Research personnel
Grant recipient
elisabettanapolitano (at) cnr.it
Via della Madonna Alta, 126 06128, Perugia


“Deformazione tardo-pleistocenico-olocenica lungo la costa ionica del Pollino (Calabria) in base ai terrazzi marini e fluviali", Rend. Soc. Geol It. 4 (2007), Nuova Serie, pp. 246-248, 3 ff. (M. E. Mazzella; E. Napolitano; E. Santoro & L. Ferranti), [Gigs Urbino: 12-13/03/2007];

Raised coastal terraces along the Ionian sea coast of northern Calabria, Italy, suggest space and time variability of tectonic uplift rates (Santoro E., Mazzella M.E., Ferranti L., Monaco, C., Randisi E., Napolitano E., Rittner S., Radtke U.) (Quaternary international – DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2008.10.003);

Field characterisations of shear strength and triggering mechanisms of debris flows in pyroclastic soil mantled slopes of Campania (southern Italy) Epitome Geoitalia 2011 – Vol. 4 - [VIII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Torino, 19-23 settembre 2011];

“Deterministic estimation of hydrological thresholds for shallow landslide initiation and slope stability models: case study from the Somma-Vesuvius area of southern Italy”, P. De Vita, E. Napolitano, R. Baum, J. Godt ( “Landslides - DOI 10.1007/s10346-012-0348-2”);

Atti di Convegno

“Deformation pattern provided by marine and fluvial terraces from the Ionian coast of the Pollino range, northern Calabria”. Riassunti estesi delle comunicazioni GNGTS (2006) - (Mazzella M.E., Napolitano E., Santoro E. & Ferranti L.);

Uplifted coastal terraces along the coast of the Pollino range, northern Calabria: eustatic and tectonic implications. Epitome Geoitalia Vol. 1 (2007) (Mazzella M.E., Napolitano E., Santoro E., Ferranti L., 2007), [Git Bevagna 2007];

Deformation pattern provided by coastal and fluvial terraces from the Ionian coast of the Pollino range, northern Calabria. Epitome Geoitalia Vol. 1 (2007) 10.1474/Epitome.02.0835.Geoitalia 2007 (Santoro E., Mazzella M.E., Napolitano E., Ferranti L.);

Raised coastal terraces along the Ionian sea coast of northern Calabria, Italy, suggest space and time variability of tectonic uplift rates. Tethys to Mediterranean Abstract book p. 99, (Santoro E., Mazzella M.E., Ferranti L., Monaco, C., Randisi E., Napolitano E., Rittner S., Radtke U., 2008), [GIGS Catania 2008];

Monitoring the soil suction regime of landslide-prone ash-fall pyroclastic deposits covering slopes in the Sarno area(Campania - southern Italy) (Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 24 (2013), pp. 146-148);

Groundwater recharge assessment in karst aquifers of southern Apennines (Italy) (Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 24 (2013), pp. 202-204);

The instability of colluvial mantle in turbidite flysch series of the Cilento region (Campania -southern Italy): the November 26, 2010, Ostigliano translational slide (De Vita P.1, Allocca V., Di Clemente E., Fusco F., Manna F., Mastrogiovanni G., Napolitano E.( IAEG – Torino 2014).

Definition of physically based hydrological thresholds triggering landslides and slope hydrological modeling to understand the recharge conditions of the carbonate aquifers - saturated/ unsaturated laboratory soil tests for the definition of physical and mechanical properties –finite elements modelling (2D), transient rainfall infiltration and grid based regional slope-stability analysis (TRIGRS), field activities and tutoring. Currently I am a fellow at CNR IRPI and I work on the research project regarding the study, organization and analysis of data and information concerning landslides and flooding and the quantification of damages they produce.



PhD Thesis: "Hydrological modeling of initial stability and landslides triggering debris flows in ash-fall deposits covering surrounding hillslopes Somma-Vesuvius (southern Italy)."
Tutor: Prof. P. De Vita (University of the Study of Naples  Federico II- Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources - Distar)
Co-Tutor: Dr. Jonathan W. Godt (United States Geological Survey - Hazard Team, Golden - CO)

Postgraduate specialization 1th Level postgraduate Master and Specialization Course “GIS for Land-use Management " (University of Rome 3).


“English course” certificate at University Language Center University of the Study of Naples Federico II (Level B2)


Master degree in Geology, thesis: “Morpho-tectonic analysis of middle Pleistocene and Holocene marine terraces in northern Calabria: structural aspects”. Tutor: Prof. Luigi Ferranti (University of the Study of Naples Federico II - Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources - Distar)

Local Basin authority for the Sele River (Southern Italy):“Autorità di bacino destra Sele”  - Naples ITALY

Campanian register of geologists: Licence to practice Geology

Work experience


Post Doctoral researcher at CNR-IRPI (Perugia, ITALY): post-doctoral fellowship: “Research, organization and analysis of data and information concerning landslides and flooding and the damages they produce”.


Visiting scientist at United States Geological Survey (USGS), Golden – CO (September 2013 – October 2013): “Hydrological modeling of pyroclastic coverage for the definition of hazard conditions triggering of landslides and carbonate aquifer recharge setting, carrying out a 3-D numerical modeling of a sample mountain watershed by means of TRIGRS, under different scenarios of antecedent hydrological conditions and heavy rainstorms events”

Post doctoral researcher at at University og the study of Naples Federico II (Naples, ITALY): post-doctoral fellowship: “Hydrological modeling of pyroclastic cover Sarno mountains (Southern Italy), for the definition of hydrological thresholds for debris flow - development of physically based models - field and tutoring activities”.


United States Geological Survey (USGS), Golden – CO - Visiting Scientist - Main activities: 2D Hydrological and geotechnical modeling of unsaturated/saturated conditions of an ash-fall pyroclastic soil mantled slope of the Sarno Mountains and rainfall induced landslides; stability of unsaturated finite-slopes