Stefano CREMA

Personale di Ricerca
+39 049 8295819
+39 049 8295827
stefano.crema (at)
Corso Stati Uniti, 4 35127, Padova


▪              Cucchiaro, S., Cavalli, M., Vericat, D., Crema, S., Llena, M., Beinat, A., Marchi, L., Cazorzi, F., 2018. Monitoring topographic changes through 4D-structure-from-motion photogrammetry: application to a debris-flow channel. Environ. Earth Sci. 77.

▪              Bordoni, M., Giuseppina Persichillo, M., Meisina, C., Crema, S., Cavalli, M., Bartelletti, C., Galanti, Y., Barsanti, M., Giannecchini, R., D’Amato Avanzi, G., 2018. Estimation of the susceptibility of a road network to shallow landslides with the integration of the sediment connectivity. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 1735–1758.

▪              Scorpio, V., Crema, S., Marra, F., Righini, M., Ciccarese, G., Borga, M., Cavalli, M., Corsini, A., Marchi, L., Surian, N., Comiti, F., 2018. Basin-scale analysis of the geomorphic effectiveness of flash floods: A study in the northern Apennines (Italy). Sci. Total Environ. 640–641, 337–351.

▪              Calsamiglia A, Garcia-Comendador J, Fortesa J, López-Tarazón JA, Crema S, Cavalli M, Calvo-Cases A, Estrany J. 2018. Effects of agricultural drainage systems on sediment connectivity in a small Mediterranean lowland catchment. Geomorphology. 318, 162-171. doi:j.geomorph.2018.06.011

▪              Theule, J.I., Crema, S., Marchi, L., Cavalli, M., Comiti, F., 2018. Exploiting LSPIV to assess debris-flow velocities in the field. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 1–13. doi:10.5194/nhess-18-1-2018

▪              Ahlmer A.-K., Cavalli M., Hansson K., Koutsouris A. J., Crema S., Kalantari Z., 2018. Soil moisture remote sensing applications for identification of flood-prone areas along transport infrastructures. Environ. Earth Sci. 77, 533. doi:10.1007/s12665-018-7704-z.

▪              Crema S., Cavalli M., 2018. SedInConnect: a stand-alone, free and open source tool for the assessment of sediment connectivity. Comput. Geosci. 111, 39–45. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2017.10.009

▪              Cavalli, M., Crema, S., Trevisani, S., Marchi, L., 2017. GIS tools for preliminary debris-flow assessment at regional scale. J. Mt. Sci. 14, 2498–2510. doi:10.1007/s11629-017-4573-y

▪              Cavalli M., Crema S., Trevisani S., Marchi L., 2017. GIS tools for preliminary debris-flow assessment at regional scale. Journal of Mountain Science, vol. 14, p. 2498-2510, ISSN: 1672-6316, doi: 10.1007/s11629-017-4573-y

▪              Persichillo M.G., Bordoni M., Cavalli M., Crema S., Meisina C., 2018.  The role of human activities on sediment connectivity of shallow landslides. CATENA 160, 261–274. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2017.09.025

▪              Persichillo M.G., Bordoni M., Cavalli M., Crema S., Meisina C., 2017. Evaluation of anthropogenic effects on the sediment delivery dynamics in response to slope instability. Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 42, 5-9. doi: 10.3301/ROL.2017.01.

▪              Crema, S., Bossi, G., 2017. Clustering sediment connectivity maps to distinguish hillslope processes. Rendiconti Online Della Soc. Geol. Ital. 42, 23–26. doi:10.3301/ROL.2017.05

▪              Kalantari, Z., Cavalli, M., Cantone, C., Crema, S., Destouni, G., 2017. Flood probability quantification for road infrastructure: Data-driven spatial-statistical approach and case study applications. Sci. Total Environ. 581–582, 386–398. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.147

▪              Amponsah, W., Marchi, L., Zoccatelli, D., Boni, G., Cavalli, M., Comiti, F., Crema, S., Lucía, A., Marra, F., Borga, M., 2016. Hydrometeorological Characterization of a Flash Flood Associated with Major Geomorphic Effects: Assessment of Peak Discharge Uncertainties and Analysis of the Runoff Response. J. Hydrometeorol. 17, 3063–3077. doi:10.1175/JHM-D-16-0081.1

