Alessandro SARRETTA

Personale di Ricerca
+39 049 8295817
alessandro.sarretta (at)
Corso Stati Uniti, 4 35127, Padova


Peer reviewed articles

  • Acri F, Bastianini M, Beranrdi-Aubry F, Camatti E, Boldrin A, Bergami C, Cassin D, Lazzeri AD, Finotto S, Minelli A, Oggioni A, Pansera M, Sarretta A, Socal G, Pugnetti A. 2019. A long term (1965–2015) ecological marine database from the LTER-Italy site Northern Adriatic Sea: plankton and oceanographic observations. Earth System Science Data Discussions:1–20. DOI:
  • Bocci M, Sangiuliano SJ, Sarretta A, Ansong JO, Buchanan B, Kafas A, Caña-Varona M, Onyango V, Papaioannou E, Ramieri E, Schultz-Zehden A, Schupp MF, Vassilopoulou V, Vergílio M. 2019. Multi-use of the sea: A wide array of opportunities from site-specific cases across Europe. PLOS ONE 14:e0215010. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215010.
  • Menegon S., Depellegrin D., Farella G., Gissi E., Ghezzo M., Sarretta A., Venier C., Barbanti A. 2018. A modelling framework for MSP-oriented cumulative effects assessment. Ecological Indicators 91:171–181. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.03.060. (Open access version available at Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1195986 [pre-print])
  • Ferrarin C., Madricardo F., Rizzetto F., Mc Kiver W., Bellafiore D., Umgiesser G., Kruss A., Zaggia L., Foglini F., Ceregato A., Sarretta A., Trincardi F. 2018. Geomorphology of scour holes at tidal channel confluences. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. DOI: 10.1029/2017JF004489.
  • Minelli A., Oggioni A., Pugnetti A., Sarretta A., Bastianini M., Bergami C., Aubry FB., Camatti E., Scovacricchi T., Socal G. 2018. The project EcoNAOS: vision and practice towards an open approach in the Northern Adriatic Sea ecological observatory. Research Ideas and Outcomes 4:e24224. DOI: 10.3897/rio.4.e24224.
  • Minghini M., Delucchi L., Sarretta A., Lupia F., Napolitano M., Palmas A. 2018. Collaborative mapping response to disasters through openstreetmap: the case of the 2016 italian earthquake. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1194529.
  • Depellegrin D, Menegon S, Farella G, Ghezzo M, Gissi E, Sarretta A, Venier C, Barbanti A. (2017) Multi-objective spatial tools to inform maritime spatial planning in the Adriatic Sea. Science of The Total Environment. 2017;609: 1627–1639. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.07.264 (Open access version available at Zenodo: [pre-print])
  • Madricardo F., Foglini F., Kruss A., Ferrarin C., Pizzeghello NM., Murri C., Rossi M., Bajo M., Bellafiore D., Campiani E., Fogarin S., Grande V., Janowski L., Keppel E., Leidi E., Lorenzetti G., Maicu F., Maselli V., Mercorella A., Montereale Gavazzi G., Minuzzo T., Pellegrini C., Petrizzo A., Prampolini M., Remia A., Rizzetto F., Rovere M., Sarretta A., Sigovini M., Sinapi L., Umgiesser G., Trincardi F. 2017. High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon. Scientific Data 4:170121. DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.121.
