Pubblicazioni degli ultimi anni
147. Paliaga G., Faccini F., Luino F., Turconi L., Bobrowsky P. (2019) – “Geomorphic processes and risk related to a large landslide dam in the Bisagno catchment (Genoa, Italy)”. GEOMORPHOLOGY, j.geomorph.2018.10.020.
148. Paliaga G, Faccini F, Luino F, Turconi L (2019) – “A spatial multicriteria prioritizing approach for geohydrological risk mitigation planning in small and densely urbanized Mediterranean basins”. NHESS, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 53–69;
149. Luino F. (2019) – “L’uomo e i corsi d’acqua: una convivenza che è diventata difficile fra urbanizzazioni intensive, alluvioni, danni e proposte di legge per rimuovere i sedimenti fluviali”. Bollettino SIGEA (Geologia dell’Ambiente, n.2/2019, p. 2-9, ISSN 1591-5352.
150. Roccati, A., Faccini, F., Luino, F., Ciampalini, A., Turconi, L. (2019) - “Heavy rainfall triggering shallow landslides: a susceptibility assessment by a GIS-approach in a Ligurian Apennine catchment (Italy)”. WATER (Switzerland), 11(3), 605;
151. Luino F. (2019) – Eventi alluvionali del fiume Oglio in Val Camonica. Capitolo del libro “Il fiume Oglio, tra infrastruttura idraulica e giardino”. A cura di D. Furlanetto, ed. Litos, Gianico, p. 31-46.
152. Roccati, A., Faccini, F., Luino, F., De Graff, Turconi, L. (2019) – “Morphological changes and human impact in the Entella River floodplain (Northern Italy) from the 17th century”. CATENA,
153. Luino F., Paliaga G., Roccati A., Sacchini A., Turconi L. & Faccini F. (2019) – “Anthropogenic changes in the alluvial plains of the Tyrrhenian Ligurian basins”. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 48 (2019), 10-16, 4 figs., 1 tab. (
154. Piana P., Faccini F., Luino F., Paliaga G., Sacchini A., Watkins C. (2019) - “Geomorphological landscape research and flood risk management in heavily modified Thyrrenian catchment”. Sustainability 2019, 11(17), 4594;
155. Paranunzio R., Chiarle M., Laio F., Nigrelli G., Turconi L., Luino F. (2019) - “Slope failures in high-mountain areas in the Alpine Region”. PANGAEA, Supplement to: Paranunzio, R et al.: “New insights in the relation between climate and slope failures at high-elevation sites”. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
156. Turconi L., Luino F., Gussoni M., Faccini F., Giardino M., Casazza M. (2019) - “Intrinsic Environmental Vulnerability as Shallow Landslide Susceptibility in Environmental Impact Assessment”. Sustainability 2019, 11(22), 6285;
157. Luino F., De Graff J., Roccati A., Biddoccu M., Cirio C.G., Faccini F. and Turconi L. (2020) - Eighty Years of Data Collected for the Determination of Rainfall Threshold Triggering Shallow Landslides and Mud-Debris Flows in the Alps. December 2019. Water 12(1):133. DOI: 10.3390/w12010133.
158. Paliaga G., Luino F., Turconi L., Marincioni F., Faccini F. (2020) - Exposure to Geo‐Hydrological Hazards of the Metropolitan Area of Genoa, Italy: A Multi‐Temporal Analysis of the Bisagno Stream. Sustainability 2020, 12(3), 1114;
159. Mandarino A., Luino F., Turconi L., Faccini F. (2020) - Urban geomorphology of a historical city straddling the Tanaro River (Alessandria, NW Italy). JOM, Journal of Map,
160. Paliaga G., Turconi L., Luino F., De Graff J., Faccini F. (2020) - Terraced Landscapes on Portofino Promontory (Italy): Identification, Geo-Hydrological Hazard and Management. Water 2020, 12(2), 435;
161. Turconi L., Faccini F., Marchese A., Paliaga G., Casazza M., Vojinovic Z. and Luino F. (2020) - Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions for Hydro-Meteorological Risk Reduction in Small Mediterranean Catchments: The Case of Portofino Natural Regional Park, Italy. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1240; doi:10.3390/su12031240
162. Paliaga G., Faccini F. Luino F., Roccati A., Turconi L. (2020) - A clustering classification of catchment anthropogenic modification and relationships with floods. STOTEN-D-19-15508R1.
163. Mandarino A., Luino F., Faccini F. (2020) - Ground effects triggered by the 19-21 October 2019 extreme rainfall in the middle-lower Lemme River catchment (NW Italy). Abstract EGU.
164. Luino F., Gizzi F., Palmieri W., Porfido S., Turconi L. (2020) - La memoria storica quale valido strumento per una corretta pianificazione territoriale. SIGEA. Atti del Seminario Nazionale Analisi e attività di mitigazione dei processi geo-idrologici in Italia. Supplemento al n. 1/2020 ISSN 1591-5352.
165. Roccati A., Paliaga G., Luino F., Faccini F., Turconi L. (2020) - “Rainfall Threshold for Shallow Landslides Initiation and Analysis of Long-Term Rainfall Trends in a Mediterranean Area”. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 1367;
166. Luino F. (2020) – “Alessandria, una città fra due fiumi”. Quaderno di Storia Contemporanea, 67/2020,, ed. Falsapiano, p. 176-195.
167. Luino F., Turconi L., Bono B., Godone F. (2020): Relazione conclusiva sull'attività svolta nell'ambito del Progetto ARTEMIDE ARchivio TEMatico Immagini Aerofotografiche Di Eventi. Rapporto tecnico.
