
The coloured circles represent the total number of activities (project, products and services, outreach, collaborations) that we have in the corresponding geographical zone

Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors

Earth observation and climate change

The OT4CLIMA project moves from the awareness that the impacts of climate change on the environment need to be better observed, understood, and modelled, especially at the local and regional scale, in order to put in place appropriate and effective risk mitigation ...

Progetto PON Governance

Il progetto prevede un’attività di servizio e di supporto tecnico scientifico per la realizzazione di progetti standard che affrontano i temi della pianificazione comunale di protezione civile e degli strumenti che possono rendere maggiore la sua efficacia. Il progetto propone uno schema che consente di definire, con metodologia rigorosa e omogenea, le attività da svolgere e il modo in cui svolgerle, per la realizzazione di un modello di ...

Piana di Metaponto: negli ultimi 85 anni “rilevantissime modificazioni antropiche”

Lo studio del CNR-IRPI dagli anni Trenta ad oggi Intervista a Maurizio Polemio, della nostra sede di Bari, su del ...

Civil Protection Competence Centre on Geo-Hydrological Risk

In Italy landslides and floods are frequent, widespread and dangerous phenomena, that cause fatalities and serious economic damage. In our country, landslides and floods pose major problems of scientific interest and of social and economic relevance. The Institute is a Competence Centre for the Italian national Civil Protection Department,  an Office of the Prime Minister. For the Department of Civil Protection we execute research and ...

The 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide

Montescaglioso_auto- On December 3, 2013, a large landslide activated on the SW slope of Montescaglioso (Matera province, Basilicata), affecting an area with evidence of past instability. The landslide involved some 500 m of the main road to the village, and also interested several houses and other ...

Geothermal Atlas of Southern Italy Project

The Geothermal Atlas project is aimed at the characterization, classification and mapping of geothermal resources, conventional and unconventional types, for the production of electricity in the regions of Southern Italy. It also provides training and information stretched to increase the skills of the industry and the public's knowledge about the various aspects of geothermal energy, especially the unconventional, in order to promote the ...

Landslide risk and urban planning in small settlements in Daunia

The Strategic Project PS_119 was aimed at developing a methodology for the landslide risk assessment, applicable at the regional scale and based on the most advanced knowledge in the fields of geology, geotechnics, structural engineering and urban planning. This assessment was based on a deterministic approach of the landslide processes and the risks related to them. The failure slope mechanisms, the structural damages due to landsliding and ...