Italy-Norway joint workshop on “Future development of landslide early warning systems”

Italy-Norway joint workshop on

“Future development of landslide early warning systems”

March 19th – 21st 2024

NVE headquarter, Middelthuns gate 29, Oslo (zipcode 0368, Oslo, Norway)


Outline: existing landslide early warning system and the related activities (LEWS) developed in Italy by CNR IRPI (the Institute for Geo-Hydrological Research of the National Research Council), and in Norway, by the Department of Hydrology, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy directorate (NVE) will be described and discussed. Such systems, devoted to the forecast of rainfall induced landslides, are pre-operational or operational and produce at regular intervals daily or sub-daily forecasts about the likelihood of landslide occurrence throughout the country. Contributions to the workshop will describe the systems, their current state of operations, their input and output and their stakeholders. Additional contributions will discuss planned and developments of the systems, and additional topics related to landslide inventories and databases, susceptibility, hazard and risk assessment.

Information: contact the organizers
– M. Rossi – mauro-rossi [AT]
– Graziella Devoli – gde [AT]



Programme – Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

Sted/Location Room “Blåsjø”, 4th floor/south, NVE headquarter, Middelthuns gate 29, Oslo Norway (14 p)

09:00-09:30              Participants CNR arrivals
09:30-09:35              “Welcome to the workshop and purpose” by Graziella Devoli, NVE 

Introducing NVE and the Norwegian LEWS

09:35-09:45              “Welcome and Introduction to NVE” by Graziella Devoli, NVE 
09:45-10:00              “Introduction to CNR-IRPI” by Mauro Rossi, CNR-IRPI
10:00-10:15              “The landslide and slushflow early warning system at NVE” by Graziella Devoli, NVE
10:15-10:30              Q&A
10:30-11:00              Break
11:00-12:00              Logistic in LEWS: the warning room (with Q&A) by Graziella Devoli, NVE
12:00-13:00              Lunch

Landslide early warning systems, thresholds 

13:00-13:15               “Hydrological models used in the LEWS in Norway” by Sjur Kolsberg, NVE
13:15-13:30               “The landslide thresholds used in Norway, challenges, needs, last updates” by Graziella Devoli, NVE 
13:30-13:45              Q&A
13:45-14:15              Break
14:15-14:30               “Landslide thresholds: methods and applications” by Silvia Peruccacci, CNR-IRPI
14:30-14:45               “A tool for the automatic reconstruction of landslide-triggering rainfall conditions and thresholds” by Massimo Melillo, CNR-IRPI 
14:45-15:00               “A framework for the Territorial LEWS: from landslide forecast to warning” by Mauro Rossi, CNR-IRPI
15:00-15:30              Q&A
15:30-16:00              Discussion / ideas  


Programme – Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

Sted/LocationRoom “Mjøsa”, 4th floor/north, NVE headquarter, Middelthuns gate 29, Oslo Norway (14 p)

08:30-08:35              “Welcome back to the workshop” by Graziella Devoli, NVE

Landslide early warning system evaluation

08:35-08:50              “Evaluation of landslide warning performance” by Graziella Devoli, NVE 
08:50-09:00              Q&A
09:00-09:15              “Evaluation of LEWS performance” by Ivan Marchesini, CNR-IRPI
09:15-09:30              Q&A
09:30-09:45              Discussion 
09:45-10:15              Break

Landslide data collection, catalogues and databases

10:15-10:30               “The ITAlian rainfall-induced LandslIdes CAtalogue” by Silvia Peruccacci, CNR-IRPI
10:30-10:45              Q&A
10:45-11:15               “The Norwegian landslide database. Registration portals:,” by Martine Slåtten and Graziella Devoli, NVE
11:15-11:30                Q&A
11:30-12:00              Discussion 
12:00-13:00              Lunch

Landslide early warning systems, communication 

13:00-13:15               “Warning levels and warning communication, in Norway” by Graziella Devoli, NVE
13:15-13:30              Q&A
13:30-13:45              “From forecast to warning: criteria and applications in Italy” by Mauro Rossi, CNR-IRPI
13:45-14:00              Q&A
14:00-14:15              Discussion 
14:15-14:30              Break

Landslide early warning systems, towards impact-based warning 

14:30-14:45              “Towards impact-based forecast & warnings: application on the railway infrastructure in Italy” by Mauro Rossi, CNR-IRPI 
14:45-15:00              Q&A
15:00-15:15               “Towards impact-based warnings: Flomrisk and test in Voss, Norway.” by Graziella Devoli, NVE
15:15-15:30              Q&A
15:30-16:00              Discussion
18:00                          Dinner


Programme – Thursday, March 21th, 2024

Sted/Location Room “Hasle”, 6th floor/north, NVE headquarter, Middelthuns gate 29, Oslo Norway (14 p)

08:30-08:35              “Welcome back to the workshop” by Graziella Devoli, NVE

Landslide mapping, susceptibility and hazard zonation

08:35-08:50              “Landslide inventories in Italy” by Michele Santangelo, CNR-IRPI  
08:50-09:00              Q&A
09:00:-09:15             “Landslide susceptibility zonations at national scale in Italy” by Ivan Marchesini, CNR-IRPI
09:15-09:30              Q&A
09:30-09:45              Break
09:45-10:00              “Landslide susceptibility maps, status in Norway” by Odd Are Jensen, NVE
10:00-10:30               “Hazard mapping plan in Norway, status, limitations, guidelines”, by Andrea Taurisano, NVE
10:30-10:45              Q&A
10:45-11:15              “Hazard & Risk modelling in Italy” by Michele Santangelo, CNR-IRPI
11:15-11:30                Q&A
11:30-12:00               Discussion
12:00-13:00              Lunch
13:00-15:30              Ideas for future collaborations
15:30-15:45              Meeting closure

Local organizing committee

Graziella Devoli (NVE, Norway)
Mauro Rossi (CNR IRPI, Italy)