Research personnel
+39 0984 841417
roberto.coscarelli (at)
Via C. B. Cavour, 4/6 87030, Rende (CS)

Among the most recent publications:

 Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Gaudio R., Spatial and temporal variability of daily precipitation concentration in the Sardinia region (Italy). International Journal of Climatology, 39, 5006–5021, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/joc.6123. ISSN: 0899-8418

 Sirangelo B., Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., A Stochastic approach for the analysis of long dry spells with different threshold values in Southern Italy. Water, 11, 2026, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/w11102026. ISSN: 2073-4441

 Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Gaudio R., Leonardo G.P., Precipitation trend and concentration in the Sardinia region. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137, 297–307, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2595-1. ISSN: 0177-798X

 Caroletti G.N., Coscarelli R., Caloiero T., Validation of satellite, reanalysis and RCM data of monthly rainfall in Calabria (Southern Italy). Remote Sensing, 11, 1625, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/rs11131625. ISSN: 2072-4292

 Antronico A., Coscarelli R., De Pascale F., Condino F., Social perception of geo-hydrological risk in the context of urban disaster risk reduction: a comparison between experts and population in an area of Southern Italy. Sustainability, 11(7), 2061, 2019. DOI: 0.3390/su11072061. ISSN 2071-1050

 Sirangelo B., Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., A combined stochastic analysis of mean daily temperature and diurnal temperature range. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 135, 1349–1359, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2441-5. ISSN: 0177-798X

 Caloiero T., Sirangelo B., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., Occurrence probabilities of wet and dry periods in southern Italy through the SPI evaluated on synthetic monthly precipitation series. Water, 10, 336, 2018. DOI: 10.3390/w10030336. ISSN: 2073-4441

 Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., Application of the Innovative Trend Analysis Method for the Trend Analysis of Rainfall Anomalies in Southern Italy. Water Resources Management, 32, 4971–4983, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-018-2117-z. ISSN: 0920-4741

 Gullà G., Aceto L., Antronico L., Borrelli L., Coscarelli R., Perri F. (2018) A smart geotechnical model in emergency conditions: a case study of a medium-deep landslide in Southern Italy. Engineering Geology, 234 (21), 138-152, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.01.008. ISSN: 0013-7952 

 Coscarelli R., Caloiero T., Ferrari E., Sirangelo B., Detection and analysis of drought events in Calabria (southern Italy). Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, Special Issue 1, 13-25, 2018. DOI: 10.4408/IJEGE.2018-01.S-02. ISSN: 1825-6635

 Sirangelo B., Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., Stochastic analysis of long dry spells in Calabria (Southern Italy). Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 127, 711–724, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-015-1662-0. ISSN:  0177-798X

 Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., Sirangelo B., Trend analysis of monthly mean values and extreme indices of daily temperature in a region of southern Italy. International Journal of Climatology, 37, 284-297, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5003. ISSN: 0899-8418

 Sirangelo B., Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., A stochastic model for the analysis of maximum daily temperature. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 130, 275-289, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-016-1879-6. ISSN:  0177-798X

 Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., Sirangelo B., Temporal analysis of rainfall categories in southern Italy (Calabria region). Environmental Processes, 4, 113–124, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s40710-017-0215-1. ISSN: 2198-7491

 Antronico L., Coscarelli R., De Pascale F., Muto F., Geo-hydrological risk perception: a case study in Calabria (Southern Italy). International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 25, 301-311, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.09.022. ISSN: 2212-420

 Longobardi A., Buttafuoco G., Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation in a Mediterranean area (southern Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 189, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5045-8. ISSN: 1866-6280

 Caloiero T., Sirangelo B., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., An analysis of the occurrence probabilities of wet and dry periods through a stochastic monthly rainfall model. Water, 8, 39, 2016. DOI: 10.3390/w8020039. ISSN: 2073-4441

 Coscarelli R., Caloiero T., Minervino I., Sorriso-Valvo M., Sensitivity to desertification of a high productivity area in Southern Italy. Journal of Maps, 12, 573–581, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2015.1054904. ISSN: 1744-5647

 Caloiero T., Coscarelli R., Ferrari E., Sirangelo B., Trends in the daily precipitation categories of Calabria (southern Italy). Procedia Engineering, 162, 32–38, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.008. ISSN 1877-7058

Researches in European, National and Regional Projects and scientific/technical advices as part of conventions between Institute and public administrations, in the following areas: rainfall trends, hydrologic modeling, analysis of long drought periods, teleconnection between rainfall and global climatic indices, analysis of the causes triggering high impact instability phenomena, risk perception, soil erosion, desertification.


He has resulted the Graduates in Civil Engineering for the Soil Conservation and the Territorial Planning (section Hydraulics) at the University of Calabria on 2nd October 1990 with vote 110 and praise/110.

He was winner of several Study Contracts in the Area of Soil Protection, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions, funded by the Calabria Regional Administration, by CNR, by ENEA-Environment Department.

From 1991 to 1997 he has collaborated with University of Calabria in the course of "Groundwater hydrology" (Engineering Faculty) and also participated, as member, in the exam commissions of the following disciplines "Groundwater hydrology" and "Management of the water resources".

