Davide NOTTI

Research personnel
+39 011 3977829
davide.notti (at) irpi.cnr.it
Strada delle Cacce, 73 10135, Torino


  1. Notti D.; Wrzesniak A.; Dematteis N.; Lollino P.; Fazio N.L.; Zucca F.; Giordan D. A multi-disciplinary investigation of deep-seated landslide reactivation triggered by an extreme rainfall event: a case study of the Monesi di Mendatica landslide; Ligurian Alps". 2021. Landslides. 18. 7. 2341. 2365 DOI: 10.1007/s10346-021-01651-3.
  2. Notti D.; Giordan D.; Cina A.; Manzino A.; Maschio P.; Bendea I.H. Debris flow and rockslide analysis with advanced photogrammetry techniques based on high-resolution RPAS data. Ponte formazza case study (NW alps). 2021. Remote Sensing. 13. 9. 1797.  DOI: 10.3390/rs13091797.
  3.  Bucci F.; Santangelo M.; Fiorucci F.; Ardizzone F.; Giordan D.; Cignetti M.; Notti D.; Allasia P.; Godone D.; Lagomarsino D.; Pozzoli A.; Norelli E.; Cardinali M.  Geomorphologic landslide inventory by air photo interpretation of the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy). 2021. Journal of Maps. 17. 2. 376. 388 DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2021.1943552.
  4.  Reyes-Carmona C.; Barra A.; Galve J.P.; Monserrat O.; Pérez-Peña J.V.; Mateos R.M.; Notti D.; Ruano P.; Millares A.; López-Vinielles J.; Azañón J.M.  Sentinel-1 DInSAR for monitoring active landslides in critical infrastructures: The case of the rules reservoir (Southern Spain). 2020. Remote Sensing. 12. 5. 809.  DOI: 10.3390/rs12050809.
  5.  Notti D.; Cina A.; Manzino A.; Colombo A.; Bendea I.H.; Mollo P.; Giordan D. Low-cost GNSS solution for continuous monitoring of slope instabilities applied to Madonna del Sasso Sanctuary (NW Italy). 2020. Sensors (Switzerland). 20. 1. 289.  DOI: 10.3390/s20010289.
  6.  Notti D.; Giordan D.; Caló F.; Pepe A.; Zucca F.; Galve J.P. Potential and limitations of open satellite data for flood mapping. 2018. Remote Sensing. 10. 11. 1673.  DOI: 10.3390/rs10111673.
  7.  Giordan D.; Notti D.; Villa A.; Zucca F.; Calò F.; Pepe A.; Dutto F.; Pari P.; Baldo M.; Allasia P. Low cost; multiscale and multi-sensor application for flooded area mapping. 2018. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 18. 5. 1493-1516. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-18-1493-2018.
  8. Galve J.P.; Pérez-Peña J.V.; Azañón J.M.; Closson D.; Caló F.; Reyes-Carmona C.; Jabaloy A.; Ruano P.; Mateos R.M.; Notti D.; Herrera G.; Béjar-Pizarro M.; Monserrat O.; Bally P.  Evaluation of the SBAS InSAR service of the European space Agency's Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP). 2017. Remote Sensing. 9. 12. 1291.  DOI: 10.3390/rs9121291.
  9. Mateos R.M.; Ezquerro P.; Luque-Espinar J.A.; Béjar-Pizarro M.; Notti D.; Azañón J.M.; Montserrat O.; Herrera G.; Fernández-Chacón F.; Peinado T.; Galve J.P.; Pérez-Peña V.; Fernández-Merodo J.A.; Jiménez J.   Multiband PSInSAR and long-period monitoring of land subsidence in a strategic detrital aquifer (Vega de Granada; SE Spain): An approach to support management decisions . 2017. Journal of Hydrology. 553.  71. 87 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.07.056.
  10. Béjar-Pizarro M.; Notti D.; Mateos R.M.; Ezquerro P.; Centolanza G.; Herrera G.; Bru G.; Sanabria M.; Solari L.; Duro J.; Fernández J.  Mapping vulnerable urban areas affected by slow-moving landslides using Sentinel-1InSAR data. 2017. Remote Sensing. 9. 9. 876.  DOI: 10.3390/rs9090876.
  11.  Mateos R.M.; Azañón J.M.; Roldán F.J.; Notti D.; Pérez-Peña V.; Galve J.P.; Pérez-García J.L.; Colomo C.M.; Gómez-López J.M.; Montserrat O.; Devantèry N.; Lamas-Fernández F.; Fernández-Chacón F.  The combined use of PSInSAR and UAV photogrammetry techniques for the analysis of the kinematics of a coastal landslide affecting an urban area (SE Spain). 2017. Landslides. 14. 2. 743. 754 DOI: 10.1007/s10346-016-0723-5.
  12. Caló F.; Notti D.; Galve J.P.; Abdikan S.; Görüm T.; Pepe A.; Şanli F.B.   DInSAR-based detection of land subsidence and correlation with groundwater depletion in konya plain; Turkey . 2017. Remote Sensing. 9. 1. 83.  DOI: 10.3390/rs9010083.
  13. Galve J.P.; Cevasco A.; Brandolini P.; Piacentini D.; Azañón J.M.; Notti D.; Soldati M.  Cost-based analysis of mitigation measures for shallow-landslide risk reduction strategies. 2016. Engineering Geology. 213.  142. 157 DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.09.002.
  14. Notti D.; Mateos R.M.; Monserrat O.; Devanthéry N.; Peinado T.; Roldán F.J.; Fernández-Chacón F.; Galve J.P.; Lamas F.; Azañón J.M.   Lithological control of land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawal in new urban AREAS (Granada Basin; SE Spain). Multiband DInSAR monitoring . 2016. Hydrological Processes. 30. 13. 2317-2331. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10793.
