Theme: Inundation

Damaging geo-hydrological events in Calabria from 1990 to 1999

We published a book entitled “Eventi alluvionali in Calabria nel periodo 1990-1999” (Alluvial events in Calabria from 1990 to 1999) Link to the Book»  The volume is the result of a study that lasted more than a year, and was part of long-lasting research effort to investigate historical landslide and flood events in Calabria, which started in the ‘70s of last century. To search the information, we went to the Public Provincial ...

Historical landslides and floods in Calabria

Landslides and floods tend to hit places that by their nature and geographic location are more likely than others to be damaged. Knowing the location of these places, and how they have been affected in the past by landslides and floods, allows to draw damage scenarios for possible future events. For years, we have studied historical landslide and flood events in Calabria. Our investigations have allowed us to reconstruct a unique historical ...

MUltiHAzard framework for water related risks management

The MUHA project is building upon the idea to address disaster management cycle consisting of preparedness-response-mitigation-rebuild components in the ADRION countries. It will connect the observed and modelled hazards and risks related to the integrated water cycle, by effectively join them with the existing and improved coping capacity developed by national, bilateral and EU Civil Protection ...

Mappatura, Modellazione e Previsione Multiscala dei RIschi GEo-idroLogici

Italy has a tradition of scientific research and technological development on hazardous natural phenomena in general, and specifically on geo-hydrological hazards. Within the CNR, the “Progetti Finalizzati”  Soil Conservation and Geodynamics (in the ’70s and ’80s), and GNDCI – the National Group for the Defence from Hydrogeological Disasters (in the ’80s and ’90s), have contributed to the advancement of knowledge ...

Flood events analysis

The service is based on a procedure consisting of four main steps: the analysis of hydro-meteorological data for the reconstruction of flood event in terms of precipitations and saturation conditions of the soils; assessment of the hydrological response of the basin; runoff estimation in each hydrometric site of interest; flooded areas delineation and comparison with in-situ ...

Dynamic flooding scenarios

The project activities were carried out in two phases: "dynamic scenarios of flood risk" identification through hydrologic-hydraulic modeling addressed to Civil Protection activities (2009-2011); operational implementation of developed dynamic scenarios of flood risk and results dissemination trough web-GIS technologies, also within the context of Floods Directive 2007/60 /EC (2012-203); flood forecasting models implementation; ...

Ventennale dell’Alluvione in Piemonte del 1994

Nel 2014 ricorrono vent’anni dalla tragica alluvione che nel novembre 1994 colpì gran parte del territorio piemontese, con perdita di vite umane, di beni mobili ed immobili. L’alluvione 1994 costituì altresì un momento storico nel campo della pianificazione territoriale, prevenzione e gestione della pericolosità e rischio geologico-idraulico, che si tradusse in dettami normativi, per l’epoca avanzati e lungimiranti. Da quell’evento ...