▪              Destro, E., Marchi, L., Amponsah, W., Tarolli, P., Crema, S., Zoccatelli, D., Marra, F., Borga, M., 2016. Hydrological analysis of the flash flood event of August 2nd, 2014 in a small basin of the Venetian Prealps. Quad. Idronomia Mont. 34, 307–316

▪              Tiranti, D., Cavalli, M., Crema, S., Zerbato, M., Graziadei, M., Barbero, S., Cremonini, R., Silvestro, C., Bodrato, G., Tresso, F., 2016. Semi-quantitative method for the assessment of debris supply from slopes to river in ungauged catchments. Sci. Total Environ. 554–555, 337–348. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.150

▪              Crema S., Cavalli M, Bossi G, Schenato L, Marchi L.,2016. Exploiting freely available imagery to improve land cover characterization and shallow landslide detection. PeerJ Preprints 4:e2269v1. doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.2269v1

▪              Penna, D., Zuecco, G., Crema, S., Trevisani, S., Cavalli, M., Pianezzola, L., Marchi, L., Borga, M., 2016. Response time and water origin in a steep nested catchment in the Italian Dolomites. Hydrol. Process. 31, 768-782 doi:10.1002/hyp.11050

▪              Marchi L., Cavalli M., Amponsah W., Borga M., Crema S., 2015. Upper Limits of Flash Flood Stream Power in Europe. Geomorphology. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.11.005

▪              Nikolopoulos, E.I., Borga, M., Marra, F., Crema, S., Marchi, L., 2015. Debris flows in the eastern Italian Alps: seasonality and atmospheric circulation patterns. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 15, 647–656. doi:10.5194/nhess-15-647-2015

▪              Bossi G., Cavalli M., Crema S., Frigerio S. Quan Luna B., Mantovani M., Marcato G., Schenato L., Pasuto A, 2015. Multi-temporal LiDAR-DTMs as a tool for modelling a complex landslide: a case study in the Rotolon catchment (eastern Italian Alps). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 715-722. doi: 10.5194/nhess-15-715-2015

▪              Arattano M., Coviello V., Cavalli M., Comiti F., Macconi P., Theule J., Crema S., 2015. Brief Communication: A new testing field for debris flow warning systems. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 1545-1549. doi: 10.5194/nhess-15-1545-2015

▪              Crema S., Schenato L., Goldin B., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2015. Toward the development of a stand-alone application for the assessment of sediment connectivity. Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 34, 58–61. doi: 10.3301/ROL.2015.37

▪              Nikolopoulos E. I., Crema S., Marchi L., Marra F., Guzzetti F., Borga M., 2014. Impact of Uncertainty in Rainfall Estimation on the Identification of Rainfall Thresholds for Debris Flow Occurrence. Geomorphology 221: 286–97. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.06.015.

▪              Frigerio S., Schenato L., Bossi G., Cavalli M., Crema S., Mantovani M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., 2014. Landslide monitoring with an integrated platform: Methodology, design and case study. Rendiconti online Soc. Geol. It., 30, 24-27. doi: 10.3301/ROL.2014.06

▪              Cavalli M., Trevisani S., Goldin B., Mion E., Crema S., Valentinotti R., 2013. Semi-automatic derivation of channel network from a high-resolution DTM: the example of an Italian alpine region. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 46, 152-174. doi: 10.5721/EuJRS20134609


Peer-reviewed Proceedings

▪              Crema, S., Cavalli, M., Bossi, G., Schenato, L., Frigerio, S., Marchi, L., 2018. Exploiting freely available imagery to improve land cover characterization and shallow landslide detection, in: Proceedings of the 4th Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium (OGRS2016). Presented at the OGRS2016, Ivan Marchesini & Arnaldo Pierleoni.

▪              Bossi G., Crema S., Cavalli M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., 2016. Connectivity patterns as an informative layer to investigate geomorphological processes: the Ganderberg landslide case study (Eastern Italian Alps). In: Interpraevent 2016- Extended abstracts, 30 may – 2 june 2016, Lucerne 2016 (Switzerland), 74-75

▪              Lucia A., Antonello A., Campana D., Cavalli M., Crema S., Franceschi S., Marchese E., Niedrist M., Schneiderbauer S., Comiti F., 2015. Monitoring and modeling Large Wood recruitment and transport in a Mountain basin of North-Eastern Italy. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Editors: Lollino G., Arattano M., Rinaldi M., Giustolisi O., Marechal J., Grant, G. E., Springer publisher, Vol. 3, 155-158.

