Research personnel
Senior Researcher
+39 011 3977825
+39 011 3977821
massimo.arattano (at)
Strada delle Cacce, 73 10135, Torino

Pubblicazioni (2009-2015):

ARATTANO, M., BERTOLDI, G., CAVALLI, M., COMITI, F., D’AGOSTINO, V., THEULE, J., 2015. Comparison of Methods and Procedures for Debris-Flow Volume Estimation, in: Lollino, G., Arattano, M., Rinaldi, M., Giustolisi, O., Marechal, J.-C., Grant, G.E. (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Springer International Publishing, pp. 115–119. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09054-2_22.

ARATTANO, M., CAVALLI, M., COMITI, F., COVIELLO, V., MACCONI, P., MARCHI, L., 2015. Standardization of methods and procedures for debris flow seismic monitoring, in: Lollino, G., Arattano, M., Rinaldi, M., Giustolisi, O., Marechal, J.-C., Grant, G.E. (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Springer International Publishing, pp. 63–67. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09054-2_13.

COVIELLO, V., CHIARLE, M., ARATTANO, M., POGLIOTTI, P., MORRA DI CELLA, U., 2015. Monitoring rock wall temperatures and microseismic activity for slope stability investigation at J.A. Carrel hut, Matterhorn, in: Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Clague, J., Shan, W., Chiarle, M. (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0.

TURCONI, L., COVIELLO, V., ARATTANO, M., SAVIO, G., TROPEANO, D., 2015. Monitoring Mud-Flows for Investigative and Warning Purposes: The Instrumented Catchment of Rio Marderello (North-Western Italy), in: Lollino, G., Arattano, M., Rinaldi, M., Giustolisi, O., Marechal, J.-C., Grant, G.E. (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Springer International Publishing, pp. 85–90. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09054-2.

COVIELLO, V., CHIARLE, M., ARATTANO, M., POGLIOTTI, P., MORRA DI CELLA, U., 2015. Monitoring rock wall temperatures and microseismic activity for slope stability investigation at J.A. Carrel hut, Matterhorn, in: Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Clague, J., Shan, W., Chiarle, M. (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0.

DUTTO, F., ARATTANO, M., CHIARLE, M., CONTRAFATTO, C., & TURCONI, L. 2015. 3D Video Simulation of a Debris Flow. In: Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Clague, J., Shan, W., Chiarle, M. (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 3 (pp. 79-84). Springer International Publishing. Springer International Publishing

COMITI, F., MARCHI, L., MACCONI, P., ARATTANO, M., BERTOLDI, G., BORGA, M. AND THEULE, J. (2014). A new monitoring station for debris flows in the European Alps: first observations in the Gadria basin. Natural Hazards, 1-24.

ARATTANO, M., ABANCÓ, C., COVIELLO, V., HÜRLIMANN, M., 2014. Processing the ground vibration signal produced by debris flows: the methods of amplitude and impulses compared. Comput. Geosci. 73, 17–27. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2014.08.005.

DUTTO, F., ARATTANO, M., BACENETTI, M., CHIARLE, M., CONTRAFATTO, C., GIARDINO, M., LONGO, F., PEROTTI, L., RACCA, F., ROCCI, L., TURCONI, L., 2014. Interactive, 3D Simulation of Natural Instability Processes for Civil Protection Purposes, in: Lollino, G., Arattano, M., Giardino, M., Oliveira, R., Peppoloni, S. (Eds.), . Springer International Publishing, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09303-1.

MARAGA, F., ARATTANO, M., & CHERSICH, S. (2013). Hydrological and sediment trends between 1982 and 2011 in the long term research basin Valle della Gallina, Italy. Die Bodenkultur, 61(64), 3-4.

ARATTANO, M., MARCHI, L., AND CAVALLI, M. (2012) Analysis of debris flow recordings in an instrumented basin: confirmations and new findings, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 679–686, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-679-2012, 2012. (19).

OCCHIENA C., COVIELLO V., ARATTANO M., CHIARLE M., MORRA DI CELLA U., PIRULLI M., POGLIOTTI P., SCAVIA C. (2012) - Analysis of microseismic signals and temperature recordings for rock slope stability investigations in high mountain areas, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 2283-2298, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-2283-2012.

