Tematismo: Sviluppo
Analisi e sviluppo sperimentale ed industriale di Sensori in fibra ottica per il monitoraggio geotecnico e ambientale
Application of optical fibers is generally aimed at large bandwidth transmission. Few people know that the proposal of optical fibers as sensing elements is almost as old as their proposal as transmission media, and over the last two decades fibre optic sensor (FOS) technology has assumed a dominant role in several fields of application. As a matter of fact, FOSs offer many advantages with respect to legacy electronic and mechanic sensors. ...
Dikes and Debris Flows Monitoring by Novel Optical Fiber Sensors
With more than 5 million people affected, more than 1000 killed, and with estimated total damages exceeding 4.5 billion Euros just in Europe and during the last decade, floods are among the most disruptive natural events threatening our Society. Due to increase in extreme weather events and rapid socio-economic developments in vulnerable locations, the risks connected to floods in general are growing rapidly, and the awareness of these risks ...
La Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE
Il gruppo marittimo nazionale rappresenta per l’Italia un importante settore economico: contribuisce al 2,6% del Pil nazionale, all’11% della produzione nella branca dei trasporti, e utilizza quasi l’1% delle unità di lavoro rilevate nel Paese, quota che raggiunge il 2%, per un totale di circa 480.000 addetti (Cluster marittimo e sviluppo in Italia e nelle regioni - CENSIS - Settembre 2011). Nello scenario europeo basterà ricordare che ...