Analysis, control and hydro-meteorological data processing – Rating curve estimate


The activities of the project concerns the analysis and processing of hydro-meteorological data collected by the monitoring network of the Umbria Region for the period 1994-2014. In particular, the study regards the rainfall, temperature and water level time series. In addition, the discharge series corresponding to observed water levels are estimated for at hydrometric station through the rating curve estimated on the basis of flow velocity measurements, periodically updated to consider morphological-hydraulic modifications. To this end, surveys of the monitoring cross sections are regularly carried out.


To provide:

  1. validated time series of rainfall, temperature and water level for the stations of Umbria Region monitoring network to be published in the Hydrological Yearbooks;
  2. validated discharge time series for hydrometric stations of the Umbria Region network estimated through accurate rating curves, periodically updated on the basis of new morphological-hydraulic data.


The data time series correction is performed through automated programs developed to make the processing, management and control of hydro-meteorological easier and faster. The advantage of these tools is the data visualization and the automatic control. Moreover, the algorithms are implemented in Visual Basic and, hence, they may be used within the program such as the Microsoft Excel Macros.


Programs for automatic correction of time series