▪              Bossi G., Crema S., Frigerio S., Mantovani M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., Schenato L., Cavalli M., 2015. The Rotolon Catchment Early-Warning System. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Editors: Lollino G., Arattano M., Rinaldi M., Giustolisi O., Marechal J., Grant, G. E., Springer publisher, Vol. 3, 91-95.

  • Morphometric analyses (connectivity assessment)
  • Development of GIS based software tools based on Python and/or Matlab
  • Flash flood post event survey campaign
  • Hydrological modelling in alpine areas
  • Debris flow monitoring design and installation 
  • Image analysis techniques applied to remote sensing imagery



Stefano Crema



corso stati unit, 4, 35127, Padova (Italy)

 (+39) 049 829 5819     (+39) 349 89 28 330,  

Skype cremastefano | Google Hangout crema.stefano  

Sex Male | Date of birth 14/12/1984 | Nationality Italian | Family  married, 3 children






Post-doctoral position

▪    Geomorphometric and sediment dynamics characterization of mountain catchments

▪    Hydrological analysis of debris flow triggering events, initiation and response controlling factors

▪    Development of open source software for geomorphometric analyses

▪    Analysis and management of high-resolution Digital Terrain Models in GIS and programming environment

▪    Design of debris flow monitoring station, data transmission optimization and hydrometeorological data analysis

▪    Debris flow and flash flood post-event surveys for event modelling reconstruction

▫    Post-doctoral position and activity:

▪    02/07/2018-01/07/2019, Research grant @ CNR IRPI, successful candidate.

[Ref.: CNR IRPI, Director, Reg. 1910 of 28/06/2018]

Research activity: Geomorphometry and sediment dynamics in mountain catchments

▪    01/01/2018-30/06/2018, Research associate @ CNR IRPI

[Ref.: CNR IRPI, Director, Reg. 4188 of 27/12/2017]

Research activity: Geomorphometry and sediment dynamics in mountain catchments

▪    01/07/2017-30/06/2018, Research grant @ University of Padova, Dept. LEAF, successful candidate.

[Ref.: University of Padova, Dept. TESAF, Director, Rep 20/2017, Reg. 1010 of 29/06/2017]

Research activity: Development of procedures for the hydro-geomorphological analysis of flash floods and their impact on sediment dynamics

▪    07/01/2017-01/07/2017, Research grant @ CNR IRPI, renewal and waiver for new position application

[Ref.: CNR IRPI, Director, Reg. 2574 of 27/12/2016]

Research activity: Geomorphometry and sediment dynamics in mountain catchments

▪    07/01/2016-06/01/2017, Research grant @ CNR IRPI, renewal

[Ref.: CNR IRPI, Director, Reg. 2600 of 09/12/2015

Research activity: Geomorphometry and sediment dynamics in mountain catchments

▪    07/01/2015-06/01/2016, Research grant @ CNR IRPI, renewal

[Ref.: CNR IRPI, Director, Reg. 3336 of 29/12/2014]

Research activity: Geomorphometry and sediment dynamics in mountain catchments

▪    07/01/2014-06/01/2015, Research grant @ CNR IRPI, successful candidate.

[Ref.: CNR IRPI, Director, Reg. 2811 of 26/11/2013]

Research activity in the framework of the project: SEDALP – “Sediment management in alpine basins: integrating sediment continuum, risk mitigation and hydropower”








PhD dissertation




CNR research associate


Research associate @ CNR IRPI

 [Ref.: CNR IRPI, Director, Reg. 1222 of 02/05/2011]

Research activity:  Hydrologic control on the triggering and magnitude of debris flow in alpine catchments





University of Padova, Doctoral Course: "Land, Environment, Resources and Health"

Thesis: "Hydrologic control on the triggering and magnitude of debris flow in alpine catchments"​