FRANZI, L., GIORDAN, D., ARATTANO, M., ALLASIA, P., & ARAI, M. (2011). Preface Results of the open session on" Documentation and monitoring of landslides and debris flows" for mathematical modelling and design of mitigation measures, held at the EGU General Assembly 2009. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 11(5), 1583-1588.

AMITRANO D., ARATTANO M., CHIARLE M., G. MORTARA, OCCHIENA C., PIRULLI M. AND SCAVIA C. (2010) Microseismic activity analysis for the study of the rupture mechanisms in unstable rock masses.  Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 831–841.

ARATTANO, M., CONTE, R., FRANZI, L., GIORDAN, D., LAZZARI, A., and LUINO, F. (2010): Risk management on an alluvial fan: a case study of the 2008 debris-flow event at Villar Pellice (Piedmont, N-W Italy), Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 999–1008, 2010.

ARATTANO, M., & FRANZI, L. (2010). On the application of kinematic models to simulate the diffusive processes of debris flows. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 10(8), 1689-1695.

MAO L., CAVALLI M., COMITI F., MARCHI L., LENZI, M.A. ARATTANO M. Sediment transfer processes in two Alpine catchments of contrasting morphological settings Journal of Hydrology, Volume 364, Issues 1-2, 15 January 2009, Pages 88-98. 

(1989 - 2008)

SARTORI S., ARATTANO M. (1989) - “La presenza del CNR in Piemonte” Numero speciale del Bollettino d’Area,  edito dall’Area della Ricerca Mirafiori del CNR di Torino

ARATTANO M. (1990) - "Studio di fattibilità e progetto di una stazione di misura e registrazione in continuo di portata di una sorgente  tramite misuratore elettromagnetico." Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 90/13.

ARATTANO M.,  DUTTO F., GODONE F., MORTARA G. & TROPEANO D. (1991) - "Il nubifragio del 7 Giugno 1990 nelle valli dei torrenti Garza e Vrenda (Prealpi Bresciane). Studio idrologico e fenomeni di instabilità". Boll. della Assoc. Mineraria Subalpina, Anno XXVIII (1-2), 135-175.

ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A., GODONE F., MARCHI L., TROPEANO D. (1991) - "L'evento di piena del 23-24 Settembre 1990 nel bacino del Fella (Alpi Giulie)".  Boll. della Assoc. Mineraria Subalpina, Anno XXVIII (4), 627-673.

ARATTANO M., SAVAGE W. Z. (1992) - "Kinematic wave theory for debris flows". U. S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-290, 39 p.

ARATTANO M., POWERS P. S. (1992) - "KWM - A basic program and user's guide for a kinematic wave model for debris flow". U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-318, 22 p.

ARATTANO M., CANNON S.H. AND POWERS P. S. (1992) - "Hydro - A basic program and user's guide to model a recorded hydrograph of a debris flow using two different solutions for kinematic wave theory". U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-358, 22 p.

ARMARI G., ARATTANO M., BERGO G. E GODONE F. (1992) - "La frana di Tiser in comune di Gosaldo (belluno) Nota n. 1: impostazione della ricerca e primi risultati". Boll. della Assoc. Mineraria Subalpina, Anno XXIX (2-3), 277-290.

ARATTANO M., SAVAGE W.Z. (1993) - "A comparison between two kinematic wave solutions for movement of debris flows."  ASCE 1993 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and International Symposium on Engineering Hydrology. San Francisco, California. 25-30 Luglio 1993 in Hsieh Wen Shen, S. T. Su e Feng Wen editors, Hydraulic Engineering '93 vol. 2, Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, pp.1592-1597.

ARATTANO M., SAVAGE W.Z., PIERSON T.C. (1993) - "Application of kinematic wave theory to a debris flow at Lower Rudd Canyon, Farmington, Utah."  Seventh International Conference and Field Workshop on Landslides In Novosad, S. e Wagner, P. editors, Landslides, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 123-130.

ARATTANO M., PEZZOLI A. (1993) - "Taratura di misuratori di portata idrica a vasche basculanti per il monitoraggio dell'erosione superficiale di versante in bacini imbriferi.". Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 93/1.