He teached:

  • on issues regarding groundwater, in European Courses (COMETT programs), sponsored by Techware Italy (Technology for Water Resources) and organised in the University of Calabria;
  • on issues regarding hydrogeological risk in several university masters (levels I and II) organised in the University of Calabria;
  • on issues regarding natural risks in training courses for Civil Protection operators, organised by the FORMEZ (Rome) and the Chairmanship of the Italian Minister Council - Department of Civil Protection;

From November 1997 to March 2001 he worked (qualify: director engineer) at the Chairmanship of the Italian Minister Council, Department of Civil Protection. There he worked in the ambit of post-event phases regarding relevant natural disasters (Umbria-Marche earthquake, Sarno landslide, etc.). In this ambit he coordinated the technical groups for evaluating damages caused by the cited natural events. He was member of several Scientific-Technical Committees nominated for the management of post-event phases.

He also collaborated with the University of Calabria (CAMILAB - Laboratory for Environmental Maps and Hydrogeological Modelling), where he coordinated the Working Group for the Convention between the University of Calabria and the National Department of Civil Protection, regarding the application of forecasting models of landslide and flood events.

At present, he works as Researcher in the National Research Council of Italy, Institute for the Hydrogeological Protection - Office of Cosenza (CNR-IRPI), in the issues of climatic change and its impacts on territory, geo-hydrological risk and its public perception, hydrological drought.

He is member of Teaching Committee of the PhD in “Science and Engineering of Environment, Buildings and Energy (S.I.A.C.E.) in the University of Calabria (from the XXXIII cycle).

He is member of the permanent Steering Committee for the Teaching Courses in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Calabria

He is member, as IRPI Representative, of the Working Group on “Global Change” Strategic Area in the CNR Department “Earth system science and environmental technologies”.

Since 1st December 2018 he is Responsible of the IRPI Office of Cosenza

From 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019 he was President of the Territorial Research Area of Cosenza.

Coordination and Participation in Research Projects:

  • He is among the Principal Investigators of the 3-years Research Project “INDECIS – Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water and tourism” in the ambit of the “ERA4CS Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development - Topic B)” – Coordinator: Enric Aguillar (University Rovira I Virgili – Tarragona).
  • He is Scientific Responsible for the CNR-IRPI of the 2-years Project of Research and Development “SMoRI- Smart Monitoring of basins subject to high geohydrological risk” in the ambit of POR CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020 – ASSE I Promozione della ricerca e dell’Innovazione, Obiettivo Specifico 1.2, Azione 1.2.2 – Coordinator: SIRFIN S.p.A.
  • He is member of the Research Group of the 30-months Project “OT4CLIMA – Development of Earth Observation Innovative Technologies for the study of Climate Change and its Impact on Environment and Territory” in the ambit of PON “RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE” 2014 - 2020 – D.D. 13/7/2017 n. 1735 – Coordinator: CNR.
  • He is member of the Research Group of the 24-months Project “From population risk perception to social vulnerability in coastal areas subject to climate change: a proposal for risk management strategies in two Mediterranean regions” in the ambit of the “Bilateral Agreement between CNR and University of Malta (UM)”.
  • He was member of Research Group of the 2-years Project of Research and Development “RMS – FILIERA. Risk Management System and Chain for Management of Geo-hydrological Risk” in the ambit of POR CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020 – ASSE I Promozione della ricerca e dell’Innovazione, Obiettivo Specifico 1.2, Azione 1.2.2 – Coordinator: SETEGET.
  • He was Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project “ISPARIDE – Identification and estimate of the parameters for evaluating desertification risk” (may 2004 – May 2007), funded by the Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research;
  • He was component of the Working Group in the Scientific Convention between the CNR IRPI and the State Commissioner (Civil Protection Ordinance no. 3862/2010) for scientific and technical advice relative to studies, surveys and monitoring in the Municipality of Maierato and in the Ianò hamlet of the Municipality of Catanzaro (Calabria - Italy)
  • He was component of the Working Group in the activities of CNR IRPI "Study and experimentation of methodologies and techniques for the mitigation of landslide risk" - lots 1 and 2 - (POR CALABRIA 2000-2006 - Asse 1 – Risorse naturali Misura 1.4 - Sistemi insediativi Azione 1.4.c – Azioni di studio, programmazione, sperimentazione, monitoraggio, valutazione e informazione finalizzati alla predisposizione e gestione di politiche integrate d’intervento di difesa del suolo);
  • He was component of the Working Group for the Scientific Collaboration (2003-2004) between CNR-IRPI and Regional Agency for Development and Services in Agriculture (ARPACAL) regarding the theme: “Evaluation of the Erosion Risk in Calabria”;
  • He was Scientific Responsible for CNR-IRPI in the research project “MIRASAT – Methodology for estimating risk indicators through satellite remote sensing”, funded by Regione Calabria. Leader partner: EPSILON Italia.

 He is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal “Advances in Meteorology” - Hindawi Limited, London (UK).

He is reviewer for the following Scientific Journals: Journal of Hydrology, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Atmospheric Research, International Journal of Climatology, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Water, etc

He participated at several scientific national and international Workshops and Conferences, also as speaker.

He was co-supervisor of numerous dissertations (three-year and specialist degrees) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Calabria - in the topics of hydro-geological risk -, and of a PhD thesis in Hydraulic Engineering - XX cycle - of the Polytechnic of Milan. He was Scientific Supervisor of several Research Grants at CNR IRPI - UOS of Cosenza.

Member of numerous Evaluation Commissions for assigning Research Collaboration Grants on issues regarding: phenomena of land degradation and desertification, extreme hydrological events, geotechnical data analysis, stability analysis of landslides in urban areas.

He is author/co-author of several publications, published on international and national journals, or presented into national and international congresses/workshops, in the issues of climatic trends, hydraulic erosion, desertification, aquifer pollution and extreme events.