Supervisor: Dr. Lorenzo Marchi

Co-supervisor: prof. Marco Borga

Research associate @ CNR IRPI



Master degree in Forest and Environmental Sciences


University of Padova

Thesis: ​"Scale invariant Depth Duration Frequency curves estimation for an alpine region"

Supervisor: prof. Marco Borga

final grade: 110/110 cum laude



Bachelor degree in Forest and Environmental Sciences


University of Padova

Thesis: "Urban Forestry e stima del carbonio: analisi di linee guida e calcolo in zona urbana come applicazione ed opportunità per l'Università di Padova"

Supervisor: prof. Paolo Semenzato

Co-supervisor: prof. Davide M. Pettenella

final grade: 104/110



Visiting scientist


USGS (United States Geological Survey), Landslide Hazard Program, Golden, Colorado.​​



High school Diploma


Liceo Scientifico G.B. Ferrari, Este, PD, Italy

final grade: 97/100​





Mother tongue(s)




Other language(s)






Spoken interaction

Spoken production





















Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Digital competence


Information processing


Content creation


Problem solving


Proficient user

Proficient user

Proficient user

Proficient user

Proficient user


Digital competences - Self-assessment grid


- Good knowledge of the Office suite

- Programming languages: Matlab, Python, R, HTML, Javascript, LaTEX, basic knowledge of C++ and Fortran​

- Extensive knowledge of GIS software (ArcGIS, QGIS, Saga GIS, WhiteBox, AdBToolbox), hydrological modelling suites (KLEM, TauDEM), basic application of 2D hydraulic and hydrologic models (Flow-2D)

- Extensive Knowledge of Windows, Linux (Debian/Raspbian) and MacOSX operative systems and Arduino-like platforms

-Extensive knowledge of image analysis techniques and data interpolation (H-R DTMs, rainfall fields)



Driving licence

A, B





Journal articles

▪    Cucchiaro, S., Cavalli, M., Vericat, D., Crema, S., Llena, M., Beinat, A., Marchi, L., Cazorzi, F., 2018. Monitoring topographic changes through 4D-structure-from-motion photogrammetry: application to a debris-flow channel. Environ. Earth Sci. 77.

▪    Bordoni, M., Giuseppina Persichillo, M., Meisina, C., Crema, S., Cavalli, M., Bartelletti, C., Galanti, Y., Barsanti, M., Giannecchini, R., D’Amato Avanzi, G., 2018. Estimation of the susceptibility of a road network to shallow landslides with the integration of the sediment connectivity. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 1735–1758.

▪    Scorpio, V., Crema, S., Marra, F., Righini, M., Ciccarese, G., Borga, M., Cavalli, M., Corsini, A., Marchi, L., Surian, N., Comiti, F., 2018. Basin-scale analysis of the geomorphic effectiveness of flash floods: A study in the northern Apennines (Italy). Sci. Total Environ. 640–641, 337–351.

▪    Calsamiglia A, Garcia-Comendador J, Fortesa J, López-Tarazón JA, Crema S, Cavalli M, Calvo-Cases A, Estrany J. 2018. Effects of agricultural drainage systems on sediment connectivity in a small Mediterranean lowland catchment. Geomorphology. 318, 162-171. doi:j.geomorph.2018.06.011

▪    Theule, J.I., Crema, S., Marchi, L., Cavalli, M., Comiti, F., 2018. Exploiting LSPIV to assess debris-flow velocities in the field. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 1–13. doi:10.5194/nhess-18-1-2018

▪    Ahlmer A.-K., Cavalli M., Hansson K., Koutsouris A. J., Crema S., Kalantari Z., 2018. Soil moisture remote sensing applications for identification of flood-prone areas along transport infrastructures. Environ. Earth Sci. 77, 533. doi:10.1007/s12665-018-7704-z.