  • Gissi E, Menegon S, Sarretta A, Appiotti F, Maragno D, Vianello A, Depellegrin D, Venier C, Barbanti A. (2017) Addressing uncertainty in modelling cumulative impacts within maritime spatial planning in the Adriatic and Ionian region. Hewitt J, editor. PLOS ONE. 2017;12: e0180501. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0180501
  • Menegon S, Sarretta A, Barbanti A, Gissi E, Venier C. (2016) Open source tools to support Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning. doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.2245 [preprint]
  • Molinaroli E, Sarretta A, Ferrarin C, Masiero E, Specchiulli A, Guerzoni S. (2014). Sediment grain size and hydrodynamics in Mediterranean coastal lagoons: Integrated classification of abiotic parameters. Journal of Earth System Science : 1–18. doi:10.1007/s12040-014-0445-9
  • Ferrarin, C., Ghezzo, M., Umgiesser, G., Tagliapietra, D., Camatti, E., Zaggia, L., and Sarretta, A. (2013). Assessing hydrological effects of human interventions on coastal systems: numerical applications to the Venice Lagoon, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 1733-1748, doi:10.5194/hess-17-1733-2013
  • Molinaroli, E., Sarretta, A., Guimarães, J.A. de S., Botter, M., Cassin, D., Guerzoni, S., (2013). Relationship of Morpho-Sedimentological Variations to the Fate of Hg- and Zn-Polluted Sediments in the Contaminated Site of Porto Marghera, Lagoon of Venice, Italy. Journal of Environmental Protection 04, 37–49, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2013.44A006
  • Ghezzo, M., Sarretta, A., Sigovini, M., Guerzoni, S., Tagliapietra, D., Umgiesser, G. (2011), Modeling the inter-annual variability of salinity in the lagoon of Venice in relation to the water framework directive typologies, Ocean & Coastal Management, 54, 706-719.
  • Sarretta, A., Pillon, S. Molinaroli, E., Guerzoni, S., Fontolan, G. (2010), Sediment budget in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy, Continental Shelf Research, 30, 934-949. DOI; doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.07.002 Open Access version available at Zenodo:
  • Molinaroli, E., Guerzoni, S., Sarretta, A., Masiol, M., Pistolato, M. (2009), Thirty-year changes (1970 to 2000) in bathymetry and sediment texture recorded in the Lagoon of Venice sub-basins, Italy. Marine Geology, 258, 115 – 125.
  • Molinaroli, E., Guerzoni, S., Falco, G. D., Sarretta, A., Cucco, A., Como, S., Simeone, S., Perilli, A., Magni, P. (2009), Relationships between hydrodynamic parameters and grain size in two contrasting transitional environments: The Lagoons of Venice and Cabras. Italy Sedimentary Geology, 219, 196 – 207.
  • Molinaroli, E., Guerzoni, S., Sarretta, A., Cucco, A., Umgiesser, G. (2007), Links between hydrology and sedimentology in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy. Journal of Marine Systems 68, 303 – 317.
  • Sarretta, A., Masiol, M., Molinaroli, E.(2007), Development of algebra algorithms for automated generation of grain-size distribution maps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32, 1116-112. Open access version available at figshare:
  • Guerzoni, S., Rossini, P., Sarretta, A., Raccanelli, S., Ferrari, G., Molinaroli, E. (2007), POPs in the Lagoon of Venice: budgets and pathways. Chemosphere, 67, 1776-1785.

