Web-based relational database on the main levee breaches of the Po River (Northern Italy)



This is the web-based relational database on the main levee breaches of the Po River (Italy), which have occurred since the year 1800. The database contains more than 200 fact sheets that show the information for each levee failure. For each fact sheet are attached documents and maps. The access is free of charge. This database may provide a valid support in the design of defense interventions directed at the prevention and mitigation of hydraulic and geologic risk.


Nigrelli G., Raschellà M., Meo R. (2014) – Un database relazionale web-based sulle rotte nell’arginatura maestra del Fiume Po. GEAM,, Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno LI, n 2, agosto 2014, 49-54 Georeferenced localization of the levee breaches (georotte.kml)