ARATTANO M., SAVAGE W.Z. (1994) - "Modelling debris flows as kinematic waves" Bulletin of the IAEG, No 49, 95-105.

TROPEANO D., MORTARA G., ARATTANO M., MARIANI L. e DUTTO F. (1994) - "Situazioni di rischio geologico e idraulico in aree fortemente antropizzate. L’evento alluvionale del 1 Giugno 1992 nei bacini del F.Olona e del T. Arno (Varese)". Associazione Mineraria Subalpina. Quaderni di studi e di documentazione. Supplemento a GEAM, Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno XXXI, n. 4.

CELLINO M., BIANCO G., ARATTANO M., ROSSO M. (1994) - "Modello cinematico per lo studio della propagazione in alvei naturali di debris-flow con notevole variazione del volume in moto." . Atti del IV Convegno Internazionale di Geoingegneria. Torino 10-11 Marzo 1994, p. 51-56.

ARATTANO M. (1994) - "Modello cinematico per lo studio della propagazione di un debris flow in un canale prismatico a pendenza costante" GEAM, Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno XXXI (2), 8 p.

LUINO F., CHIARLE M., MOSCARIELLO A., ARATTANO M. (1994) - "Un fenomeno di mobilizzazione in massa presso Oropa (VC)" GEAM, Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno XXXI (2), 8 p.

ARATTANO M. (1994) - "Applicazione di un modello matematico a processi di debris flow in ambiente alpino" GEOLOGICA ROMANA, No 30, 9 Fig. 2 Tab, Roma.

ARATTANO M., GOVI  M. (1994) - "Considerazioni sull'utilizzo della teoria dell'onda cinematica per la modellazione di fenomeni di debris flow e lahars" GEAM, Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno XXXI (3), 8 p.

ARATTANO M., BRUNAMONTE F., MARAGA F. (1994) - "F. Po, inondazione del 5-6-7-8 novembre 1994 in territorio piemontese e lombardo (province TO, VC, AL, PV): rapporto dei sopralluoghi di emergenza”. Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 94/7.

ARATTANO M., BRUNAMONTE F. (1994) - "Rilevamento effetti dell’alluvione del 5-6 novembre 1994. Sponda destra del fiume Po, tratto compreso tra S. Mauro Torinese e la confluenza con il fiume Tanaro”. Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 94/11.

ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A., MORTARA G., GODONE F. (1994) - “ Five years of debris flow monitoring in an instrumented watershed: Rio Moscardo (Eastern Italian Alps)” European Geophysical Society XIX General Assembly, April 25-29, 1994, Poster presentation.

ARATTANO M. (1995) - “ First six-month progress report C.E. contract n. EV5V-CT94- 0453. Memoria interna I.R.P.I..

ARATTANO M., LAZZARI S. (1995) - “Hydrograph separation by stream chemistry measurements in a small watershed” ". Proceedings of the 2nd International meeting of young researchers in applied geology. Peveragno, 11-13 October 1995.  Atti del convegno, pp. 230-235.

CHIARLE M., FIORASO G., ARATTANO M., MORTARA G., TURITTO O. (1995) - “Debris flow hazard in Alpine environment: the cases of  T. di Fiernaz (AO) and T. di Valle Materlo (SO), Northern Italy”. Proceedings of the 2nd International meeting of young researchers in applied geology”. Peveragno, 11-13 October 1995, pp. 38-43.

ARATTANO M., BRUNAMONTE F., LUINO F. (1995) - “Evento alluvionale del 5-6 novembre 1994 in Piemonte: considerazioni sulla vulnerabilità di alcuni centri abitati”. Atti del 1° convegno del gruppo nazionale di geologia applicata “La città fragile in Italia”, Giardini Naxos (ME), 11 - 15 Giugno 1995, pp. 91-110.

ARATTANO M. (1995) - “ First twelve-month progress report C.E. contract n. EV5V-CT94-0453. Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 95/4.