Other publications

  • Sarretta A. RRI e open science. Chapter in "Scienziati in affanno?Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili (RRI) in teoria e nelle pratiche" (CNR Edizioni, 2018). pp. 49-54 DOI: 10.26324/2018RRICNRBOOK6 (available online at Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1233007)
  • Barbanti A., Perini L. (Eds.) 2018. Fra la terra e il mare: analisi e proposte per la Pianificazione dello Spazio Marittimo in Emilia-Romagna. Zenodo. DOI:
  • Bocci M., Ramieri E, Lukic I, Buchanan, Bruce, Buck B.H., Kafas, Andronikos, Lewis Carlson H, Onyago V, Schupp M F, Sarretta A, Vassilopoulou V C, Vergilio M.H.S. (2017, May 31). MUSES - Stakeholder identification and engagement process in case studies (Version 1.1). Zenodo. DOI:
  • Bocci M., Ramieri E, Castellani C., De Pellegrin D, Buchanan, Bruce, Buck B.H., Kafas A, Lewis Carlson H, Lukic I, Onyago V, Schupp M F, Sarretta A, Vassilopoulou V C, Vergilio M.H.S. (2017, May 31). MUSES - Case study methodology (Version 1.2). Zenodo. DOI:
  • Barbanti A., Sarretta A., Venier C., Bellacicco S., Farella G., Menegon S., Depellegrin D., Lorito S., Grati F., Bolognini L., Perini L., Pastres R., Porporato E. 2017. Sviluppo ed analisi di proposte di ICZM-MSP in aree specifiche: costa emiliano-romagnola. Volume 2: Individuazione ed analisi dei possibili obiettivi gestionali e delle misure per attuarli. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1160720.
  • Barbanti A., Sarretta A., Venier C., Bellaciccio S., Depellegrin D., Farella G., Menegon S., Lorito S., Grati F., Bolognini L., Perini L. 2017. Sviluppo ed analisi di proposte di ICZM-MSP in aree specifiche: costa emiliano-romagnola. Volume 1: Quadro conoscitivo di riferimento e sua analisi ai fini della pianificazione dello spazio marittimoICM-MSP nella Regione Adriatico Ionica. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1160726.
  • M. Ravaioli, C. Bergami, F. Riminucci, S. Aracri, S.Aliani, M. Bastianini, A. Bergamasco, C. Bommarito, M. Borghini, R. Bozzano, C. Cantoni, E. Caterini, V. Cardin, C. Cesarini, R.R. Colucci, E. Crisafi, A. Crise, R. D'Adamo, C. Fanara, A. Giorgetti, F. Grilli, L. Langone, M. Lipizer, M. Marini, S. Menegon, T. Minuzzo, S. Miserocchi, E. Partescano, E. Paschini, F. Pavesi, P. Penna, S. Pensieri, A. Pugnetti, F. Raicich, A.G. di Sarra, A. Sarretta, K. Schroeder, G. Stanghellini, A. Vetrano (2017). La rete scientifica italiana di siti fissi per l'osservazione del mare – IFON Stato dell'arte e upgrades durante il Progetto RITMARE (2012 – 2016). A cura di: Ravaioli M., Bergami C., Riminucci F. (2017). Roma, CNR Pubblicazioni 2017. pp. 50, ISBN 978-88-80802-44-0 (online:
  • Lupia F, Minghini M, Napolitano M, Palmas A, Sarretta A. (2016). VGI and emergencies. GEOmedia. 2016;20(5), pp.26-30. Available online:
  • Basoni A., Menegon S., Sarretta A., (2015). Sailing Towards Open Marine Data: the RITMARE Data Policy. ERCIM news, 100, 22-23. Available online:
  • Barbanti A., Campostrini P., Musco F., Sarretta A., Gissi E. (eds.) (2015). Developing a Maritime Spatial Plan for the Adriatic-Ionian Region. CNR-ISMAR, Venice, IT. Available online at Zenodo:
  • Barbanti A., Campostrini P., Musco F., Sarretta A., Gissi E. (eds.) (2015). ADRIPLANConclusions and Recommendations: A short manual for MSP implementation in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. CNR-ISMAR, Venice, IT.
  • Haase, D., Piorr, A., Schwarz, N., Rickebusch, S., Kroll, F., Delden, H. van, Zuin, A., Taylor, T., Boeri, M., Zasada, I., Lavalle, C., Vanhout, R., Sarretta, A., Müller, F., Rounsevell, M., Bell, S., 2013. Tools for Modelling and Assessing Peri-Urban Land Use Futures, in: Nilsson, K., Pauleit, S., Bell, S., Aalbers, C., Nielsen, T.A.S. (Eds.), Peri-urban Futures: Scenarios and Models for Land Use Change in Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 69–88.
  • INSPIRE Thematic Working Group Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographical Features. Data Specification on Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographical Features – Draft Guidelines. Technical Document supporting INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC. June 2012.
  • INSPIRE Thematic Working Group Environmental Monitoring Facilities. Data Specification on Environmental Monitoring Facilities – Draft Guidelines. Technical Document supporting INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC. June 2012.
  • INSPIRE Thematic Working Group Oceanographic Geographical Features. Data Specification on Oceanographic Geographical Features – Draft Guidelines. Technical Document supporting INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC. June 2012.
  • INSPIRE Thematic Working Group Sea Regions. Data Specification on Sea Regions – Draft Guidelines. Technical Document supporting INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC. June 2012.
  • INSPIRE Cross Thematic Working Group on Observations & Measurements. Draft Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE Annex II and III data specification development. Technical Document supporting INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC. June 2012.
  • Van Delden Hedwig, Hurkens Jelle, Shi Yu-e, van Vliet Jasper, Vanhout Roel, Lavalle Carlo, Sarretta Alessandro, Moland Light, version with generic parameter setting for each RUR region in EU27. Deliverable 5.5.2 for the PLUREL (Peri-Urban Land Use Relationships-Strategies and Sustainability assessment tools for urban-rural linkages) European integrated research project within the European Commissions sixth framework programme. March 2011.
  • Rosselli, R., Sarretta, A., Marotta, L., 2006. Batimetrie dei fondali (2000). In (Guerzoni, S., Tagliapietra , D., eds.) Atlante della laguna. Venezia tra terra e mare. Marsilio Editori Venezia. 16-17.
  • Rosselli, R., Sarretta, A., Marotta, L., 2006. Batimetrie dei fondali: confronti (1970, 1990, 2000). In (Guerzoni, S., Tagliapietra , D., eds.) Atlante della laguna. Venezia tra terra e mare. Marsilio Editori Venezia. 18-19.

