United Kingdom

The coloured circles represent the total number of activities (project, products and services, outreach, collaborations) that we have in the corresponding geographical zone

Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors

Towards geohazards resilient infrastructure under changing climates

A trend of increasingly frequent intense rainfalls and changing rainfall patterns is causing a relevant number of landslides and floods affecting urban areas and engineering infrastructures such as roads, railways. Recently Transport networks across Europe experienced several failures the reasons of which are still poorly understood.. To improve the current situation, a step change in the way we design reliable and effective defence structures ...

India, Italy & UK join for study

Articolo uscito sul quotidiano "The Telegraph - India",  del 20 gennaio 2017, riguardante la collaborazione di varie realtà di ricerca internazionali, tra cui l'IRPI CNR,  al progetto ...

Connecting European Connectivity Research

Water and sediment connectivity has emerged in recent years as a significant conceptual framework for understanding the transfer of surface water and sediment through landscapes. Connectivity can be seen both as a driver of hydrological and geomorphic processes within a catchment and as an emergent catchment property that is the result of processes acting at different ...

Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies for effective flash flood forecasting

Flash-floods develop at space and time scales that conventional observation systems for rainfall and river discharge are not able to monitor. Consequently, the atmospheric and hydrological generating mechanisms of flash-floods are poorly understood, leading to highly uncertain forecasts of these ...

Landslide Early Warning Integrated System

The focus on landslides results from the recognition that in many European countries slope instabilities affect urbanized areas and are a major threat to populations. Through the integration of remotely sensed data with ground data we identify significant surface changes which are taking place on landslide susceptible slopes and this is used as input to the assessment of ...

Responding to the risks from climate change

‘Response’ (or ‘Responding to the risks from climate change’) is a three-year Project supported by the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community, completed in December 2006. The Project provides a framework for understanding and preparing for the impacts of climate change around the European ...