TROPEANO D., ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A.M., LUINO F., CIARMATORI L., DUTTO F. (1995): “L’ evento alluvionale del 23-25 settembre 1993 in Liguria, Piemonte e Valle D’ Aosta. Aspetti idrologici e geomorfologici”. GEAM - Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria Quaderni di studi e di documentazione, Supplemento, Anno XXXII n° 2-3, giugno-settembre 1995, 43 p.

LUINO F., ARATTANO M., BRUNAMONTE F., (1996) - “Vulnerability of urban areas to flooding: events in the North-West Italy, november 1994 VI Congreso Nacional y Conferencia Internacional de Geologia Ambiental y Ordenacion del Territorio. 22-25 de Abril de 1996. Granada.

ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A.M., MARCHI L., MORTARA G. (1996) - “Esperienze di monitoraggio delle colate detritiche nel Torrente Moscardo (Alpi Carniche)”. In “Studi sui debris flow” suppl. a GEAM - Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno XXXIII, n° 2-3, 33-43.

COUSSOT P., LAIGLE D., ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A.M. & MARCHI L. (1996) - “Determinazione delle caratteristiche reologiche di un debris flow”. XXV Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Torino, 16-18 settembre 1996, Vol I, p. 124-135.

ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A.M. (1996) - “Monitoring debris flows on gradually varying slopes: an application to Moscardo Torrent (Paluzza, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy) data. Proc. Of the VIII international conference and field trip on landslides, Granada, Spain 27-28 September 1996, p 109-116.

ARATTANO M. (1996) - “Filtraggio dei dati registrati dai sensori ad ultrasuoni installati sul T. Moscardo (Paluzza, Friuli Venezia Giulia)”. Rapporto Interno I.R.P.I. RT 96/9.

ARATTANO M., TREBÒ G. (1996) - “Modeling debris flows on gradually varying slopes: a video presentation of the Moscardo Torrent  for the 8th International Conference on Landslides in Granada” Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 96/12 (videocassetta).

ARATTANO M. (1995) - “ Second six-month progress report C.E. contract n. EV5V-CT94-0453. Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 95/4.

ARATTANO M., TREBÒ G., MARCHI L. (1996) - “The monitoring activities in the Moscardo catchment during the 1996 summer season: a video presentation of the June 22 and July 8 1996  debris flows” Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 96/13

ARATTANO M. (1996) - “Programma delle indagini, degli interventi e delle opere riguardanti il Rischio geologico ed idraulico ed il Rischio concernente le acque sotterranee della Provincia di Varese”  Relazione generale del Gruppo N. 1 del Comitato Protezione Civile della Provincia di Varese. Rapporto Interno I.R.P.I. RT 96/11.

ARATTANO M. DEGANUTTI A.M., MARCHI L. CHIARLE M., FIORASO G., MORTARA G., TURITTO O.  (1996)) - “Second twelve progress report C.E. contract n. EV5V-CT94-0453. Memoria interna I.R.P.I. 96/2.

ARATTANO M. (1996) - “The monitoring activities in the Moscardo catchment during the 1996 summer season: results and discussion”. Start-up meeting Report U.E. Contract ENV4 CT96 0253, Bologna 29 Ottobre 1996. Rapporto Interno I.R.P.I. RT 96/24.

ARATTANO M., LOLLINO G. (1997) - “On the use of geophones as monitoring and warning system for debris flows” European Geophysical Society XXII General Assembly, Wien, April 25-29, 1997, Poster presentation.

ARATTANO M.  (1996) - “E.U. Research Contract EV5V CT94 0453: “Final Report” European Commission for Science, Research and Development Program ENVIRONMENT 1990-1994.

ARATTANO M. DEGANUTTI A.M., MARCHI L. (1997) - “Debris flow monitoring activities in an instrumented watershed on the italian alps”. Proceedings of the First International ASCE Conference on Debris-Flow Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment, San Francisco, Ca, August 7-9, 1997 506-515.

ARATTANO M., MARCHI L. (1998) - “Il monitoraggio delle colate detritiche nel Torrente Moscardo (alpi Carniche): gli eventi dei mesi di giugno e luglio1996. International Conference on the Prevention of hydrogeological hazards: the role of scientific research. Alba (Cn), 5-7 Novembre 1996, 175-185.

