Studio geochimico delle acque sorgive dei bacini del torrente Vaccuta e del fiume Abatemarco (Calabria nord-occidentale)

C. Apollaro, C. Artusa, C. Franco, R. De Rosa, Polemio M., R. Virga, 2006, Studio geochimico delle acque sorgive dei bacini del torrente Vaccuta e del fiume Abatemarco (Calabria nord-occidentale), Italian journal of engineering geology and environment (Testo stamp.) 2 (2006): 59–75.,

The results of the geochemical investigation of 54 springs flowing into the drainage basins of the river Abatemarco and of the stream Vaccuta (northern Calabnia) are reported in this paper. Considerations on the chemical composition of the waters, hydrogeological information and six thematic maps were made allowing to identify three main aquifers_ a deep aquifer in equilibrium with carbonate rocks, a superficial metamorphic aquifer and a valley aquifer constituted by conglomerates and sands. The presence of sulphate waters, not related to the surface geological setting and their alignment along preferential lines, indicates the ascent of deep fluids derived by the dissolution of evaporite layers.

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