Theme: Sediment


This project is embedded within the framework of the three Ny-Ålesund flagships: ‘Kongsfjorden system’, ‘Glaciology’ and ‘Terrestrial system’. The study of slopes and landscape modifications under a changing climate, is needed to understand the dynamic interaction between the cryosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere, and how geosuccession and biosuccession (colonisation) processes develop over time. Records of landscape ...

Sediment Connectivity Assessment

SedInConnect is a stand-alone application for the computation of the Sediment Connectivity Index (Cavalli et al., 2013, Crema et al., 2015). The software has been developed in the frame of the SedAlp project, funded by the Alpine Space Programme (European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013) The output of the applied model is a topography-based index aiming at evaluating the potential connection between hillslopes and features acting as targets ...

Connecting European Connectivity Research

Water and sediment connectivity has emerged in recent years as a significant conceptual framework for understanding the transfer of surface water and sediment through landscapes. Connectivity can be seen both as a driver of hydrological and geomorphic processes within a catchment and as an emergent catchment property that is the result of processes acting at different ...

Gestione dei Sedimenti Fluviali

Il progetto GeSeFlu nasce dalla necessità della Regione Lombardia mediante il Piano Operativo Regionale (Direttiva Comunitaria 2000/60/CE) di disporre di specifici Programmi di Gestione dei sedimenti per i sottobacini redatti in attuazione della Direttiva del Comitato Istituzionale dell’Autorità di Bacino del fiume Po (deliberazione n. 9 del 5 aprile ...

Sediment management in Alpine basins

The understanding of the changing equilibrium between sediment supply from upstream and sediment transport capability of a river is important for the success of integrated water resource management. In Alpine river basins, intensive sediment transport processes and sediment continuity have a notable impact on several water management issues posing multiple use conflicts related to hydropower, ecology, flood control ...

Management of sediment transport in small mountain catchments

Sediment transport in small mountain catchments (drainage area < 10-20 km2) is a fundamental process for the equilibrium and the dynamics of the whole channel network. At the same time, sediment transport can create high-risk conditions due to the occurrence of extreme phenomena such as debris flow, hyperconcentrated flow, and flood with intense bedload, usually triggered by intense and short duration rainfall. In order to properly manage ...

Decision matrices for the assessment of fluvial processes in mountain streams

Decision matrices may contribute to mountain watershed management by defining coherent event scenarios that take into account the type of flow processes (e.g., water floods with bedload, debris flows), their geomorphic effects, and the interactions with hydraulic control ...