COUSSOT P., LAIGLE D., ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A.M. & MARCHI L. (1998) - “Direct determination of rheological characteristics of a debris flow”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Vol. 124, No. 8, p.865- 868.

ARATTANO M. (1997) - “ First six months report of the U.E. contract EV5V CT96 0253”.

ARATTANO M. (1997) - “Analyses of the seismic detectors response to a debris flow passage in a mountain torrent” First twelve months report of the U.E. contract EV5V CT96 0253.

NSOM B., LONGO S., LAIGLE D., ARATTANO M. 1998 Debris flow rheology and flow resistance. Thematic Report, U.E. contract Debris Flow Risk n° ENV4 – CT96 – 0253. 49 p.

ARATTANO M., MOIA F. (1998) Monitoraggio dell’evoluzione e propagazione di una colata detritica lungo un alveo naturale. Proc. XXVI Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Catania, pp. 259-270.

ARATTANO M., GRATTONI P. AND MARCHI L. (1998) Measuring debris flow surface velocities through video image processing. Proc. of Hydroinformatics ‘98, Copenhagen 24-26 August 1998, (paper reproduced on the CD ROM annexed to the Proceedings).

ARATTANO M., GRATTONI P. AND MARCHI L. (1998) Measuriment of debris flow surface velocities based on image processing techniques. Abstract sent to the XXIII EGS-General  Assembly Nice, France, April 1998.

ARATTANO M. (1997) - “ Second six months report of the U.E. contract EV5V CT96 0253”.

ARATTANO M. (1998) - “Report of the second year of activities” Second twelve months report of the U.E. contract EV5V CT96 0253.

ARATTANO M., MOIA F. (1999) Monitoring the propagation of a debris flow along a torrent. Hydrol. Sci. J. 44(5), pp. 811-823.

ARATTANO M. (1999) Recenti avanzamenti nelle misure di protezione di tipo passivo contro le colate detritiche torrentizie. GEAM - Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno XXXVI, n° 1 - 1999, 57-64.

ARATTANO M. (1999) On the use of seismic detectors as monitoring and warning systems for debris flows. Natural Hazards,  No 20/2-3. 197-213.

ARATTANO M., MARCHI L., DEGANUTTI A.M., GRATTONI P. AND GODONE F. (1999) Final Report U.E. contract EV5V CT96 0253.

MARCHI L., DEGANUTTI A.M. E ARATTANO M., (1999) Monitoraggio delle colate detritiche in un bacino alpino. In “Il rischio idrogeologico e la difesa del suolo”. Atti dei convegni Lincei. 154, pp. 493-497.

ARATTANO M ., DEGANUTTI A. M. and MARCHI L. (1999) Improvements in field data collection and measurements of debris flows characteristics Proceedings of the XXVIII biennal congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) “Hydraulic Engineering for Sustainable Water Resources Management  at the Turn of the Millenium” , 22 - 27 August 1999 in Graz, Austria. 7 p. 

DEGANUTTI, A.M., MARCHI, L., ARATTANO, M., 2000. Rainfall and debris flow occurrence in the Moscardo basin (Italian Alps). In G. Wieczorek &  N. Naeser (eds.) Proceedings, Second International Conference on Debris-flow Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment: Taipei, Taiwan, 16-18 Agosto, 200067-72. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.

COUSSOT P., LAIGLE D., ARATTANO M., DEGANUTTI A.M. & MARCHI L. (2000) - “Direct determination of rheological characteristics of debris flow – Closure”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Vol. 126, No. 2, p.158- 159.

ARATTANO, M., GRATTONI, P., 2000. Using a fixed video camera to measure debris-flow surface velocity. In G. Wieczorek &  N. Naeser (eds.) Proceedings, Second International Conference on Debris-flow Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment. Taipei, Taiwan, 16-18 Agosto, 2000. 273-281. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.

ARATTANO, M., MARCHI, L., 2000. Video-derived velocity distribution along a debris flow surge. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B 25(9), 781-784. Elsevier Science Ltd.

ARATTANO, M., 2000. On debris flow front evolution along a torrent. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B 25(9), 733-740. Elsevier Science Ltd.