▪    Crema S., Cavalli M., 2018. SedInConnect: a stand-alone, free and open source tool for the assessment of sediment connectivity. Comput. Geosci. 111, 39–45. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2017.10.009

▪    Cavalli, M., Crema, S., Trevisani, S., Marchi, L., 2017. GIS tools for preliminary debris-flow assessment at regional scale. J. Mt. Sci. 14, 2498–2510. doi:10.1007/s11629-017-4573-y

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Trevisani S., Marchi L., 2017. GIS tools for preliminary debris-flow assessment at regional scale. Journal of Mountain Science, vol. 14, p. 2498-2510, ISSN: 1672-6316, doi: 10.1007/s11629-017-4573-y

▪    Persichillo M.G., Bordoni M., Cavalli M., Crema S., Meisina C., 2018.  The role of human activities on sediment connectivity of shallow landslides. CATENA 160, 261–274. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2017.09.025

▪    Persichillo M.G., Bordoni M., Cavalli M., Crema S., Meisina C., 2017. Evaluation of anthropogenic effects on the sediment delivery dynamics in response to slope instability. Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 42, 5-9. doi: 10.3301/ROL.2017.01.

▪    Crema, S., Bossi, G., 2017. Clustering sediment connectivity maps to distinguish hillslope processes. Rendiconti Online Della Soc. Geol. Ital. 42, 23–26. doi:10.3301/ROL.2017.05

▪     Kalantari, Z., Cavalli, M., Cantone, C., Crema, S., Destouni, G., 2017. Flood probability quantification for road infrastructure: Data-driven spatial-statistical approach and case study applications. Sci. Total Environ. 581–582, 386–398. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.147 

▪    Amponsah, W., Marchi, L., Zoccatelli, D., Boni, G., Cavalli, M., Comiti, F., Crema, S., Lucía, A., Marra, F., Borga, M., 2016. Hydrometeorological Characterization of a Flash Flood Associated with Major Geomorphic Effects: Assessment of Peak Discharge Uncertainties and Analysis of the Runoff Response. J. Hydrometeorol. 17, 3063–3077. doi:10.1175/JHM-D-16-0081.1

▪    Destro, E., Marchi, L., Amponsah, W., Tarolli, P., Crema, S., Zoccatelli, D., Marra, F., Borga, M., 2016. Hydrological analysis of the flash flood event of August 2nd, 2014 in a small basin of the Venetian Prealps. Quad. Idronomia Mont. 34, 307–316

▪    Tiranti, D., Cavalli, M., Crema, S., Zerbato, M., Graziadei, M., Barbero, S., Cremonini, R., Silvestro, C., Bodrato, G., Tresso, F., 2016. Semi-quantitative method for the assessment of debris supply from slopes to river in ungauged catchments. Sci. Total Environ. 554–555, 337–348. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.150

▪    Crema S., Cavalli M, Bossi G, Schenato L, Marchi L.,2016. Exploiting freely available imagery to improve land cover characterization and shallow landslide detection. PeerJ Preprints 4:e2269v1. doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.2269v1

▪    Penna, D., Zuecco, G., Crema, S., Trevisani, S., Cavalli, M., Pianezzola, L., Marchi, L., Borga, M., 2016. Response time and water origin in a steep nested catchment in the Italian Dolomites. Hydrol. Process. 31, 768-782 doi:10.1002/hyp.11050

▪    Marchi L., Cavalli M., Amponsah W., Borga M., Crema S., 2015. Upper Limits of Flash Flood Stream Power in Europe. Geomorphology. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.11.005

▪    Nikolopoulos, E.I., Borga, M., Marra, F., Crema, S., Marchi, L., 2015. Debris flows in the eastern Italian Alps: seasonality and atmospheric circulation patterns. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 15, 647–656. doi:10.5194/nhess-15-647-2015

▪    Bossi G., Cavalli M., Crema S., Frigerio S. Quan Luna B., Mantovani M., Marcato G., Schenato L., Pasuto A, 2015. Multi-temporal LiDAR-DTMs as a tool for modelling a complex landslide: a case study in the Rotolon catchment (eastern Italian Alps). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 715-722. doi: 10.5194/nhess-15-715-2015

▪    Arattano M., Coviello V., Cavalli M., Comiti F., Macconi P., Theule J., Crema S., 2015. Brief Communication: A new testing field for debris flow warning systems. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 1545-1549. doi: 10.5194/nhess-15-1545-2015

▪    Crema S., Schenato L., Goldin B., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2015. Toward the development of a stand-alone application for the assessment of sediment connectivity. Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 34, 58–61. doi: 10.3301/ROL.2015.37

▪    Nikolopoulos E. I., Crema S., Marchi L., Marra F., Guzzetti F., Borga M., 2014. Impact of Uncertainty in Rainfall Estimation on the Identification of Rainfall Thresholds for Debris Flow Occurrence. Geomorphology 221: 286–97. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.06.015.

