
The coloured circles represent the total number of activities (project, products and services, outreach, collaborations) that we have in the corresponding geographical zone

Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors

Automated Inclinometer System (AIS) for deep-seated ground deformation measurements

Our AIS (Automated Inclinometer System) allows for fully automatic inclinometer measurements in standard boreholes. The deep measurements have multiple applications, including (i) evaluating the rate of deep-seated ground deformation in landslide areas, (ii) evaluating the volume of deep-seated landslides, and (ii) assessing landslide hazards. The AIS is composed of an electronic control manager, an inclinometer probe (with traditional ...

Earthquake-induced landslides

Landslides and earthquakes are important geological hazards in Italy, where mountains and hills dominate a landscape characterized by the presence of weak geological materials. The geological and morphological settings result in high susceptibility to landslides under seismic conditions. Italy is also one of the most active tectonic regions in Europe; and seismic shaking is known to have caused landslides in Italy. Numerous historical ...

Preventive evaluation of land instability hazards

The urbanisation of seismically active areas, coupled with the ongoing change in climate patterns, require a shift in the approaches to land/infrastructure instability hazard assessment and risk reduction. This is particularly relevant in seismically active regions where the recurrent damage from landsliding, subsidence and ground deformations can be widespread. Geotechnical investigations and in situ monitoring of land prone to instability are ...

Mappatura, Modellazione e Previsione Multiscala dei RIschi GEo-idroLogici

Italy has a tradition of scientific research and technological development on hazardous natural phenomena in general, and specifically on geo-hydrological hazards. Within the CNR, the “Progetti Finalizzati”  Soil Conservation and Geodynamics (in the ’70s and ’80s), and GNDCI – the National Group for the Defence from Hydrogeological Disasters (in the ’80s and ’90s), have contributed to the advancement of knowledge ...

Lazio, Abruzzo e Toscana contano i danni

Articolo contenente dati del CNR-IRPI pubblicato nel sito del Sole 24 ore il 17 ottobre 2015, riguardante i danni provocati dal maltempo dei giorni scorsi. Vai ...

I tecnici della Costa Concordia al lavoro per Ripe

Articolo del giorno 12 aprile 2015, sul quotidiano della provincia di Teramo 'La Città': i tecnici dell'IRPI che hanno monitorato la Costa Concordia ora alle prese con la frana di ...

Ripe di Civitella, prosegue il monitoraggio della Frana

Articolo pubblicato il 3 aprile 2015 dal quotidiano online 'L'Ancora Online' riguardante l'istallazione da parte del CNR-IRPI, di Torino e di Perugia, del sistema per il monitoraggio della frana di Ripe di Civitella (frazione del comune di Civitella del Tronto, in provincia di ...

Civil Protection Competence Centre on Geo-Hydrological Risk

In Italy landslides and floods are frequent, widespread and dangerous phenomena, that cause fatalities and serious economic damage. In our country, landslides and floods pose major problems of scientific interest and of social and economic relevance. The Institute is a Competence Centre for the Italian national Civil Protection Department,  an Office of the Prime Minister. For the Department of Civil Protection we execute research and ...

Geothermal Atlas of Southern Italy Project

The Geothermal Atlas project is aimed at the characterization, classification and mapping of geothermal resources, conventional and unconventional types, for the production of electricity in the regions of Southern Italy. It also provides training and information stretched to increase the skills of the industry and the public's knowledge about the various aspects of geothermal energy, especially the unconventional, in order to promote the ...

Rainfall, seismicity, landslides and sediment discharge in mountain belts

Taiwan, an active orogenic belt with subtropical climate is characterized by a high uplift rate and several major typhoons each year. Italy is on one of the most seismically active regions in Europe because of the thrust of African plate on Eurasian continental one. Both experience numerous landslides along with earthquakes and intense rainfalls, causing heavy damages and casualties. The purpose of this project was to share scientific knowledge ...

Continuous monitoring of the seismogenic Paganica fault (AQ) after the April 6 2009 L’Aquila earthquake

The L’Aquila earthquake occurred the 6th April 2009, causing several casualties and damages to a large number of buildings and infrastructures. The event was a 6.3 moment magnitude (Mw). In the days following the earthquake, several aftershocks with Mw>4 affected the same general area. In total, within an area of about 50 km radius from L’Aquila town, the seismic sequence counted ca. 2×104 events in about one year. Among the severely ...