ARATTANO M., (2000) Introduction to the Volume 25, No. 9 of the journal Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 705. Elsevier Science Ltd.

CARONI E., ARATTANO M. E MARAGA F. 2000 Results from bed load meaurements in a small catchment (Rio della Gallina, Italy). Quaderni di Idronomia Montana. Special Issue Dynamics of water and sediments in mountain basins. Selected contributions from the final Symposium of Eroslope II Project. (A. Lenzi ed.). 20, pp. 99-110.

ARATTANO M., L. MARCHI, F. GODONE, LUINO F., CHIARLE M. 2000 Condivisione di metodi e conoscenze sui processi di lave torrentizie per la difesa dei centri abitati. Relazione annuale Progetto Interreg II Italia-Svizzera.

ARATTANO M., (2001) Introduction to the Volume 26, No. 9 of the journal Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 621. Elsevier Science Ltd.

ARATTANO M., MARCHI L. (2001) “ First twelve-month progress report” Progetto U.E. “ Torrent Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation Tools” Contract n° EVG1-CT-1999-00012.

MARCHI L., M. ARATTANO, DEGANUTTI, A.M. (2002)  Ten years of debris flows monitoring in the Moscardo Torrent (Italian Alps).  Geomorphology, 46(1/2), 1-17.

ARATTANO M., MARCHI L. 2002 Condivisione di metodi e conoscenze sui processi di lave torrentizie per la difesa dei centri abitati. Contributo del CNR IRPI. In “Regione Piemonte – Progetto Interreg II Italia Svizzera 1994-99. Pp 79-87.

LOLLINO G., ARATTANO M., CUCCUREDDU M. (2002) The use of  the Automatic Inclinometric System (AIS) for landslide early warning: the case of Cabella Ligure (North -Western Italy). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Volume 27, No. 36, 1545-1550. Elsevier Science Ltd.

ARATTANO M., (2002) Preface to the Volume 27, No. 36 of the journal Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 1533. Elsevier Science Ltd.

LOLLINO G., ARATTANO M., LAZZARI A., Troisi C. (2002) Landslide control through rainfall monitoring and an Automated Inclinometric System. In J. Rybář, J. Stemberk and P. Wagner (eds.) Proceedings, First European Conference on Landslides, Prague Czech Republic, June 24-26 2002: 629-634. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.

ARATTANO M., MARCHI L. (2002) - “ Second twelve-month progress report” Progetto U.E. “ Torrent Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation Tools” Contract n° EVG1-CT-1999-00012.

ARATTANO, M. MARCHi L., Deganutti A.M. (2003) Data acquisition and processing in a small debris flow prone catchment. In L. Holko & P. Miklánek (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th ERB Conference (Demänovská dolina, Slovakia, 25-28 September 2002) 165-170. IHP-VI, Technical Documents in Hydrology, No. 67. UNESCO, Paris. SU Google scholar

ARATTANO M. (2003) “Cross correlation for debris flow velocity measurements” Poster presentation at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly Nice, France, April 2003.

ARATTANO, M. and Franzi, L. (2003) Resistance laws for debris flow numerical simulation. In D. Rickenmann &  C. L. Chen (eds.) Proceedings, Third International Conference on Debris-flow Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment: 565-576. Rotterdam: Millpress.

ARATTANO, M. MARCHI L., DEGANUTTI A.M. (2003) Final Report CONTRACT N. EVG1-CT-1999-00012 – THARMIT, Torrent Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation Tools.

Arattano M. franzi l. (2003) “On the dynamics of different water-sediment flow processes in a mountain torrent”. Abstract sent to the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly Nice, April 2003.

ARATTANO, M. (2003) Monitoring the presence of the debris flow front and its velocity through ground vibration detectors. In D. Rickenmann &  C. L. Chen (eds.) Proceedings, Third International Conference on Debris-flow Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment: 719-730. Rotterdam: Millpress.

ARATTANO M. & FRANZI L. (2003) On the evaluation of debris flows dynamics by means of mathematical models. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (2003) 3: 539–544. European Geosciences Union 2003.

