Research personnel
+39 075 5014421
+39 075 5014420
marco.donnini (at)
Via della Madonna Alta, 126 06128, Perugia

Publications in ISI international journals


Granieri D., Carapezza M. L., Avino R., Caliro S., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Donnini M., Minopoli C., Ranaldi M., Ricci T., Tarchini L. (2013)

Level of carbon dioxide diffuse degassing from the ground of Vesuvio: comparison between extensive surveys and inferences on the gas source.

Annals of Geophysics, 56, 4,


Tassi F, Nisi B, Cardellini C, Capecchiacci F, Donnini M, Vaselli O, Avino R, Chiodini G (2013).

Diffuse soil emission of hydrothermal gases (CH4, C6H6 and CO2) at Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei, southern Italy).

Applied Goochemistry, vol. 35, pp. 142-153


Chiodini G., Caliro S., Cardellini C., Granieri D., Avino R., Baldini A., Donnini M. and Minopoli C. (2010)

Long term variations of the Campi Flegrei, Italy, volcanic system as revealed by the monitoring of hydrothermal activity.

Journal of Geophysical Research, 115



Publications in non ISI international journals


Salvati P., Donnini M., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M., Bucci F., Fiorucci F., Santangelo M., Ardizzone F., Alvioli M. (2014)

Impact of landslides along road network and direct cost estimation: a case study in Marche Region, Central Italy.

AGU Fall Meeting 2014 Conference Abstract


Donnini M., Frondini F., Probst J.-L., Probst A., Cardellini C., Caliro S., Chiodini G., Marchesini I., Guzzetti F. (2014)

A study on the gechemical processes that control the production and the consumption of atmospheric CO2 in Alpine region

Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) Summer School 2014.


Rossi M., Donnini M., Frondini F., Guzzetti F. (2014)

Stima dell'infiltrazione efficace nell'area alpina ed appenninica tramite dati aperti e software open source

Geosciences and Information Technologies (GIT) 2014 Conference Abstract


Donnini M., Frondini F., Cardellini C., Caliro S., Chiodini G., Marchesini I., Guzzetti F. (2013)

First preliminary map of deep CO2 degassing in Alpine region

Goldschmidt 2013 Conference Abstract


Donnini M., Probst J.-L., Probst A., Frondini F., Marchesini I., Guzzetti F. (2013)

Alpine weathering and carbon cycle

Goldschmidt 2013 Conference Abstract


Donnini M., Probst J.-L-, Probst A., Frondini F., Marchesini I., Guzzetti F. (2013)

The contribution of weathering of the main Alpine rivers on the global carbon cycle

EGU General Assembly 2013, Geophysical Research Abstract Vol. 15, EGU 2013


Donnini M., Marchesini I., Frondini F., Cardellini C., Rossi M., Caliro S., Chiodini G., Guzzetti F. (2013)

Elaboration of deep-CO2 degassing map of Alpine region starting from open data and open source GIS.

XIV Meeting degli utenti italiani GRASS e GFOSS


Rossi M., Donnini M., Frondini F., Guzzetti F. (2013)

Estimation of infiltration in the Alpine area exploiting open data and open source software.

XIV Meeting degli utenti italiani GRASS e GFOSS


Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Caliro S., Frondini F., Avino R., Baldini A., Donnini M. (2011)

CO2 fluxes from Earth degassing in Italy.

EGU General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 13, EGU2011-7778-1, 2011


Donnini M., Cardellini, C., Chiodini, G., Avino, R., Baldini, A., Caliro, S., Frondini, F., Granieri, D. (2011)

Quantification of CO2 degassing and modelling of Bagni San Filippo Geothermal System (Tuscany, Italy).

Geoitalia 2011, Epitome Vol. 4


Donnini M., Chiodini G., Avino R., Baldini A., Cardellini C., Caliro S., Frondini F., Granieri D., Morgantini N. (2007)

Carbon dioxide degassing at Bagni san Filippo (Tuscany, Italy): quantification and modelling of gas release.

Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, EGU2007-A-02954


Frondini F., Baldini S., Balestra R., Caliro S., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Donnini M., Granieri D., Morgantini N. (2008)

Interaction between deep and shallow fluids and carbon dioxide degassing at Mt Amiata region.

Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-06343


Gambardella B., Cardellini C., Frondini F., Donnini M., Sorrenti D., Cipolli F., Vetuschi Zuccolini M. (2006)

Studi preliminari sui flussi di CO2 dal suolo nel foglio 549 Muravera.

Cartografia Geochimica d’Italia. Workshop di medio termine del progetto GEOBASI,

Cremisini C. ed Ottonello G. A cura di Armiento G.; Ed ENEA

The main activities are related to the geochemistry of fluids and to the management of spatial data through GIS and PostGIS open source (GRASS, QuantumGIS, PostgreSQL, R etc...) with particular attention to the use of “free” and “open” data.

The main activities were related to the geochemistry of fluids applied to the study of degassing processes in volcanic and non volcanic areas.

The studies were focused on the estimation of CO2 released from natural systems, and on the evaluation of volcanic (at Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei) and gas hazard (the risk of death due to natural emissions of CO2) in Central Italy (in geothermal areas of Monte Amiata and in the Cimini - Volsini Complex). During the PhD was performed a study in the Alpine region with the aim to elaborate a balance between atmospheric CO2 emitted from Alpine springs and atmospheric CO2 "fixed" by the weathering of the main Alpine rivers.

