice shields are melting and the ...
Climate change is affecting all regions worldwide. Globally, polar ice shields are melting and the sea is rising. Moreover, some regions are facing more common extreme weather events and rainfall, while others are experiencing more extreme heat waves and droughts, causing changes in mean renewable water supplies e.g., precipitation and runoff. In this work, in order to detect possible rainfall trends in the Calabria region (southern Italy), a gridded database has been obtained from a rainfall data set of 129 monthly series collected for the period 1951-2016. In particular, the Inverse Distance Weighed was applied to build 603 rainfall grid series with a spatial resolution of 5 km × 5 km and, for each grid point, the monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall series were analyzed with the Mann-Kendall non-parametric test and the Theil-Sen estimator. Results showed a decreasing trend for the annual and winter-autumn rainfall and an increasing trend for the summer one.
L. Schenato, G. Tedesco, L. Brezzi, G. Marcato, S. Cola, A. Bisson, 2021, Rapporto tecnico sull’analisi dati in fase di installazione,
Deliverable D7.1 di progetto POR-FESR INMOSTRA ...
Deliverable D7.1 di progetto POR-FESR INMOSTRA
Rosa Maria Cavalli, 2021, Capability of remote sensing images to distinguish the urban surface materials_ A case study of venice city,
Remote sensing (Basel) 13 (2021): 1–29. doi_10.3390/rs13193959,
DOI: 10.3390%2Frs13193959
Many countries share an effort to understand the impact of growing urban areas on the ...
Many countries share an effort to understand the impact of growing urban areas on the environment. Spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions of remote sensing images offer unique access to this information. Nevertheless, their use is limited because urban surface materials exhibit a great diversity of types and are not well spatially and spectrally distinguishable. This work aims to quantify the effect of these spatial and spectral characteristics of urban surface materials on their retrieval from images. To avoid other sources of error, synthetic images of the historical center of Venice were analyzed. A hyperspectral library, which characterizes the main materials of Venice city and knowledge of the city, allowed to create a starting image at a spatial resolution of 30 cm and spectral resolution of 3 nm and with a spectral range of 365-2500 nm, which was spatially and spectrally resampled to match the characteristics of most remote sensing sensors. Linear spectral mixture analysis was applied to every resampled image to evaluate and compare their capabilities to distinguish urban surface materials. In short, the capability depends mainly on spatial resolution, secondarily on spectral range and mixed pixel percentage, and lastly on spectral resolution; impervious surfaces are more distinguishable than pervious surfaces. This analysis of capability behavior is very important to select more suitable remote sensing images and/or to decide the complementarity use of different data.
Cavalli M., Crema S., Macchi G., Boretto G., Mantovani M., Monegato G., Marchi L., 2021, Overview on activities in the frame of the SedInOut project,
Meeting SedInOut project, Klagenfurt (Austria), 13-15/10/2021,
Il contributo presenta le attività svolte ed i principali risultati ottenuti dal gruppo di lavoro ...
Il contributo presenta le attività svolte ed i principali risultati ottenuti dal gruppo di lavoro del CNR IRPI e IGG nell'ambito del Progetto Interreg ITA-AUT SedInOut.
Eini, Mohammad Reza; Olyaei, Mohammad Ali; Kamyab, Taraneh; Teymoori, Javad; Brocca, Luca; Piniewski, Miko?aj, 2021, Evaluating three non-gauge-corrected satellite precipitation estimates by a regional gauge interpolated dataset over Iran,
Journal of Hydrology_ Regional Studies 38 (2021). doi_10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100942,
DOI: 10.1016%2Fj.ejrh.2021.100942
Study region_ Iran has about 1.648 million km, is placed between 44° and 64° E ...
Study region_ Iran has about 1.648 million km, is placed between 44° and 64° E and 25-40° N in the southwest of the Middle East and North Africa. It is characterized by a tough precipitation gradient with a mean annual precipitation of 250 mm, concentrating primarily during the wet months (January to April). Study focus_ In this study, we evaluated the performance of three non-gauge-corrected satellite precipitation estimates and a linear combination of these products (SPC) versus the Asfezari (Iran national reanalysis dataset) using four continuous statistics (R, NSE, RMSE, and BIAS) and three categorical metrics (POD, FAR, and CSI). New hydrological insights for the region_ The foremost issue for hydrologists in Iran, and many other developing countries, is off-line rainfall data without near real-time availability. For this reason, researchers are using satellite products. These gridded datasets have their benefits and drawbacks with regard to their resolution, time span, time steps, and accuracy. Therefore, testing the quality of gridded datasets is the primary step of using them in hydrological assessments. Current research compares the satellite products with a national gridded dataset (Asfezari) over Iran for the first time. Overall, the SPC dataset had better accuracy than other datasets. Then SM2RAIN-ASCAT showed better accuracy than PERSIANN-CCS and CMORPH in both statistical accuracy and detection.
Almagro, André; Oliveira, Paulo Tarso Sanches; Brocca, Luca, 2021, Assessment of bottom-up satellite rainfall products on estimating river discharge and hydrologic signatures in Brazilian catchments,
Journal of hydrology (Amst.) 603 (2021). doi_10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126897,
DOI: 10.1016%2Fj.jhydrol.2021.126897
Satellite rainfall products are one of the most valuable tools for water resources monitoring in ...
Satellite rainfall products are one of the most valuable tools for water resources monitoring in data-scarce regions, due to their low latency and quasi-global range. However, there are still uncertainties associated with rainfall products performance used to estimate hydrologic signatures in several regions, such as Brazil. Here, we investigate the performance of three rainfall products in estimating daily precipitation, daily river discharge, and hydrologic signatures over Brazil_ the SM2RAIN-ASCAT and the GPM+SM2RAIN satellite products, and the ERA5 reanalysis product. We used a subset of 520 catchments from the Catchments Attributes for Brazil (CABra) dataset and the hydrologic modeling was carried out using the MISDc hydrologic model. Satellite-based products performed better than ERA5 for most Brazilian biomes in estimating daily precipitation when compared with ground observations used as reference. Daily river discharge was also better modeled with SM2RAIN-ASCAT and GPM+SM2RAIN. Hydrologic modeling presented low values of bias and >80% of catchments with KGE > 0.5 in calibration. Lastly, hydrologic signatures were well estimated by SM2RAIN-ASCAT and GPM+SM2RAIN, and for some biomes (Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and Caatinga) they are better predictors than ground-based observations. We showed that there is a significant added value when using SM2RAIN-ASCAT and GPM+SM2RAIN products in tropical catchments, allowing a high-quality continuous water resources monitoring even in data-scarce regions. Besides, our findings pave the way for a better understanding of hydrologic extremes (droughts and floods) using these satellite rainfall products on multiple spatial and temporal scales.