  15. Bonì R.; Herrera G.; Meisina C.; Notti D.; Béjar-Pizarro M.; Zucca F.; González P.J.; Palano M.; Tomás R.; Fernández J.; Fernández-Merodo J.A.; Mulas J.; Aragón R.; Guardiola-Albert C.; Mora O.  Twenty-year advanced DInSAR analysis of severe land subsidence: The Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) case study. 2015. Engineering Geology. 198.  40-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.08.014. Article
  16. Notti D.; Calò F.; Cigna F.; Manunta M.; Herrera G.; Berti M.; Meisina C.; Tapete D.; Zucca F.  A User-Oriented Methodology for DInSAR Time Series Analysis and Interpretation: Landslides and Subsidence Case Studies. 2015. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 172. 11. 3081- 3105. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-015-1071-4.
  17. Notti D.; Galve J.P.; Mateos R.M.; Monserrat O.; Lamas-Fernández F.; Fernández-Chacón F.; Roldán-García F.J.; Pérez-Peña J.V.; Crosetto M.; Azañón J.M.  Human-induced coastal landslide reactivation. Monitoring by PSInSAR techniques and urban damage survey (SE Spain). 2015. Landslides. 12. 5. 1007-1014. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-015-0612-3. Article
  18. Notti D.; Meisina C.; Zucca F.; Colombo A.; Paro L.  Map and monitoring slow ground deformation in Nw Italy using psi techniques. 2015.  Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5: Urban Geology; Sustainable Planning and Landscape Exploitation .  141. 145. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_28. Book Chapter
  19. Notti D.; Meisina C.; Zucca F.; Colombo ANon linear PS time series: Analysis and post-processing for landslides studies. 2014. Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences. 0.  245. 248. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32408-6_56.
  20. García-Davalillo J.C.; Herrera G.; Notti D.; Strozzi T.; Álvarez-Fernández I.  DInSAR analysis of ALOS PALSAR images for the assessment of very slow landslides: The Tena Valley case study. 2014. Landslides. 11. 2. 225-246. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-012-0379-8.
  21. Notti D.; Herrera G.; Bianchini S.; Meisina C.; García-Davalillo J.C.; Zucca F.  A methodology for improving landslide PSI data analysis. 2014. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 35. 6. 2186-2214. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2014.889864.
  22.  Bianchini S.; Herrera G.; Mateos R.M.; Notti D.; Garcia I.; Mora O.; Moretti S.  Landslide activity maps generation by means of persistent scatterer interferometry. 2013. Remote Sensing. 5. 12. 6198-6222. DOI: 10.3390/rs5126198.
  23. Herrera G.; Gutiérrez F.; García-Davalillo J.C.; Guerrero J.; Notti D.; Galve J.P.; Fernández-Merodo J.A.; Cooksley G.  Multi-sensor advanced DInSAR monitoring of very slow landslides: The Tena Valley case study (Central Spanish Pyrenees). 2013. Remote Sensing of Environment. 128.  31-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2012.09.020.
  24. Notti D.; Meisina C.; Colombo A.; Lanteri L.; Zucca FStudying and monitoring large landslides with persistent scatterer data. 2013. Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment. 2013. TOPIC3. 349-360. DOI: 10.4408/IJEGE.2013-06.B-33.
  25. Meisina C.; Notti D.; Zucca F.; Ceriani M.; Colombo A.; Poggi F.; Roccati A.; Zaccone A.  The use of PSinSAR™ and squeeSAR™ techniques for updating landslide inventories. 2013. Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning. 1.  81. 87. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31325-7_10. Conference Paper


-: CLEANED :- Among my research experiences, I have studied several natural hazard phenomena such as landslides, debris flow, subsidence and flood using remote and proximal sensing techniques.  The main research activity is on these topics:

 i) application of low-cost remote sensing data to the study of flood mapping using free-cost satellite data and a multi-disciplinary approach;

 ii) Use of satellite  InSAR technology for the study of  slow landslide and subsidence;

iii)  the application of multi-scale and multi-sensor remote sensing to assess landslide kinematics;

iv) the structure-from-Motion technique applied to UAV or ground-based images was used to study the effects of floods or estimate the volume of debris flow at very high resolution; 

v)  test of innovative systems for landslide monitoring;My research activity is developed inside the Geohazard Monitoring Group (GMG) of CNR-IRPI, whose aim is the development of  innovative systems and methods for monitoring natural instability processes

During  my research activity, I  collaborate with other national and European research institutions such as CNR-IREA, Politecnico di Torino and the University of Granada