The thesis was on geochemistry (sampling and analysis of water and gas, process modeling of geochemical evolution of water etc...), but the methods used were interdisciplinary. In particular the collaboration with CNR - IRPI allowed to acquire skills related to the management of spatial data using open source software (GRASS and QuantumGIS for geomorphological and hydrogeological analysis and for elaborating maps, PostGIS and PostgreSQL systems for processing and management spatial databases and R for statistical and geostatistical analysis).

During this period, particular attention was paid to the use of “free” and “open” spatial data (digital terrain models, maps of land use, rainfall data and temperature etc... ) .

At the present the main activities are related to the study of economic impact of natural disasters.

Since 2009 is also performed activities of free-lance geologist.

My name is Marco Donnini and I am a PhD geologist.

I took my University degree (“Laurea”) on Geological Sciences on March 2005 in the University of Perugia – Earth Sciences Department – Geochemistry Section (at the present named: Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia of Università di Perugia) with a thesis on geochemistry applied to gas hazard. The thesis title was “Hydrogeochemical study of the thermal springs of Bagni San Filippo (Castiglione d’Orcia, Siena): modelling of the system” and was in collaboration between Earth Sciences Department of Perugia University and National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV - Vesuvius Observatory, Napoli). The supervisor was Prof. Giovanni Chionini (Vesuvius Observatory – INGV, Napoli) and the co-supervisor was Dr. Carlo Cardellini (University of Perugia – Earth Sciences Department – Geochemistry Section). One of the object of the thesis was the study and the estimation of deep CO2 degassing from non-volcanic environment. For the thesis I performed several fieldworks during which I sampled the waters and the dissolved gas of the thermal springs of Bagni San Filippo (Central Italy) and moreover I performed several measurements of the soil CO2 fluxes with accumulation chamber instrument. The collected data were useful to perform several numerical simulation with TOUGH2 software.

After that, on November 2005, I had a contract with Perugia University for a study focused on soil CO2 degassing on background areas in Central Italy (Muravera – Cagliari, Sardinia). The Supervisor was Prof. Francesco Frondini (University of Perugia – Earth Sciences Department – Geochemistry section).

Between June 2006 and May 2008 I had a contract with Vesuvius Observatory – INGV (Napoli) as temporary researcher on the study: “Fluid geochemistry on hydrothermal and magmatic systems”. The supervisor was Prof. Giovanni Chiodini. During this experience I analysed more in deep the topics related to CO2 degassing both in volcanic (Vesuvius and Phlegrean Fields, Napoli) and non volcanic (Latera and Torre Alfina, Cimini – Volsini Complex) Italian areas performing several fieldworks focused on measurements of soil CO2 fluxes and on samplings of water and dissolved gas. Moreover during this experience I improved my skills on numerical simulations.

Between June and December 2009 I had a contract with University of Perugia – Earth Sciences Department – Geochemistry Section as temporary researcher on the study ”Hydrogeochemical study of Trasimeno Lake for a better understanding of the phenomena that influence the chemical and isotopic composition of the waters”. The aim of the work was the application of geochemical and isotopic methods for the study of the hydrological processes in Trasimeno Lake (Central Italy) with a focus on the CO2 and CH4 production by the degradation of organic matter in lacustrine environments.

After that, on December 2009 I started my PhD in Earth Sciences in collaboration between University of Perugia and CNR-IRPI (National Research Council – Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection) of Perugia. The thesis title was “A study on the geochemical processes that control the production and the consumption of CO2 in Alpine region”, the supervisor was Prof. Francesco Frondini (University of Perugia – Earth Sciences Department – Geochemistry section) and the co-supervisor was Dr. Fausto Guzzetti (CNR-IRPI). The thesis was refereed by Prof. Jean-Luc Probst (EcoLab, CNRS - Toulouse University Paul Sabatier - Toulouse Institute of Technology, France) and Dr. Fatima Viveiros (University of the Azores, Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, Portugal) and in February 2013 I took the European PhD.
The object of the work was the study of the main processes that control the production (by CO2 degassing from the springs) and the consumption of atmospheric CO2 in Alpine region (by riverine weathering). In order to estimate the atmospheric CO2 production, I elaborated a database with chemical and isotopic analyses of the main Alpine springs and in order to enrich the database with new data, I collected several Alpine springs. On the other hand, in order to estimate the atmospheric CO2 consumption I sampled the waters of the main Alpine rivers and I estimated the CO2 consumption by weathering. This part of PhD was performed in collaboration between EcoLab (CNRS - Toulouse University Paul Sabatier - Toulouse Institute of Technology, France) during a placement of three months under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Luc Probst (EcoLab).
I performed chemical and isotopic analyses of the sampled waters in the laboratories of Perugia University (Italy) and of EcoLab (Toulouse, France). The collaboration with CNR - IRPI allowed me to acquire skills related to the management of spatial data using open source software (GRASS and QuantumGIS for geomorphological and hydrogeological analysis and for elaborating maps, PostGIS and PostgreSQL systems for processing and management spatial databases and R for statistical and geostatistical analysis).

Between September 2012 and August 2013 I had a grant from Perugia University for the study “Study of the CO2 diffuse degassing from the soil in Solfatara di Pozzuoli (Napoli, Italy)”, during which I performed several fieldworks in order to evaluate the volcanic hazard in Phlegrean Fields (Napoli). Moreover during my post-doc activity I improved the database of Alpine springs performing new fieldworks.

At the present I have a grant from CNR-IRPI (National Research Council – Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection) of Perugia for a study on economic evaluation of natural disasters and my supervisor is Dr. Paola Salvati.