▪    Frigerio S., Schenato L., Bossi G., Cavalli M., Crema S., Mantovani M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., 2014. Landslide monitoring with an integrated platform: Methodology, design and case study. Rendiconti online Soc. Geol. It., 30, 24-27. doi: 10.3301/ROL.2014.06

▪    ​Cavalli M., Trevisani S., Goldin B., Mion E., Crema S., Valentinotti R., 2013. Semi-automatic derivation of channel network from a high-resolution DTM: the example of an Italian alpine region. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 46, 152-174. doi: 10.5721/EuJRS20134609


Peer-reviewed proceedings

▪    Crema, S., Cavalli, M., Bossi, G., Schenato, L., Frigerio, S., Marchi, L., 2018. Exploiting freely available imagery to improve land cover characterization and shallow landslide detection, in: Proceedings of the 4th Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium (OGRS2016). Presented at the OGRS2016, Ivan Marchesini & Arnaldo Pierleoni.

▪    Bossi G., Crema S., Cavalli M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., 2016. Connectivity patterns as an informative layer to investigate geomorphological processes: the Ganderberg landslide case study (Eastern Italian Alps). In: Interpraevent 2016- Extended abstracts, 30 may – 2 june 2016, Lucerne 2016 (Switzerland), 74-75​

▪    Lucia A., Antonello A., Campana D., Cavalli M., Crema S., Franceschi S., Marchese E., Niedrist M., Schneiderbauer S., Comiti F., 2015. Monitoring and modeling Large Wood recruitment and transport in a Mountain basin of North-Eastern Italy. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Editors: Lollino G., Arattano M., Rinaldi M., Giustolisi O., Marechal J., Grant, G. E., Springer publisher, Vol. 3, 155-158.

▪    Bossi G., Crema S., Frigerio S., Mantovani M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., Schenato L., Cavalli M., 2015. The Rotolon Catchment Early-Warning System. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Editors: Lollino G., Arattano M., Rinaldi M., Giustolisi O., Marechal J., Grant, G. E., Springer publisher, Vol. 3, 91-95.


International Conferences Presentations

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Trevisani s., Marchi L., 2018. Geomorphometric approach for a preliminary debris-flow characterization at the regional scale. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2018. Vienna (Austria)

▪    Crema S., Marra F., Andreoli A., Scorpio V., Kofler C, Cavalli M., Marchi L., Borga M., and Comiti F., 2018. Integrating high-resolution hydrology and geomorphometry for flash flood characterization. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2018. Vienna (Austria)

▪    Marchi L., Cavalli M., Crema S., Trevisani S., 2017. GIS tools for preliminary debris-flow assessment at regional scale. 31st Session FAO EFC WPMMW, 4-6 September 2017. Oral presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Frigerio S., Schenato L., Bossi G., Mantovani M., Crema S., Cavalli M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., 2017. Crowdsourcing engagement and applications for communities within crisis events. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-16934. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2017. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Calsamiglia A., Garcia-Comendador J., Fortesa J., Crema S., Cavalli M., Alorda B., Estrany J., 2017. Structural and functional connectivity in the agricultural Can Revull catchment (Mallorca, Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-14966. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2017. Vienna (Austria). Oral presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Cucchiaro S., Beinat A., Calsamiglia A., Cavalli M., Cazorzi F., Crema S., Marchi L., 2017. Assessing the effects of check dams on sediment dynamics in a debris-flow catchment through SfM technique. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19 EGU2017-1508. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2017. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Scorpio V., Righini M., Amponsah W., Crema S., Ciccarese G., Nardi L., Zoccatelli D., Borga M., Cavalli M., Comiti F., Corsini A., Marchi L., Rinaldi M., Surian N., 2017. Effects of large floods on channel width: recent insights from Italian rivers. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19 EGU2017-9183. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2017. Vienna (Austria). Oral presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Bossi G., Crema S., Mantovani M., Schenato L., Cavalli M., Marcato G., Frigerio S., Pasuto A., 2017. Agglomerative hierarchical cluster method to analyze landslide displacements and assess risk scenarios. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-4394-1. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2017. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Crema S., Bossi G., Trevisani S., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2017. Clustering sediment connectivity maps to characterize surface morphologies in mountain catchments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-491. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2017. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Ahlmer A., Kalantari Z., Cavalli M., Crema S., 2017. Integrating remotely sensed hydrologic parameters into an index of sediment connectivity. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-207. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2017. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Blok M., Lucia A., Comiti F., Marchi L., Keesstra S., 2016. Integrating structural and functional connectivity to characterize sediment dynamics in a small Alpine catchment. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-15034-1. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume 

