Evoluzione geomorfologica di un’area suburbana di Castronuovo S. Andrea (PZ) ed incidenza delle piogge su alcuni movimenti di massa

D'Ecclesiis, G. Grassi, D. Merenda, L. Polemio, M. Sdao, F., 1991, Evoluzione geomorfologica di un’area suburbana di Castronuovo S. Andrea (PZ) ed incidenza delle piogge su alcuni movimenti di massa, Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia XXVI (1991): 141–163.,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/232313

This work deals with the results obtained from geomorphological and hydrological investigation conducted in order to point out the complex geomorphological evolution related to a large part of the Castronuovo S. Andrea (Pz) territory, to identify the landslide typology of two different mass movements under investigation, as well as the influence caused by the rainfall. The landslide under study occurred on two opposite slopes of the low valley of torrent Mastro Ciardi, characterized by the same stratigraphic-structural, hydrogeological and geotechnical environment. The first slope e can be ascribed to a displacement of a first detachment, while the other one brat least 700io can be referred to a rimobilization phenomenon; both landslides, to a variable extent, have been influenced by tectonic joints following two different directions_ NE - SW and WNW - ESE. As far as the last 40 years are concerned, the morphological evolution of the areas under study has been obtained resorting to analyses, even comparative, of aerial photos at different generation; the relationship between rainfall and landslide has been identified in an empirical way through special models.

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