Theme: Susceptibility

Where we should not expect landslides?

Landslide susceptibility is the propensity of a territory to generate landslides. Many methods are available to determine landslide susceptibility, whereas only a few attempts were made to outline areas not likely to generate landslides i.e., non-susceptible landslide areas. This is surprising, because for planning purposes it is just as important (if not more important) to know where landslides are not expected than to know where landslides ...

Landslide susceptibility models and maps

Landslide susceptibility is the likelihood of a landslide occurring in an area, given the local terrain conditions. It is the degree to which an area can be affected by future landslides i.e., an estimate of “where” landslides are more likely to occur. Landslide susceptibility does not consider the temporal occurrence or the magnitude of the expected landslides. In mathematical language, landslide susceptibility can be expressed as the ...

Automatic delineation of Slope Units

Quantitative geomorphological and environmental analysis requires the adoption of mapping units, well-defined spatial domains as basic mapping units which provide local boundaries to aggregate environmental and morphometric variables and to perform calculations. Grid cells, typically aligned with a digital elevation model, are the standard mapping unit choice. A wiser choice is represented by slope units, irregular terrain partitions delimited ...

Sentinels for the Territory

The knowledge of the geo-hydrological hazard of a territory and of the risk conditions for people, are essential for the implementation of civil protection activities. The monitoring activity by personnel, voluntary or not, is a strategic resource for all phases of civil ...

Database of landslides in Calabria to be uploaded in the SyNaRMa computerized archives

The purpose of Convention contracted between the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrologic Protection (Rende) and the Department of Physics of the University of Calabria for partnership in the Program CE INTERREG IIIB – ARCHIMED – SyNaRMa is to provide: i) the landslide-susceptibility maps for the different rock complexes of Calabria, ii) the definition of some important unstable slopes that can damage urban areas and main roads and railways of ...

Mappatura, Modellazione e Previsione Multiscala dei RIschi GEo-idroLogici

Italy has a tradition of scientific research and technological development on hazardous natural phenomena in general, and specifically on geo-hydrological hazards. Within the CNR, the “Progetti Finalizzati”  Soil Conservation and Geodynamics (in the ’70s and ’80s), and GNDCI – the National Group for the Defence from Hydrogeological Disasters (in the ’80s and ’90s), have contributed to the advancement of knowledge ...

Landslide Susceptibility Models and Maps

A landslide susceptibility map forecasts where landslides are expected to occur in the future based on terrain conditions, including local morphological, geological, and land use settings. Using different colors, a landslide susceptibility map shows forecasted levels of landslide susceptibility in a region. Using specific software, LSMMs can be prepared whene new landslides or new environmental (e.g., morphological, geological, land use) data ...

Zonazione della suscettibilità da frana si scorrimento in Umbria

Realizzazione di modelli e carte di suscettibilità da frana tipo scorrimento per il territorio della Regione ...

Time-Space prediction of high impact landslides under changing precipitation regimes

In Italy a significant increase of landslide frequency and intensity in the last decades has been occurred, whose impact must be evaluated with respect to the convergence in possible negative effects of both rainfall regime changes and of urban development as well as land use changes. Italy, due to its geomorphological and urbanization characters, represents today large areas where landslide risk is at the highest ...