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Blok M., Lucia A., Comiti F., Marchi L., Keesstra S., 2016. Integrating structural and functional connectivity to characterize sediment dynamics in a small Alpine catchment. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-15034-1. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Crema S., Bossi G., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2016. Integration of semi-automatic detection and sediment connectivity assessment for the characterization of sediment source areas in mountain catchments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-1013. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Viero A., Marchi L., Cavalli M., Crema S., Fontana A., Mozzi P., Venturini C., 2016. Investigations on alluvial deposits through borehole stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating and passive seismic technique (Carnic Alps, NE Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-12672. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Bossi G., Crema S., Cavalli M., Marcato G., Pasuto A., 2016. Highlighting landslides and other geomorphological features using sediment connectivity maps. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-239. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Cantone C., Kalantari Z., Cavalli M., Crema S., 2016. Adaptation of Sediment Connectivity Index for Swedish catchments and application for flood prediction of roads. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-13015-1. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria). Oral presentation and Abstracts Volume. Persichillo M. G., Meisina C.,

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Bordoni M., 2016. Understanding the relationship between sediment connectivity and spatio-temporal landscape changes in two small catchments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-3070. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria). Oral presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Crema S., Goldin B., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2015. An open and stand-alone tool to assess sediment connectivity in alpine catchments. Final Conference SedAlp Project. Bolzano. Poster presentation

▪    Crema S., Lanni C., Goldin B., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2015. Improvement of a free software tool for the assessment of sediment connectivity. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-7652 - European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria). Oral presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Franceschi S., Antonello A., Lucia A., Cavalli M., Crema S., Comiti F., Tonon G., 2015. A simplified gis-based model for large wood recruitment and connectivity in mountain basins. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11053 - European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria). Oral presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Goldin B., Marchi L., 2014. Geomorphometric assessment of sediment connectivity in mountain catchments. 1st CNR-CAS Bilateral Workshop on Mountain Hazards. November, 21 2014, Padova. Oral presentation.

▪    Marchi L., Cavalli M., Crema S., Goldin B., 2014. Experiences of debris-flow monitoring in Italy. 1st CNR-CAS Bilateral Workshop on Mountain Hazards. 21 novembre 2014, Padova. Oral presentation.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., 2014. An open and stand-alone application to evaluate sediment connectivity in alpine catchments. Scientific kick-off meeting of Cost action ES1306 – CONNECTEUR. Wageningen (Netherlands). Poster presentation.

▪    Lucia A., Antonello A., Campana D., Cavalli M., Crema S., Franceschi S., Marchese E., Niedrist M., Schneiderbauer S., Comiti F., 2014. A simplified GIS-based model for large wood recruitment and connectivity in mountain basins. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Cavalli M., Goldin B., Crema S., Marchi L., 2014. Application and testing of a GIS-based sediment connectivity model in the Venosta valley (Eastern Italian Alps). European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria). Oral and poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Crema S., Schenato L., Goldin B., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2014. A free tool integrating GIS features and workflows to evaluate sediment connectivity in alpine catchments. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Crema S., Cavalli M., Macconi P., Marchi L., 2013. Regional-scale debris-flow modelization for hazard mapping in alpine basins using a high-resolution DTM and events geodatabase. 8th International conference (AIG) on Geomorphology. Paris (France). Poster presentation and Abstract Volume.

