
The Use of a Robotized Inclinometer System to Measure Deep-Seated Ground Deformation in a Monumental Area During TBM Tunnel Excavations. The Case of Rome Subway, New Line C

Monitoring an Alpine glacier through Ground Based SAR Interferometry_ a case study

The use of airborne lidar data in basin-fan system monitoring_ an example from southern Calabria (Italy)

Monitoring the stability of infrastructures in an emergency scenario_ The “Costa Concordia” vessel wreck

Multitemporal Study of the San Martino Sulla Marrucina Landslide (Central Italy)

Landslide 3D Surface Deformation Model Obtained Via RTS Measurements

Landslide monitoring systems based on new instrumentation for the detection of topographic and deep displacement

Underground Built Heritage in Naples_ from knowledge to monitoring and enhancement

Carta del Rischio di Erosione Attuale e Potenziale della Regione Calabria -scala 1_250.000.

People Vulnerability to Landslide_ Risky Behaviours and Dangerous Conditions by Gender and Age

Factors Affecting Gully-Head Activity in a Hilly Area Under a Semiarid Climate in Iran

TXT-tool 3.039-1.1 Landslide-Related WPS Services

Evaluating the terrain susceptibility to mass movements

Landslide Risk to the Population of Italy and its Geographical and Temporal Variations

Flood risk to the population and its temporal variation in Italy

Flood risk in Italy

Probabilistic Approach to Physically Based Landslide Modeling

PPT-tool 2.039-1.1 Italian National Landslide Warning System

PPT-tool 2.039-1.1 Italian National Landslide Warning System

Slope Dynamics and Climatic Change Through Indirect Interactions

Implementation of landslide susceptibility in the Perugia municipal development plan (PRG).

Catalogue of Rainfall Events with Shallow Landslides and New Rainfall Thresholds in Italy

Rainfall thresholds for possible occurrence of shallow landslides and debris flows in Italy.

Rainfall and landslide initiation

Mass-Movements and Climate Change

Broadening and Deepening the Rainfall-Induced Landslide Detection_ Practices and Perspectives at a Global Scale

Regional Approaches in Forecasting Rainfall-Induced Landslides

TXT-tool 2.039-1.5 An Algorithm for the Objective Reconstruction of Rainfall Events Responsible for Landslides

Temperature in aumento nell’ambiente periglaciale alpino

Floods in the Mediterranean area_ The role of soil moisture and precipitation

On the Use of Optical Fiber Sensors for Debris Flow Monitoring_ A Review of Recent Achievements

Assessment Principles for Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions

Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment for Civil Protection Early Response

Evoluzione della conoscenza dei ghiacciai attraverso i documenti della Biblioteca Nazionale del CAI


Il monitoraggio microsismico dello sperone roccioso di Capanna J.A. Carrel

I ghiacciai del Cervino nei rilievi del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano

Propensione all’instabilità del versante orientale delle Grandes Murailles e variazioni multitemporali del Ghiacciaio di Mont Tabel

Gradiente termico verticale e processi di instabilità naturale in alta quota_ il caso di studio del Cervino

Colata detritica del rio Gadria (Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano)

Strumentazione colate rapide

Misure per colate rapide

Tendenze climatiche e flussi turistici_ prime analisi tratte dal Progetto europeo “INDECIS”

Close-Range Sensing of Alpine Glaciers

Recent advances in remote sensing of precipitation and soil moisture products for riverine flood prediction

Soil moisture and precipitation_ The SM2RAIN algorithm for rainfall retrieval from satellite soil moisture

Advances in Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Triggering in Italy

Extreme Rainfall and Flooding from the Vaia Storm of October 27-30, 2018 in North-Eastern Italy

Global-Scale Evaluation of 22 Precipitation Datasets Using Gauge Observations and Hydrological Modeling

Objective Analysis of Envelope Curves for Peak Floods of European and Mediterranean Flash Floods