Research personnel
marco.dionigi (at)
Via della Madonna Alta, 126 06128, Perugia


Pubblicazioni ISI

  1. Bahmanpouri F., Termini D., Barbetta S., Dionigi M., Moramarco T. (2023), Investigating hydrodynamics and turbolent effects for different flow conditions using spatial complexity metrics (in preparation).
  2. Bahmanpouri F., Termini D., Barbetta S., Dionigi M., Moramarco T. (2023), Significance of hydraulic complexity parameters M1 and M2 based on laboratory and field data. Hydrology Research 2023; nh2023089. doi:
  3. Porceddu P.R., Rosati L., Dionigi M. (2010), Evaluation of temporal variations in moisture and calorific value of vine and olive pruning, – J. of Ag. Eng. - Riv. di Ing. Agr., 4, 9-13.

Pubblicazioni non ISI 

  1. Porceddu P. R., Dionigi M. (2006) – Analisi tecnica ed economica del pioppo S.R.F. Estimo e Territorio n. 12, pp 36 – 41.

Contributi a conferenze

  1. Manca di Villahermosa, F., Dionigi, M., Donnini, M., Fronzi, D., Tazioli, A., Spoloar, A., Turetta, C., Cappelletti, D., Petroselli, C., Bruschi, F., Selvaggi, R., Penna, D., and Massari, C.: Geology controls hydrological regime and spatio-temporal origin of surface and subsurface water in two adjacent mountain catchments in Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9057, , 2023.
  2. Dionigi, M., Verdone, M., Penna, D., Barbetta, S., and Massari, C.: Throughfall variability between oak and beech trees in a mountainous Mediterranean catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2433, , 2023.
  3. Marco Stelluti, Marco Dionigi, Silvia Barbetta, Christian Massari, Sandro Costantini, Stefano Nodessi Proietti (2022) – Nuovo sistema di diffusione di massa dei dati di monitoraggio idro – pluvio – termometrici della Regione Umbria e Cruscotto operativo del Servizio Idrografico della Regione Umbria. Le Giornate dell'Idrologia 2022 della Società Idrologica Italiana. 9 – 11 november 2022, Genova, Italy.
  4. Porceddu P. R., Dionigi M. (2010) – Evaluation of noise levels in olive mills. International conference: “Work safety and risk prevention in agro – food and forest systems”. 16 – 18 september 2010, Ragusa, Italy
  5. Porceddu P. R., Rosati L., Dionigi M. (2008) – Risk profiles for workers involved in meat transformation processes. International conference: “Innovation technology to empower safety, health and welfare in agriculture and agro – food systems”. 15 – 17 september 2008, Ragusa, Italy.
  6. Porceddu P. R., Dionigi M. (2007) – La meccanizzazione per l’utilizzo energetico delle biomasse. Atti del Workshop: “Residui e sottoprodotti organici una risorsa da valorizzare”. 25 october 2007, Foligno, Italy.
  7. Dionigi M. (2007) – Aspetti tecnici sulla coltivazione del pioppo S.R.F. Atti del Convegno: “Sviluppo Rurale e Agroenergie”. 9 June 2007, Città di Castello, Italy.
  8. Dionigi M., Porceddu P. R. (2007) – Il pioppo S.R.F., aspetti tecnici ed economici. Atti del Convegno: “Lo stato della conoscenza sulle biomasse in Umbria” – Impegno formativo della Facoltà di agraria nel settore delle Biomasse. 21 february 2007, Perugia, Italy.
  9. Porceddu P. R., Babucci V., Dionigi M. (2006) – Confronto tecnico ed economico su diverse possibilità di raccolta delle potature di vite ed olivo. Atti del Convegno: “Esperienze Italiane, Risultati del Progetto COFIN – Filiere Biomassa – Energia in Italia – Politiche locali in atto”. 20 – 21 december 2006, Ancona, Italy.

My research activity mainly regards streamflow measurements, also with innovative methodologies, for eco – hydrological and hydraulic applications.

I am training in the use of specific instrumentation with ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter) technology for river flow measurements.I’ve been involved in numerous research projects: aiming to unravel the interactions between carbon and water cycles as to understand the modulating effect of the vegetation on water-supply deficit and to predict flood wave and hydraulic risk assessment.

To this end I carry out several experimental outdoor activities aimed at acquiring samples for water isotope analysis in different hydrological compartments (streams, groundwater, runoff, rainwater);  disturbed and undisturbed soil samples for the determination of physical and hydraulic parameters (sieved fraction, hydraulic conductivity) and the installation of instruments for the determination of soil moisture and rainfall in agroecosystems forests.

Marco Dionigi was born in Foligno (Perugia), Italy in 1977. He received the M.S. degree in Agricultural Science and the Ph.D. degree in agricultural mechanization, both with excellence, from the University of Perugia (Perugia), Italy, in 2006 and from University of TUSCIA (Viterbo), Italy, in 2011, respectively.

Since 2012 to 2021 he worked for the company Anseme spa, Cesena, Italy, as crop specialist and technical manager for the production of hybrid vegetable seeds.

From January 2022 he is carrying out research activities as a -: CLEANED :- Post Doc Research Grant Holder -: CLEANED :- at the CNR-IRPI of Perugia (Italy).