Albanian International Center on Marine Sciences



The project CISM faces problems related to marine Albanian waters in view of the Adriatic basin, which must meet various environmental problems in other portions of the Adriatic Sea, which are still influenced by the contribution of Albanian waters. CISM is not only a time of growth of the scientific culture of Albania, but also a landmark in the international scenario of the Adriatic Sea.


CISM’s aim is to provide scientific up-todate services to the Administration of Albania as the monitoring of marine waters for the purposes of prediction and control of pollution, the identification of optimal models of coastal management, training of specialized personnel for these functions and finally the transfer regulations in Albanian results obtained from such activities.


For the realization of this project, have been adopted in all subject areas in which it has developed research, the best available technology, using suitable equipments of the ship Universitatis and of involved research laboratories.


Meeting, Rapporti tecnici e pubblicazioni scientifiche.

Progetto di assistenza tecnica alla realizzazione ed alla gestione di un centro internazionale di scienze del mare in Albania (CISM) – Relazione finale, vol 1 tomo I e II, Vol. II.
Polemio M.; Pambuku A.; Limoni P.; Petrucci O. (2011) Carbonate Coastal Aquifer of Vlora Bay and Groundwater Submarine Discharge (Southwestern Albania) Journal of coastal research ISSN: 0749-0208Coastal Education and Research Foundation , doi 10.2112/SI_58_4 – 2011