Conferences abstracts presentations posters

  • Sarretta A, Amerini R, De Toni E. 2019. Planning urban accessibility with OpenStreetMap. Poster at the conference State of the Map 2019. Heidelberg, 21-23 September 2019. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3370705.
  • Menegon S, Fadini A, Ferrarin C, Massaro G, Valentini A, Sarretta A. 2019. I-STORMS Web Integrated System (IWS) una infrastruttura dati open source per rendere accessibili e condividere dati osservazionali e previsionali nella regione Adriatico-Ionica. Oral presentation at the XIV Italian National Congress GIT - Geoscience and Information Technologies. Melfi (PZ), Italy, 17-19 June 2019. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3355181.
  • Sarretta A. 2019. Pubblicare: la parola ai ricercatori (Publishing Open). Invited presentation at the seminar “Servizi e strumenti per la ricerca a Ca’ Foscari". Venice, 29 May 2019. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3234398.
  • Sarretta A. Promoting your research through Open Science: opportunities and challenges. Invited lecture at the “Workshop for young ceramists: promoting your research results”. Bologna, 26-27 November 2018. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1542059.
  • Partescano E, Giorgetti A, Sarretta A, Shaap D. An example of adopting and adapting SeaDataCloud and INSPIRE data models to map EMODnet nutrients data. Bollettino di Geofisica. 2018. pp. 143–144. Proceedings of the Internationa Conference on Marina Data and Information Systems (IMDIS). Barcelona, 5-7 November 2018. Available:
  • Barbanti A, Depellegrin D, Venier C, Sarretta A, Castellani C, Carrer S, Bocci M, Ramieri E. (2018). Decommissioning O&G Multi-Use combinations in Northern Adriatic Sea. Poster presented during the H2020 "MUSES" project meeting and stakeholder workshop. Zenodo. DOI:
  • Ravaioli M.; Bergami, C.; Riminucci F.; Aracri S.; Aliani S.; Bastianini M.; Bergamasco A.; Bommarito C.; Borghini M.; Bozzano R.; Brunetti F.; Cantoni C.; Caterini E.; Cardin V.; Cesarini C.; Colucci R.R.; Crisafi E.; Crise A.; D’Adamo R.; Fanara C.; Giorgetti A.; Grilli F.; Langone L.; Lipizer M.; Marini M.; Menegon S.; Minuzzo T.; Miserocchi S.; Partescano E.; Paschini E.; Pavesi F.; Penna P.; Pensieri S.; Pugnetti A.; Raicich F.; di Sarra A.G.; Sarretta A.; Schroeder K.; Scirocco T.; Specchiulli A.; Stanghellini G.; Vetrano A. (2017). The Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network for marine environmental monitoring – IFON: State of the art and upgrades during the Italian flagship project RITMARE (2012 – 2016). IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for The Sea. Naples, Italy, October 11-13, 2017 [Abstract]
  • Grande Valentina; Sarretta, Alessandro; Campiani, Elisabetta; Correggiari, Anna; Foglini, Federica; Remia, Alessandro; Rovere, Marzia; Trincardi, Fabio (2014): The Geologic Map of the Adriatic Sea: a first step towards INSPIRE Geology data specification compliance. Figshare. Retrieved: 00:54, Sep 07, 2017 (GMT)
  • Menegon S, Depellegrin D, Appiotti F, Barbanti A, Venier C, Bianchi I, et al. Community-based geospatial platform as knowledge co-production tool in Maritime Spatial Planning. HopefulNESS 2017 - The 13th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference. University of Tampere, Finland; 6-8 June 2017.
  • Venier, Chiara, McGowan, Jennifer, Gissi, Elena, Zanella, Andrea, Menegon, Stefano, Depellegrin, Daniel, Sarretta Alessandro, Barbanti, Andrea, Possingham, Hugh. (2017, June). Integrated Zoning for Aquaculture and Biodiversity using a Spatial Decision-Support Tool. MaPSIS 2017 – International Conference Maritime Spatial Planning, Ecosystem Approach and supporting information systems, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 24-28 April 2017. Zenodo.
  • Minelli, Annalisa; Sarretta, Alessandro; Oggioni, Alessandro; Pugnetti, Alessandra; Bastianini, Mauro; Aubry, Fabrizio Bernardi; Scovacricchi, Tiziano; Camatti, Elisa; Socal, Giorgio (2017): Improving marine ecological data lifecycle through Open Science Principles. 9th Plenary of Research Data Alliance (RDA), Barcelona (Spain), 4-7 April 2017. figshare.
  • Bastianini M, Acri F, Albertano S, Bergami C, Bernardi-Aubry F, Camatti E, et al. The Northern Adriatic Sea a long term ecological site and an ecological observatory - structure and perspectives. IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for The Sea. Naples; 2017.
  • Carrara, Paola; Fugazza, Cristiano; Lanucara, Simone; Menegon, Stefano; Oggioni, Alessandro; Pavesi, Fabio; Pepe, Monica; Sarretta, Alessandro; Tagliolato, Paolo; Zilioli, Martina; Trincardi, Fabio (2016): Facing data sharing in a heterogeneous research community: lights and shadows in the RITMARE project. FAIR Data Management conference, Florence, 14-15 November 2016. figshare.
  • Menegon, Stefano; Penna, Pierluigi; Bastianini, Mauro; Stanghellini, Giuseppe; Riminucci, Francesco; Sarretta, Alessandro (2016): CNR-ISMAR in situ observations network. IMDIS 2016, International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Gdansk (Poland) - October 11-13, 2016. figshare.
  • Schleidt K, Grellet S, Sarretta A, Tagliolato P, Kotsev A. (2015) Providing INSPIRE measurement data. Workshop at the INSPIRE/GWF Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), May 29 2015. Available:
  • Fugazza C, Basoni A, Menegon S, Oggioni A, Pavesi F, Pepe M, Sarretta A, Carrara P. (2014). RITMARE: Semantics-aware Harmonisation of Data in Italian Marine Research. Procedia Computer Science 33: 261–265. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.06.041


