La modellistica per la stima dell’erosione idrica dei suoli negli studi sul processo di desertificazione_ applicazione ad un’area campione

R. Coscarelli, O.G. Terranova, P. Iqauinta, S.L. Gariano, 2010, La modellistica per la stima dell’erosione idrica dei suoli negli studi sul processo di desertificazione_ applicazione ad un’area campione, La desertificazione. Mitigazione di un processo, pp. 97–118. Roma_ Pieraldo, 2010,

The phenomenon of land degradation, particularly soil erosion, has become increasingly relevant in recent years. In this section some aspects of the hydrological modeling for estimating soil erosion are treated within the context of the pilot project "Mitigation of desertification through the conversion for cultivation in areas of high vulnerability". Firstly, a state of the art is presented, making a distinction between empirical or concentrated models (quantitative approach), semiempirical or semiquantitative models and qualitative or geomorphologic models. As rain plays a primary role in soil erosion, since it is obviously the triggering factor, a large section is devoted to the estimation of the "'index of rain aggressivity", scored for the region of Calabria and on various time scales_ individual event, monthly, yearly. The results show a greater aggressivity in the mountain areas of the region (Sila, Aspromonte, Pollino, Catena Costiera) and a gradual decrease when moving into the valley zones. Rainfall erosion phenomena are more evident on the Ionian compared to the Tyrrhenian side . Finally, in order to assess the hydrological implications in relation to the production of sediments that changes in soil cultivation could determine, we present the applications of two models for the evaluation of the erosion on one of the study areas. In particular, the RUSLE2 model, a modified version of the USLE, and the model EUROSEM, which allows the assessment of erosion following a given rain event, were applied. The results obtained by the two models, though not comparable with one another, as they relate to two different time scales, however, have highlighted the positive impact that a modification in the procedure of soil use may have on sediment production in a given area. Moreover, the drastic reduction in the rate of erosion, detected by applying the EUROSEM model, in considering the heaviest rain event recorded, may highlight how the effects of change on soil use are most evident during particularly intense rainfall events.

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