Multi-variate hazards in a non-stationary environment and their prediction

A new book entitled EXTREME HYDROCLIMATIC EVENTS AND MULTIVARIATE HAZARDS IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT: A REMOTE SENSING APPROACH has been co-edited by Christian Massari researcher of the Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica (IRPI) and Viviana Maggioni from the George Mason University (Virginia, United States) for Elsevier. The book is part  a strict collaboration between IRPI-CNR and George Mason University formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2017 by the two institutions which has seen the two researchers visiting the two respective departments (Viviana Maggioni has visited IRPI in 2017 while Christian Massari has visited George Mason last October thanks to the Short Term Mobility Program funded by CNR). This book describes multi-variate hazards in a non-stationary environment and their long-term/seasonal/real-time prediction from earth observations, long-term climate dynamics, and models. Specifically, this book is designed to provide readers with 1) a detailed overview of the key hydrological variables that play a role in the triggering and evolution of hydroclimatic hazards and methods to estimate them (including remotely sensed observations, models, and current and future satellite missions); and 2) a discussion of the main challenges along with practical examples of monitoring and predicting hydroclimatic extremes with remote sensing and modeling techniques. It will be available in Spring/Summer 2019.
