Theme: Seismicity

Earthquake-induced landslides

Landslides and earthquakes are important geological hazards in Italy, where mountains and hills dominate a landscape characterized by the presence of weak geological materials. The geological and morphological settings result in high susceptibility to landslides under seismic conditions. Italy is also one of the most active tectonic regions in Europe; and seismic shaking is known to have caused landslides in Italy. Numerous historical ...

Integrated multi-scale methods for seismically induced landslide hazard zonation

The research activity aims at defining a coherent and unambiguous framework for the assessment and zonation of seismically induced landslides, at different geographical, temporal and management scales. To this end, the project works at the pre-event temporal scale, concerning spatial planning and soil protection and corresponding to years to decades time periods, and at the real-time or civil protection scale, corresponding to time periods ...

Crowdmapping of earthquake induced rock falls

Making reports of rockfall in the area affected by the earthquake in central Italy in ...

Multi Scale and Multi Hazard MApping Space Solutions

The exploitation of innovative methods of SAR and optical data processing, combined to the use of ancillary data, is able to provide useful products for the landslide and seismic hazard ...

Landslide maps for the Castelfranci municipality

Castelfranci_chianiello- Castelfranci (Avellino, Campania) is located in the catchment of the Calore River, in correspondence of a N-S oriented stretch of the river. This territory is intensely affected by landslide development, which more than once was in the past at the origin of severe damage to the local community, and heavy losses to ...

Rainfall, seismicity, landslides and sediment discharge in mountain belts

Taiwan, an active orogenic belt with subtropical climate is characterized by a high uplift rate and several major typhoons each year. Italy is on one of the most seismically active regions in Europe because of the thrust of African plate on Eurasian continental one. Both experience numerous landslides along with earthquakes and intense rainfalls, causing heavy damages and casualties. The purpose of this project was to share scientific knowledge ...