Pubblicazioni su rivista:
V.Sabatelli, D.Casarano, G. Buono, F. Paparella, F. Posa: "An FM-CW scatterometer radar: design, implementation and use on natural surfaces", Alta Frequenza, vol. 11, n. 3, 1999
D. Casarano, G. De Carolis, F. Mattia, C. Notarnicola, F. Posa, A. Refice, V.D. Schena, R. Sergi, P. Smacchia, “SIR-C/X-SAR Data Calibration and Ground Truth Campaign over the NASA-CB1 Test Site, Nuovo Cimento C, Gennaio-Febbraio 2001
R.D. Lorenz, C.Elachi, R.D.West, M.A.Janssen, M.Moghaddam, G.A.Hamilton,O.Liepach, A.Bunker, L.E.Roth, S.D. Wall, L. Dente, D.Casarano, F.Posa: “Cassini Radar- Earth and Venus observations”, Journal of Geophysical Research (planets)- Cassini Earth Swingby Special Issue, 106 (A12)30,271-30, Dicembre 2001
C. Notarnicola, A.C. D’Alessio, D. Casarano, F. Posa, V. Sabatelli: “Use of a C-band ground-based scatterometer to monitor surface roughness and soil moisture changes”, “Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications”,Vol.4, No. 2, pp.187-206, Aprile 2003, Kluwer Academic
M. Polemio, D. Casarano: “Climate change, drought and groundwater availability in southern Italy”, in W. Dragoni & B.S. Sukhija (eds) “Climatic change and groundwater”, Geological Society, Special Publications, 288, 39-51, Londra, 2008
F. Posa, B. Ventura, C. Notarnicola, D.Casarano, D. Di Rosa, G. Preziosa and the Cassini Radar Science Team, “Synergic use of electromagnetic models and SAR images for the geophysical parameters estimation of Earth and Titan surface”, Rivista italiana di Telerilevamento - 2008, 40 (2): 89-102
M. Polemio, D.Casarano, V. Dragone, “Trend termopluviometrico, siccità e disponibilità di acque sotterranee in Italia meridionale”, Clima e cambiamenti climatici: le attività di ricerca del CNR A cura di Bruno Carli, Giuseppe Cavarretta, Michele Colacino, Sandro Fuzzi Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ISBN 978-88-8080-075-0, 2007
Ventura B., Casarano D., Notarnicola C., Posa F., Estimation of Titan’s surface features by means of radar data and Bayesian inversion algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 47 n.5, pp1503-1511, Maggio 2009.
M. Polemio, D. Casarano, P.P. Limoni, Aquifer “Vulnerability of a karstic aquifer, methods and results in a test site (Apulia, Southern Italy)” Natural hazards and Earth system science, 9, 1461–1470, 20092009
C. Lamanna, D. Casarano, J. Wasowski, “Cambiamenti dell’uso del suolo e aumento dell’attività franosa nel territorio di Rocchetta Sant’Antonio (Appennino dauno)”, “Il quaternario – Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences”, 22(2) 2009, pp 139-156
J. Wasowski, C. Lamanna, D. Casarano Influence of land use change and precipitation patterns on landslide activity in Daunia Apennines, Italy, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 43, 387–401 1470-9236/10 $15.00 _ 2010 Geological Society of London DOI 10.1144/1470-9236/08-101
Notarnicola C, Ventura B, Casarano D., Posa F, Janssen M (2010). Titan lakes: characterization of physical properties by combined electromagnetic models of SAR and radiometric data. Rivista Italiana Di Telerilevamento, vol. 42; p. 51-68, ISSN: 1129-8596
Wall, S., A. Hayes, C. Bristow, R. Lorenz, E. Stofan, J. Lunine, A. Le Gall, M. Janssen, R. Lopes, L. Wye, L. Soderblom, P. Paillou, O. Aharonson, H. Zebker, T. Farr, G. Mitri, R. Kirk, K. Mitchell, C. Notarnicola, D. Casarano, and B. Ventura (2010),Active shoreline of Ontario Lacus, Titan: A morphological study of the lake and its surroundings, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2009GL041821,
B. Ventura, C. Notarnicola, D. Casarano, F. Posa,A. G. Hayes, L. Wye, Electromagnetic models and inversion techniques for Titan’s Ontario Lacus depth estimation from Cassini RADAR dataIcarus 221 (2012) 960–969
Wasowski J., Lamanna C., Gigante G. & Casarano D., High Resolution Satellite Imagery Analysis For Inferring Surface–Subsurface Water Relationships In Unstable Slopes. Remote Sensing Of Environment, 124 Pag. 135-148, Doi:10.1016/J.Rse.2012.05.007
A.G. Hayes,R.D. Lorenz, M.A. Donelan, M. Manga, J.I. Lunine, T. Schneider, M.P.Lamb, J.M. Mitchell, W.W. Fischer, S.D. Graves, H.L. Tolman, O. Aharonson, P.J. Encrenaz, B. Ventura, D. Casarano, C. Notarnicola, Wind driven capillary-gravity waves on Titan’s lakes: Hard to detector non-existent? Icarus 225 (2013) 403–412
Callegari M.; Casarano D.; Mastrogiuseppe M.; Poggiali V.; Notarnicola C. (2014)Dune Height Estimation on Titan Exploiting Pairs of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images With Different Observation Angles in IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing (Print)