  • Acri F., Bastianini M., Bernardi Aubry F., Camatti E., Bergami C., Boldrin A., De Lazzari A., Finotto, Minelli A., Oggioni A., Pansera M., Sarretta A., Socal G., Pugnetti A.. 2019. LTER Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) marine data from 1965 to 2015. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3516717.
  • Bocci M, Sangiuliano SJ, Sarretta A, Ansong J, Buchanan B, Kafas A, Caña-Varona M, Onyango V, Papaioannou E, Ramieri E, Schultz-Zehden A, Schupp MF, Vassilopoulou V, Vergílio M. Data supporting the publication “Multi-use of the sea: a wide array of opportunities from site-specific cases across Europe”. 2018. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1439454
  • Molinaroli E, Sarretta A, Ferrarin C, Masiero E, Spechiulli A, Guerzoni S. 2014. Sediment grain size and hydrodynamics in Mediterranean coastal lagoons: integrated classification of abiotic parameters - Supplemental Information. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.1044121
  • Sarretta A, Pillon S, Molinaroli E, Guerzoni S, Fontolan G. 2015. Bathymetry of Lagoon of Venice, 2002 DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.1293558
  • Stefano Menegon; Elena Gissi; Alessandro Sarretta. (2016). Data for the paper "Addressing Uncertainties in Modelling Cumulative Impacts within Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic and Ionian Region" [Data set]. Zenodo.


