Metodologie di studio e difesa dall’inquinamento salino degli acquiferi

Cotecchia, V. Lattanzio, M. Polemio, M., 1997, Metodologie di studio e difesa dall’inquinamento salino degli acquiferi, VI Workshop del Progetto Strategico "Clima, Ambiente e Territorio nel Mezzogiorno", pp. 417–446, TAORMINA, 13-15 Dicembre 1995,

This contribution characterizes some remarkable cases of saline contarnination of the groundwater. It is known that the causes of the saline contamination are manifold, the principal causes are_ the continental intrusion of the marine waters; the upcoming, along the hydrographic network, of marine waters, the leaching of soils and rocks and, finally, the human activity. The effects of this are complex and not easly to describe in a schematic way. The conmbution concludes describing the main methods to prevent, remedy and stop the salinitazion.

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