168. Luino F., Turconi L. (2020) - “Translational Rock-Block Slides in a Tertiary Flyschoid Complexes of Southern Piedmont Region (North-West Italy)”. DOI:
169. Anna Roccati, Andrea Mandarino, Luigi Perasso, Andrea Robbiano, Fabio Luino & Francesco Faccini (2021) Large-scale geomorphology of the Entella River floodplain (Italy) for coastal urban areas management, Journal of Maps, 17:4, 98-112, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1738281
170. Mandarino A., Luino F. & Faccini F. (2021) - Flood-induced ground effects and flood-water dynamics for hydro-geomorphic hazard assessment: the 21–22 October 2019 extreme flood along the lower Orba River (Alessandria, NW Italy), Journal of Maps, 10.1080/17445647.2020.1866702
171. Roccati A., Paliaga G., Luino F., Faccini F., Turconi L. (2021) - GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for Land Use Planning and Risk Assessment. LAND, Land 2021, 10, 162.
172. Ciampittiello M., Saidi H., Dresti C., Coluccino M., Turconi L., Little W.W. and Luino F. (2021) - Landslides along the Lago Maggiore western coast (northern Italy): intense rainfall as trigger or concomitant cause? Natural Hazards.
173. Faccini F., Luino F., Paliaga G., Roccati A., Turconi L. (2021) - Flash Flood Events along the West Mediterranean Coasts: Inundations of Urbanized Areas Conditioned by Anthropic Impacts. LAND.
174. Guerini, Michele; Giardino, Marco; Paranunzio, Roberta; Nigrelli, Guido; Turconi, Laura; Luino, Fabio; Chiarle, Marta (2021): Slope failures at high elevation in the Italian Alps in the period 2000-2020. PANGAEA,
175. Paliaga G., Luino F., Turconi L., Profeta M., Vojinovic Z., Cucchiaro S. and Faccini F. (2022) - Terraced Landscapes as NBSs for Geo-Hydrological Hazard Mitigation: Towards a Methodology for Debris and Soil Volume Estimations through a LiDAR Survey. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3586.
176. Luino, F.; De Graff, J.; Biddoccu, M.; Faccini, F.; Freppaz, M.; Roccati, A.; Ungaro, F.; D’Amico, M.; Turconi, L. (2022) - The Role of Soil Type in Triggering Shallow Landslides in the Alps (Lombardy, Northern Italy). Land 2022, 11, 1125.
177. Turconi, L.; Tropeano, D.; Savio, G.; Bono, B.; De, S.K.; Frasca, M.; Luino, F. (2022) - Torrential Hazard Prevention in Alpine Small Basin through Historical, Empirical and Geomorphological Cross Analysis in NW Italy. Land 2022, 11, 699.
178. Paliaga G., Ward S.N., Luino F., Turconi L., Faccini F. (2022) - The 1915 Mud-Debris Flow at San Fruttuoso di Camogli: Modeling the Collapse Effects in the Portofino Pilot Area of the H2020 Reconect Project. In: Gourbesville, P., Caignaert, G. (eds) Advances in Hydroinformatics. Springer Water. Springer, Singapore.
179. Turconi L., Casazza M., Bono B., Luino F. (2022) - Increasing geohydrological instability in a valley of the Italian Central Alps: a study in the Anthropocene. JOM.
180. Mandarino A., Faccini F., Luino F., Bono B., Turconi L. (2023) - Integrated Approach for the Study of Urban Expansion and River Floods Aimed at Hydrogeomorphic Risk Reduction. Remote Sensing, Remote Sens. 2023, 15(17), 4158;
181. Luino F. (2023) – Dragare i fiumi non serve a nulla: sfatiamo una credenza popolare. Nimbus, maggio 2023, online
182. Luino F., Cat Berro D., Fassi P., Antolini P. (2023) - Gli eventi alluvionali del maggio 2023 in Emilia-Romagna. Bollettino SIGEA n. 3/2023.
183. Luino F., Gizzi F.T., Palmieri W., Porfido S., Turconi L. (2023) – Historical Memory as an Effective and Useful Tool for Proper Land Use Planning: Lessons Learnt from Some Italian Cases. Land 2023, 12(9), 1751;
184. Luino F., Barriendos M., Gizzi F.T., Glaser R., Gruetzner C., Palmieri W., Porfido S., Sangster H., Turconi L. (2023) - Historical Data for Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation and Land Use Planning. Land 2023, 12(9), 1777;
185. Turconi L., Bono B., Faccini F., Luino F. (2023) - Anthropic constraint dynamics in European Western Mediterranean floodplains related to floods events. Remote Sensing, 15(19), 4798.
186. Luino F. (2023) - Il crollo della diga di Pian del Gleno del 1° dicembre 1923. Bollettino SIGEA, N. 4/2023.
187. Berti M., Schimmel A., Coviello V., Venturelli M., Albertelli L., Beretta L., Brardinoni F., Ceriani M., Pilotti M., Ranzi R., Redaelli M., Scotti R., Simoni A., Turconi L., Luino F., Characterization of a debris flow event using an affordable monitoring system. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 415, pp. 1-4), 2023.
188. Nigrelli G., Paranunzio R., Turconi L., Luino F., Mortara G., Guerini M., Giardino M., Chiarle M. (2024) - First national inventory of high-elevation mass movements in the Italian Alps. Computers & Geosciences, Volume 184, 105520, ISSN 0098-3004,