U-Geohaz. Deliverable D3.1: User requirements

P. Reichenbach, I. Marchesini, M. Rossi, S. Peruccacci, M.T. Brunetti, IGME Team, DGPCE team, CDCP team, 2018, U-Geohaz. Deliverable D3.1: User requirements, 2018,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/393815

The actions defined and performed in the Activity 3.1 "Identification of user needs" are described in this document, which represents the first deliverable of WP3 "Tools and methods to support Early Warning System for Rockfalls". The main goal of the Activity 3.1 is to describe the needs coming from the involved CPA (i.e., Canarian Civil Protection Agency) to improve rockfall early warning management. This task benefits from the previous collaboration of IGME with the Canarian CPA in the framework of SAFETY project, where specific needs for rockfall hazard prevention in urban areas were evaluated. The user needs are defined considering Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, identifying the most efficient and effective way to integrate U-Geohaz products and services into the CPA prevention actions. "User Needs" will be converted into Requirements for effective product and service developments. The user needs will be identified considering the following activities_ - The review of international and EU strategies and Directives; - The analysis of existing natural risk prevention procedures of the CPAs involved in the project. The output will be organized in a list of user requirements, useful to support Civil Protection Authorities to increase the knowledge and the ability to manage and reduce geological risks. The list of user requirements plays a crucial role as starting point and guidance for the development of the products and will be updated during the project. Additional useful input to the list could arise from the close collaboration among users, scientists and technological partners during the phases of the project.

Data from https://intranet.cnr.it/people/