Geomorphic systems, sediment connectivity and geomorphodiversity_ relations within a small mountain catchment in the Lepontine Alps

Bollati I. M., Cavalli M.,, 2020, Geomorphic systems, sediment connectivity and geomorphodiversity_ relations within a small mountain catchment in the Lepontine Alps, Geomorphometry 2020, pp. 50–54, Perugia (Italy), 22-26/06/2020 (rinviata al 2021),

Mountain regions are characterized by a spatial geomorphic heterogeneity that confers to the environment a significant geomorphodiversity, functioning as a substrate for biodiversity. It is hence important to understand the geomorphic dynamics and its evolution in space and time. A different spatial scale approach was developed to evaluate the relationship existing among geomorphological processes, sediment connectivity and geomorphodiversity. The study areas are the Veglia-Devero Natural Park (Lepontine Alps) and a small mountain catchment (Buscagna the natural park scale, a preliminary geomorphological map was realized and then the index of Geomorphodiversity was computed highlighting the differentiation between the two sides of the Buscagna glacial valley. In the Buscagna catchment where also the index of Connectivity was calculated, the integrated analysis of the two indices allowed to identifying different geomorpho-connectivity sectors, testifying the role of geomorphic processes in regulating sediment fluxes and, consequently, controlling landscape units.

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