
The coloured circles represent the total number of activities (project, products and services, outreach, collaborations) that we have in the corresponding geographical zone

Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors

Prediction of Rainfall-INduced landslides – Improving multi-scale TerritoriAL Early warning through aRTificial intelligence

Predicting the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides is a crucial task for civil protection purposes. Several landslide early warning systems are currently operating worldwide at different spatial scales. In Italy, landslide alerts are issued for territorial units named Alert Zones, covering a few thousand km². Usually, regional-scale warning models rely on rainfall thresholds, which require a few parameters and provide clear results in ...

Landslide susceptibility models and maps

Landslide susceptibility is the likelihood of a landslide occurring in an area, given the local terrain conditions. It is the degree to which an area can be affected by future landslides i.e., an estimate of “where” landslides are more likely to occur. Landslide susceptibility does not consider the temporal occurrence or the magnitude of the expected landslides. In mathematical language, landslide susceptibility can be expressed as the ...

IntEractions between hydrodyNamics and bioTic communities in fluvial Ecosystems: advancement in the knowledge and undeRstanding of PRocesses and ecosystem sustainability by the development of novel technologieS with fIeld monitoriNg and laboratory testinG

The development of an innovative system for monitoring river flows during extreme events and the impact of hydrodynamic pressures on ecosystems are two important challenges identified by the World Meteorological Organization for flood event control and by the European Commission for the European Biodiversity Strategy for the protection of ecosystems and ...

Preventive evaluation of land instability hazards

The urbanisation of seismically active areas, coupled with the ongoing change in climate patterns, require a shift in the approaches to land/infrastructure instability hazard assessment and risk reduction. This is particularly relevant in seismically active regions where the recurrent damage from landsliding, subsidence and ground deformations can be widespread. Geotechnical investigations and in situ monitoring of land prone to instability are ...

Characterization, modelling and monitoring

The project concerns the mitigation of natural hazards (mainly the effects on the territory and the anthropic environment caused by rains, earthquakes, volcanism, and Radon gas). The geological characterization is essential to frame the contexts and the expected phenomena. Numerical modeling and monitoring allow to predict the spatio-temporal evolution of the phenomena, and therefore to evaluate the risk for mitigation ...

Progetto PON Governance

Il progetto prevede un’attività di servizio e di supporto tecnico scientifico per la realizzazione di progetti standard che affrontano i temi della pianificazione comunale di protezione civile e degli strumenti che possono rendere maggiore la sua efficacia. Il progetto propone uno schema che consente di definire, con metodologia rigorosa e omogenea, le attività da svolgere e il modo in cui svolgerle, per la realizzazione di un modello di ...

Frane e alluvioni da Nord a Sud 18 i morti nel 2015

Articolo pubblicato il 26/01/2016 sul 'Quotidiano Di Sicilia', riguardante il ‘Rapporto periodico sul rischio posto alla popolazione italiana da frane e inondazioni’ reso pubblico sul sito Polaris e curato dall’Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica di Perugia. L’articolo riporta l'intervento di Fausto Guzzetti direttore del ...

Helicopter flight over the Calatabiano landslide, Sicily

Calatabiano Landslide, Catania, Sicily. Sunday, November 8th, 2015. Helicopter flight over the landslide that cat the aqueduct serving the city of Messina, leaving thousands without ...

Accordo di collaborazione

Monitoraggio del Rischio da Frane con tecnologie EO

Le frane sono eventi del tutto naturali nell’evoluzione di un territorio, in particolare in Italia. Esse pongono un problema e diventano un pericolo allorché interagiscono con l’uomo e l’ambiente antropico. I movimenti franosi presentano una grande varietà fenomenologia. Le notevoli differenze nella tipologia, dimensione, e velocità di spostamento delle frane, rendono difficile e complessa la definizione della loro pericolosità, per ...

Civil Protection Competence Centre on Geo-Hydrological Risk

In Italy landslides and floods are frequent, widespread and dangerous phenomena, that cause fatalities and serious economic damage. In our country, landslides and floods pose major problems of scientific interest and of social and economic relevance. The Institute is a Competence Centre for the Italian national Civil Protection Department,  an Office of the Prime Minister. For the Department of Civil Protection we execute research and ...

Landslide Modelling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery management

Il progetto FP7 LAMPRE - Landslide Modelling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and Recovery management svolge attività di ricerca innovative e di sviluppo tecnologico per migliorare le capacità del sistema Copernicus di far fronte a eventi di frana e alle loro conseguenze, in Europa e in altre parti del mondo. LAMPRE migliora il rischio di frana sforzi di mitigazione / preparazione e le attività di recupero e di ...

Geothermal Atlas of Southern Italy Project

The Geothermal Atlas project is aimed at the characterization, classification and mapping of geothermal resources, conventional and unconventional types, for the production of electricity in the regions of Southern Italy. It also provides training and information stretched to increase the skills of the industry and the public's knowledge about the various aspects of geothermal energy, especially the unconventional, in order to promote the ...

Rainfall, seismicity, landslides and sediment discharge in mountain belts

Taiwan, an active orogenic belt with subtropical climate is characterized by a high uplift rate and several major typhoons each year. Italy is on one of the most seismically active regions in Europe because of the thrust of African plate on Eurasian continental one. Both experience numerous landslides along with earthquakes and intense rainfalls, causing heavy damages and casualties. The purpose of this project was to share scientific knowledge ...

Evaluating the geothermal potential in the Southern Regions of Italy

VIGOR contributed to increasing knowledge in exploitation of geothermal resources. It was aimed at providing information useful to start exploration and utilization of geothermal energy, through reconnaissance, analyses and studies, valorise geothermal resources in Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily. In particular, geological and geothermal characterization were carried both at regional scale (i.e. maps of geothermal potential) and at the ...

Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an advanced assessment service

DORIS - Ivancich Landslide (Assisi, Italy) DORIS - Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an advanced assessment service is an advanced downstream service for the detection, mapping, monitoring and forecasting of ground deformations, at different temporal and spatial scales and in various physiographic and climatic and environments. DORIS integrates traditional and innovative Earth Observation (EO) and ground based (non-EO) data and technologies to improve our understanding of the ...