The project EcoNAOS_ vision and practice towards an open approach in the Northern Adriatic Sea ecological observatory

Annalisa Minelli, Alessandro Oggioni, Alessandra Pugnetti, Alessandro Sarretta, Mauro Bastianini, Caterina Bergami, Fabrizio Bernardi Aubry, Elisa Camatti, Tiziano Scovacricchi, Giorgio Socal, 2018, The project EcoNAOS_ vision and practice towards an open approach in the Northern Adriatic Sea ecological observatory, Research Ideas and Outcomes 4 (2018). doi_10.3897/rio.4.e24224,

The Open Science approach delineates high and inspiring principles. In order to really root them into the scientific community, a cultural shift must occur that can be fostered and achieved mainly through the development of practical case studies. This is particularly relevant in the field of ecology, a highly multidisciplinary science, where the Open Science issue has become a matter of discussion only in very recent years. In particular, in the context of long-term ecological research, enabling open sharing of in-situ and derived longterm ecological data is required to advance research and education in the European and global networks.

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