Karst subsidence in south-central Apulia, southern Italy

Delle Rose M., Parise M., 2002, Karst subsidence in south-central Apulia, southern Italy, International Journal of Speleology (Testo stamp.) 31 (2002): 181–199.,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/41477

Subsidence in the karst of Apulia (southern Italy) is described in this paper. The carbonate rocks that make up the geological structure of the Apulia region, one of the classical karst areas of Italy, are affected by subsidence, that may occur with different typology and intensity depending upon geological, topographical, and hydrogeological conditions. In particular, we have identified phenomena of inland subsidence and coastal subsidence. Inland subsidence is generally restricted to the presence of individual cavities produced by dissolution of soluble rocks underground_ in either empty, or partly or totally filled with deposits, caves, subsidence may occur, causing severe effects on the above anthropogenic structures, if present. Coastal plains of Apulia, with particular reference to its southernmost part (Salento Peninsula) are, on the other hand, interested by karst subsidence whose main feature is the development of compound sinks extending for several thousands of square meters, or the formation of individual, mostly circular, dolines along the coast lines. The occurrence of one or the other of the above features seems to depend upon topographic conditions, and their relation with the sea level oscillations as well.

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