ARATTANO M., MARCHI L., BARDOU E. (2003) Preface to the Third Issue of the Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Volume 3,  No. 6, p. 489.

ARATTANO M. MARCHI L. (2004) “An integrated system for the detection of debris flow occurrence” Abstract sent to the 1st EGU General Assembly Nice, France, April 2004.

ARATTANO M. MARCHI L. (2004) Recording unit for debris flow monitoring through the detection of ground vibrations” Abstract sent to the 32ND INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS, Firenze, Agosto 2004

ARATTANO M. & FRANZI L. (2004) Analysis of different water-sediment flow processes in a mountain torrent. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (2004) 4: 783–791. European Geosciences Union 2004.

MARCHI L., ARATTANO M. AND DINI M. (2004) Benefits of long-term debris flow monitoring in instrumented basins. In D. Tropeano, M. Arattano, F. Maraga & C. Pellissero (eds.) Extended Abstracts, X  International Conference ERB 2004 “Progress in surface and subsurface water studies at the plot and small basin scale” Turin Italy October 13 – 17, 2004. 278-283. National Research Council of Italy.

ARATTANO M. & MARCHI L. (2005) Measurement of debris flow velocity through cross-correlation of instrumentation data. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (2005) 5: 137–142. European Geosciences Union 2005.

ARATTANO M. & Franzi L.  (2005) Spinta dinamica esercitata da una colata detritica. In “La prevenzione del rischio idrogeologico nei piccoli bacini montani della regione: esperienze e conoscenze acquisite con il progetto CATCHRISK”. Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Direzione centrale risorse agricole, naturali, forestali e montagna. Servizio territorio montano e manutenzioni; pp. 175-188

MARAGA F. & ARATTANO M. (2005) Progress in Surface and Subsurface Water Studies at Plot and small basin Scale. Proceedings of the 10th ERB Conference, 13-17 October 2004. Maraga F. and Arattano M editors; pp 194.  

LOLLINO G., ARATTANO M., ALLASIA P. and Giordan D. (2005) Time response of a landslide to meteorological events. Abstract sent to the 2nd EGU General Assembly Wien, April 2005.

ARATTANO M., FRANZI L. & MARCHI l. (2005) on the influence of rheology on debris flow mathematical simulation: a real case. Abstract sent to the 2nd EGU General Assembly Wien, Austria, April 2005.

ARATTANO M. & FRANZI L. (2005) Uncertainties in debris flows dynamic evaluations and countermeasures planning. Abstract sent to the 14th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies. Natural hazards related to recent geological processes and regional evolution. Torino, September 19-23, 2005, Congress venue: Centro Congressi Regione Piemonte Corso Stati Uniti, 23.

ARATTANO M. & FRANZI (2006) Estimation of the effects of uncertainties in the determination of water-sediment flow rheology . Abstract sent to the 2nd EGU General Assembly Wien, Austria, April 2006.

ARATTANO M. & FRANZI (2006) Estimation of the effects of uncertainties in the determination of water-sediment flow rheology . Poster presented at the 3rd EGU General Assembly Wien, Austria, April 2006.

ARATTANO M. & FRANZI L. (2006) Debris flow rheology assessment through mathematical simulation. Abstract sent to the 4th International Conference on Debris-flow Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, September 10-13, 2007, International Convention Center, Chengdu, China

LOLLINO G., ARATTANO M., ALLASIA P. and Giordan D. (2006). Time response of a landslide to meteorological events. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,  6, 179–184. European Geosciences Union 2006.

MAO L., CAVALLI M., COMITI F., MARCHI L. & ARATTANO M. (2006) Long-term monitoring of bedload and debris flows in two small catchments of the Eastern Italian Alps. In G. Lorenzini, C. A. Brebbia & D. Emmanouloudis (Eds.) Proceedings, first international conference on monitoring, simulation, prevention and remediation of dense and debris flows: 147-158 Boston: Witpress

ARATTANO M., FRANZI L. & MARCHI L. (2006). Influence of rheology on debris flow simulation. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,  6, 519–528. European Geosciences Union 2006.

