
SM2RAIN-CCI: A new global long-term rainfall data set derived from ESA CCI soil moisture

On the assimilation set-up of ASCAT soil moisture data for improving streamflow catchment simulation

A Review of the Applications of ASCAT Soil Moisture Products

Measures of Spatial Autocorrelation Changes in Multitemporal SAR Images for Event Landslides Detection

Analysis of acoustic emission patterns for monitoring of rock slope deformation mechanisms

Assessment of erosion and deposition in steep mountain basins by differencing sequential digital terrain models

Integration of Satellite Soil Moisture and Rainfall Observations over the Italian Territory

Modeling the response of soil moisture to climate variability in the Mediterranean region

Toward Global Soil Moisture Monitoring With Sentinel-1: Harnessing Assets and Overcoming Obstacles

The response of calcareous plankton to the Sapropel S1 interval in North Ionian Sea

Empirical fragility and vulnerability curves for buildings exposed to slow-moving landslides at medium and large scales

Geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas_ the Lungro case study (Calabria, Suthern Italy)

Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing Based on Rayleigh Scattering

The measure of friction angles for different types of granular material

Adaptation to flood risk – results of international paired flood event studies

Calibration of a Distributed Hydrological Model (VIC-3L) Based on Global Water Resources Reanalysis Datasets

Double-scale analysis on the detectability of irrigation signals from remote sensing soil moisture over an area with complex topography in central Italy

The International Soil Moisture Network_ Serving Earth system science for over a decade

Irrigation estimates from space_ Implementation of different approaches to model the evapotranspiration contribution within a soil-moisture-based inversion algorithm

Irrigation Mapping on Two Contrasted Climatic Contexts Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data

Closing the Water Cycle from Observations across Scales_ Where Do We Stand?

Different Ground Subsidence Contributions Revealed by Integrated Discussion of Sentinel-1 Datasets, Well Discharge, Stratigraphical and Geomorphological Data_ The Case of the Gioia Tauro Coastal Plain (Southern Italy)

Effects of gully control measures on sediment yield and connectivity in wooded rangelands

Predicting sediment connectivity in a mountain basin_ A quantitative analysis of the index of connectivity


Report of the glaciological survey 2015|Relazioni della campagna glaciologica 2015


Annual glaciological survay of italian glaciers

Repeated ETRTs in a Complex Stratified Geological Setting_ High-Resolution Thermal Conductivity Identification by Multiple Linear Regression

Review article_ Factors leading to the occurrence of flood fatalities_ a systematic review of research papers published between 2010 and 2020

Climate services for tourism_ An applied methodology for user engagement and co-creation in European destinations

The 1921 European drought_ impacts, reconstruction and drivers

The Potential Role of Climate Indices to Explain Floods, Mass-Movement Events and Wildfires in Southern Italy

Socio-environmental value of glacier lakes_ assessment in the Aosta Valley (Western Italian Alps)

Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation in a Ring of Chua’s Oscillators

Hydrostratigraphic framework and physicochemical status of groundwater in the Gioia Tauro coastal plain (Calabria–southern Italy)

Frane di alta quota_ Sentinelle dei cambiamenti climatici

Multi-objective zoning for aquaculture and biodiversity

Evolution of temperature indices in the periglacial environment of the European Alps in the period 1990-2019

Validation metrics of homogenization techniques on artificially inhomogenized monthly temperature networks in Sweden and Slovenia (1950-2005)

Trend analysis of rainfall using gridded data over a region of southern Italy

Assessment of suspended sediment dynamics in a small ungauged badland catchment in the Northern Apennines (Italy) using an in-situ laser diffraction method

Evaluating three non-gauge-corrected satellite precipitation estimates by a regional gauge interpolated dataset over Iran

Assessment of bottom-up satellite rainfall products on estimating river discharge and hydrologic signatures in Brazilian catchments

Performance evaluation of long ndvi timeseries from avhrr, modis and landsat sensors over landslide-prone locations in qinghai-tibetan plateau

The impact of probability density functions assessment on model performance for slope stability analysis

Learning case study of a shallow-water model to assess an early-warning system for fast alpine muddy-debris-flow

Flash flood events along the west mediterranean coasts_ Inundations of urbanized areas conditioned by anthropic impacts

Landslides along the Lago Maggiore western coast (northern Italy): intense rainfall as trigger or concomitant cause?

Ten-year monitoring of the Grandes Jorasses glaciers kinematics. Limits, potentialities, and possible applications of different monitoring systems