Implementation of landslide susceptibility in the Perugia municipal development plan (PRG).

Federica Fiorucci, Mauro Rossi, Guendalina Antonini, 2015, Implementation of landslide susceptibility in the Perugia municipal development plan (PRG)., Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, pp. 769–772, 2015,

Environmental planning is essential for the development of a region. For this purpose, one of the most commonly used tools in Italy is the municipal development plan (Piano Regolatore Generale, PRG). At strategic level one of the goals of the PRG is to establish a framework of knowledge and legal aspects on the geo-hydrological risk. Concerning landslide risk, PRG provides restrictions and regulations for new buildings and new forecasts of urban expansion in areas affected by landslides. Commonly, the PRG does not give any restriction based on landslide susceptibility. In this paper, we present an example of how a statistical landslide susceptibility model was implemented in the Perugia Municipality PRG. The PRG provides technical regulations to set the conditions for new forecasts of urban expansion and building, based on landslide susceptibility.

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