CHIARLE M., ARATTANO M., DELINE P., GIULIETTO W., HERRY G., MORTARA G., PAU R., RAVELLO M., VAGLIASINDI M., VOYAT I. (2007) – Recording and analysing high mountain rockfall events in relation to cryosphere changes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, A-07607.

PAU R., CHIARLE M., MORTARA G., GIULIETTO W., ARATTANO M. (2007) – Crolli in pareti rocciose d’alta quota: creazione ed implementazione di un GIS-Database per il Monte Bianco. Riassunti del Convegno Nazionale A.I.Geo, Torino, 26-28 marzo 2008

ARATTANO M. & FRANZI L. (2007) Debris flow rheology assessment through mathematical simulation of hydrograph deformation. In Chen & Major (Eds.) Proceedings 4th International Conference on Debris-flow Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, September 10-13, 2007, China 99-110, Rotterdam: Millpress.

ARATTANO M. & MARCHI L. (2008) Systems and Sensors for Debris-flow Monitoring and Warning. Sensors 2008, 8, 2436-2452.

ARATTANO M., CHIARLE M., MORTARA G., PIRULLI M. E SUCCIO M. (2007)  Relazione annuale sull’attività del CNR-IRPI nell’ambito del Progetto Interreg III A – ALCOTRA n.196 «PERMAdataROC». Rapporto Interno I.R.P.I. RT 2007/9.


During his research activity at the Institute he concentrated himself on four main topics: 1) investigations of floods events, with particular attention to the hydrological aspects involved 2) researches on debris flows 3) researches on landslide monitoring 4) service, calibration and design activities for the Institute.


As far as the second topic is concerned he concentrated his activity on 5 main aspects: a) mathematical modelling of debris flows b) experimental and field data collection on debris flows in instrumented sites c) debris flow rheological studies d) application and test of  different sensor typologies for monitoring purposes e) development of warning algorithms for debris flows.

Massimo Arattano, graduated at the Politecnico of Turin in Hydraulics Engineering and was hired at CNR IRPI in 1988 where he actually works as Primo Ricercatore.He carried out study interventions on the floods that took place in 1990 in the Garza and Vrenda (Brescia) valleys, in the Resia, Raccolana and Fella (Udine) valleys, in 1992 in the Varese Province, in 1993 in Liguria and in 1994 in southern Piedmont. In 1991 he moved to the U.S.A. to work at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as Foreign Scientist. During this stay he developed, in cooperation with Prof. W.Z. Savage, a mathematical model to simulate debris flow motion, applying it to several cases coming from Italy and USA. In 1992 he assumed the responsibility of the management of the debris flow monitoring activities in the Moscardo Torrent. In 1993 he was responsible of the European Research Project titled “Contribution to the reduction of debris flow damage, with the analysis of the triggering factors, initiation, propagation and deposition phenomena, in the Alpine region" Contract n° EV5V CT94 O453. In 1996 he was responsible of the European Research Project titled “Debris flow management and risk assessment in the Alpine region” Contract n° ENV4 CT96 O253. In 2000 he was responsible of the European Research Project titled “Torrent Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation Tools” Contract n° EVG1-CT-1999-00012. In 1999 he assumed the scientific responsibility of an Interreg II Project 1994/1999 Italia - Confederazione Elvetica titled “Collegamento delle reti di rilevamento e condivisione delle esperienze e conoscenze per la gestione del rischio idrogeologico”. In 2006 he has become the Scientific Responsible of  the Projet Interreg III A – ALCOTRA n.196 PERMAdataROC, within the context of which a monitoring system has been designed and installed at the Capanna Carrel on the Matterhorn that allows the acquisition and recording of micro-seismic signals. In 2010 he has become the Scientific Responsible for the Institute of  a new Interreg Project named “Massa” within which the detection programme of  micro-seismic signals at the Capanna Carrel on the Matterhorn has continued. Since 2011 he cooperates to the management of the debris flow monitoring equipment of the instrumented area of the Gadria Torrent (Lasa, Bz), where some warning algorithms are currently under test. These latter are implemented on a innovative recording unit for the multiparametric monitoring of debris flows, named  ALMOND-F (ALarm and MOnitoring system for Debris-Flows), explicitly designed and realized in collaboration with the company Siap+Micros.