  • Sarretta A. Data analysis notebook supporting the publication “Multi-use of the sea: a wide array of opportunities from site-specific cases across Europe”. 2018. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1451519

Education and training

  • PhD in Environmental Sciences at University of “Ca' Foscari”, Venezia, Italy. Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali. Thesis Title: "Integration of grain-size data and environmental information in the Lagoon of Venice for the study of bottom habitats". October 2004–January 2008
  • Master in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing at University IUAV, Venice, Department of Planning, 110/110. Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Cartography, Database Management Systems, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems. 2003–2004
  • Degree in Environmental Sciences at University of “Ca' Foscari”, Venezia, Italy. Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali. Thesis Title: “Processing techniques for images from the Landsat-ETM and Ikonos satellites for the classification of wet areas in correlation with the assessment of wells and field irrigation (Venice region, Northern Italy (107/110). 1995–2002

Participation in research projects

  • 2019–ongoing: ECOSS (ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity) ( European funded project, INTERREG Italy-Croatia
    • Leader of Work Package 5: "Design and implementation of data infrastructure"
  • 2019–ongoing: PORTODIMARE (geoPORtal of TOols & Data for sustaInable Management of coAstal and maRine Environment). European funded project, ADRION Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020.
  • 2018–ongoing: I-STORMS (Integrated Sea sTORm Management Strategies). ADRION Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020
  • 2017–ongoing: BlueMed ( Coordination and support action, European funded project under H2020-BG-13-2016 programme, aiming at boosting Blue Growth in the Mediterranean by promoting the concrete and operational implementation of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
  • 2017-2019: MEDCIS (Support Mediterranean Member States towards coherent and Coordinated Implementation of the second phase of the MSFD). European funded project, under the grant procedure DG ENV. C2/MSFD SECOND CYCLE/2016.
  • 2017–2019: SIMWESTMED (Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region). European funded project under EASME/EMFF/2015/
  • 2017–2019: SUPREME (SUpporting maritime spatial Planning in the Eastern Mediterranean). European funded project under EASME/EMFF/2015/
  • 2016–2019: MUSES (Multi-Use in European Seas - European funded project under H2020-BG-3-2016 programme, grant agreement n° 727451.
    • Participation in activities related to work packages “Sea basin overview” and “Case studies”.
  • 2012–2018: RITMARE: la Ricerca Italiana per il MARE ( Italian flagship project.
    • Participation in various activities inside the Sub Project 7 “Interoperable Infrastructure for the Observation Network and Marine Data”. Leader of the WP “Infrastructure requirements definition”.
    • Participation in the definition of the Data Policy of the project.
    • Participation in activities related to an Open Science approach to the definition of an Ecological Observatory in the North Adriatic (EcoNÀOS).
    • Participation in activities of the Observational System for the management of the Lagoon of Venice (SOLVE).
  • 2015–2017: ActionMed (Action Plans for Integrated Regional Monitoring Programmes -, Coordinated Programmes of Measures and Addressing Data and Knowledge Gaps in Mediterranean Sea. (DG ENV/MSFD Action Plans /2014).
    • Participation in the activities of the Work Package “The information Management System for Knowledge and Data Update”.
  • 2013–2015: ADRI-PLAN: ADRiatic Ionian maritime spatial PLANning ( (EU project MARE/2012/25).
    • Participation in various activities, Leader of the Work Package “Data and information management”.

Teaching activities

  • 2017-2018 Gis for Maritime Spatial Planning, for the Master Erasmus Mundus on Maritime Spatial Planning, University IUAV of Venice.
  • 2017 Gis for Maritime Spatial Planning, for the Master Erasmus Mundus on Maritime Spatial Planning, University IUAV of Venice.
  • 2016 Gis for Maritime Spatial Planning, for the Master Erasmus Mundus on Maritime Spatial Planning, University IUAV of Venice.
  • 2015 Gis for Maritime Spatial Planning, for the Master Erasmus Mundus on Maritime Spatial Planning, University IUAV of Venice.

Programme committee member at national and international conferences

  • 2020 FOSS4G-IT - IV Convegno italiano su Software e Dati Geografici Free e Open Source. Member in the Scientific Committee
  • 2020 OSC - Open Science Conference
  • 2019 IRCDL - 15th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries
  • 2014 GFOSS Day - VII conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi
  • 2013 GFOSS Day - VI conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi
