
The coloured circles represent the total number of activities (project, products and services, outreach, collaborations) that we have in the corresponding geographical zone

Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors

Analisi di rischio di flusso della rete di monitoraggio delle frane della regione Lombardia

Geological-geotechnical monitoring systems are one of the most effective tools for landslide characterization, both in terms of landslide detection and for monitoring purposes. The regional monitoring network of Regione Lombardia represents an exemplary case in Italy, with as many as 44 landslides monitored, of which more than half in real time. The management of monitoring networks and early warning systems represents a complex component, in ...

Marta Chiarle, la geologa che cataloga le frane: «Sulle Alpi tanti cedimenti, ne abbiamo mappati 508»

Dal sito del Corriere della Sera, intervista (del 1 luglio 2021, articolo pubblicato il 7 luglio 2021) a Marta Chiarle, ricercatrice presso l’IRPI CNR di Torino, che presenta il “Catasto delle frane di alta quota nelle Alpi” recentemente pubblicato a cura del gruppo di ricerca ...

Landslide susceptibility models and maps

Landslide susceptibility is the likelihood of a landslide occurring in an area, given the local terrain conditions. It is the degree to which an area can be affected by future landslides i.e., an estimate of “where” landslides are more likely to occur. Landslide susceptibility does not consider the temporal occurrence or the magnitude of the expected landslides. In mathematical language, landslide susceptibility can be expressed as the ...

Role of climate change in the morphogenesis of glacial-periglacial environments and analysis of associated risks

Climate change in the Greater Alpine Region is seriously affecting glacial and periglacial areas, especially for the presence of snow, glaciers and permafrost (cryosphere), with relevant consequences on slope stability. Cryosphere degradation, changes of the precipitation and temperature patterns and of the hydrological regimes, are some of the main terrestrial indicators of climatic change. Moreover, the increasing number of tourists and human ...


The STRESS project is intended to design, implement and test a prototype of a Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII) enabling the provision to spatial planners and risk managers of new data and tools to improve hydro-geological susceptibility, hazard and impact assessment as well as to experiment alternative decision making ...

Geomorphometry and sediment dynamics in mountain catchments

The aim of the geomorphometric analysis is to derive indices capable of characterizing the spatial variability of specific hydro-geomorphological processes (e.g., sediment connectivity, erosion and deposit). The growing availability of high-resolution topographic data has increased the interest in geomorphometry and its applications. Debris-flow monitoring in instrumented areas and flash-flood documentation are invaluable ways to gather field ...

Web-based relational database on the main levee breaches of the Po River (Northern Italy)

This is the web-based relational database on the main levee breaches of the Po River (Italy), which have occurred since the year 1800. The database contains more than 200 fact sheets that show the information for each levee failure. For each fact sheet are attached documents and maps. The access is free of charge. This database may provide a valid support in the design of defense interventions directed at the prevention and mitigation of ...


The CNR IRPI archive preserves 170.000 aerial photographs useful for stereoscopic applications. Most part of those photographs were taken during a number of surveys carried out between 1954 and 2005 in tha Padan Plain, Triveneto and Liguria (Northern Italy) but some examples date from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. In this documentation the effects of many floods and landslides events can be observed. In particular, we would mention the aerial ...

Sul Seveso la Regione si dice pronta, ma i lavori… Non partono

Articolo di Fabio Pizzul, pubblicato il 15 gennaio 2015 nel sito ...

Monitoraggio del Rischio da Frane con tecnologie EO

Le frane sono eventi del tutto naturali nell’evoluzione di un territorio, in particolare in Italia. Esse pongono un problema e diventano un pericolo allorché interagiscono con l’uomo e l’ambiente antropico. I movimenti franosi presentano una grande varietà fenomenologia. Le notevoli differenze nella tipologia, dimensione, e velocità di spostamento delle frane, rendono difficile e complessa la definizione della loro pericolosità, per ...

Gestione dei Sedimenti Fluviali

Il progetto GeSeFlu nasce dalla necessità della Regione Lombardia mediante il Piano Operativo Regionale (Direttiva Comunitaria 2000/60/CE) di disporre di specifici Programmi di Gestione dei sedimenti per i sottobacini redatti in attuazione della Direttiva del Comitato Istituzionale dell’Autorità di Bacino del fiume Po (deliberazione n. 9 del 5 aprile ...

Study of the riverbeds morphological evolution through the digital terrain models multi-temporal analysis

The study of the evolution of the watercourses is traditionally based on the use of historical maps and aerial photographs for the comprehension of the planimetric changes and on the use of topographical sections in order to have also the measure of the altimetric change occurred in the considered time interval. Through this approach it is possible, for the Po basin, to have the first indications of the main watercourses evolution starting ...

Debris fall assessment in mountain catchments for local end users

Erbanno (Lombardy). Map of rock fall count. Debris flows and rockfalls are a familiar hazard in European mountain areas and regularly cause loss of life, livelihood and property. Hazard assessment is therefore increasingly required in land use planning. However, there are no standard techniques and existing operational techniques are qualitative. DAMOCLES developed quantitative technologies for assessing the distribution of rapid slope failures and their hazard, for determining the ...