Project BIOESSANS – R4.1 Data comparison between SNS and RS “Identification of the area of influence of sacred sites”

Ivan Marchesini, Mauro Rossi, 2020, Project BIOESSANS – R4.1 Data comparison between SNS and RS “Identification of the area of influence of sacred sites”, 2020,

Historical sacred sites are spread all across Italy. They are commonly ancient abbeys and/or historical buildings located in different morphological and climatic conditions. Landscape, vegetation and morphology has been affected, along centuries, by the human activities of the communities living into or close to the sacred sites. We define "area of influence" the portion of the territory that is close enough, to the sacred sites, to be reached by foot by humans. Here we describe the method that was used to define the area of influence for 2332 sacred sites in Italy. Such activities provide information useful for the Data comparison between SNS and RS (R4.1) and they have been carried out in the framework of WP4.

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