▪    Marchi L., Boni G., Cavalli M., Comiti F., Crema S., Lucìa A., Marra F., Zoccatelli D., 2013. The flash flood of October 2011 in the Magra River basin (Italy): rainstorm characterisation and flood response analysis. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume.

▪    Crema S., Marchi L., Marra F. (2013), Hydrological control on the triggering of debris flows in alpine catchments: storm analysis and basin response variability. European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2013. Vienna (Austria). Poster presentation and Abstracts Volume;


Tasks and responsibility

▪    Technical responsibility of the Hydrogeomorphology research group at CNR-IRPI (CNR-IRPI Director official document on 23/02/2015)​

▪    Participant to the activities related to the emergencies caused by the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake



▪    "Ivo Richetti"​ 2016 award for the best scientific contribution of a young researcher, 11th GIT Conference (Geosciences and Information Technologies), Torino (Italy), 13-15 June 2016.


National Conferences and Workshops Presentations

▪    ​Cavalli M., Crema S., Viero A., Marchi L., 2016. Attività di studio sui conoidi alluvionali: sviluppo di una metodologia di raccolta dati e applicazione in aree pilota in provincia di Treviso. Public meeting for land and environment management authorities, Treviso (TV, Italy), 27 May 2016.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Viero A., Marchi L., 2016. Attività di studio sui conoidi alluvionali: sviluppo di una metodologia di raccolta dati e applicazione in aree pilota in provincia di Vicenza. Public meeting for land and environment management authorities, Arsiero (VI, Italy), 18 May 2016.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Viero A., Marchi L., 2016. Attività di studio sui conoidi alluvionali: sviluppo di una metodologia di raccolta dati e applicazione in aree pilota in provincia di Belluno. Public meeting for land and environment management authorities, Belluno (BL, Italy), 13 May2016.

▪    Crema S., Lanni C., Goldin B., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2015. Improvement of a free software tool for the assessment of sediment connectivity, process identification and feature characterization in alpine catchments. 10th GIT Conference – Geology and Information Technology, San Leo (RN, Italy), 17 - 19 June2015.

▪    Crema S., Schenato L., Goldin B., Marchi L., Cavalli M., 2014. A free and stand-alone tool integrating geospatial workflows to evaluate sediment connectivity in alpine catchments. 9th GIT Conference – Geology and Information Technology, Montefalco (PG, Italy), 16 - 18 June 2014.


Invited presentations

▪    29/05/2015

Workshop tematico "Progetto SedAlp: risultati ed esperienze", Tesaf Department, University of Padova.


Workshops, Conferences  organization

▪    Organizing committee member for the final conference of the COST Action ES1306 "Connecteur - Connecting European Connectivity Research", San Servolo, Venice, 26-28/03/2018

▪    Co-convener EGU 2018, session HS9.8/GM3.7/SSS13.39 Extreme Erosion Processes, Hydrological Drivers and Connectivity. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, 8-13 April 2018

▪    Co-convener EGU 2018, session SSS12.1/GI1.11/GM2.14 Learning from spatial data: unveiling the geo-environment through quantitative approaches. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, 8-13 April 2018

▪    Co-convener TerraENvision 2018, session NBS2: Connectivity in hydrology and sediment dynamics: concepts, measuring, modelling, indices and societal implications Barcelona, 27/01-02/02 - 2018

▪    Co-convener EGU 2017, session SSS12.11/GM3.7 Learning from spatial data: unveiling the geo-environment through quantitative approaches. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2017, Vienna, 23-28  April 2017

▪    Convener, session "Dinamica e monitoraggio dei processi geo-idrologici". GIT 2017, 12th National Conference "GIT- Geosciences and Information Technologies", Gavorrano (Italy), 12-14 June 2017

▪    Convener, session II, "Dinamica e monitoraggio dei processi geo-idrologici". GIT 2016, 11th National Conference "GIT- Geosciences and Information Technologies", Torino (Italy), 13-15 June 2016.​

▪    Organization of the 4th Symposium "The Fluvial System". Organization: University of Padova - Tesaf Department, University of Padova - Geosciences Department, CNR IRPI, University of Trento, University of Bolzano, University of Udine, Massey University, New Zealand, Padova, 20/05/2016

▪    Co-convener, session II, "Learning from spatial data: rappresentazione e analisi dei processi geo-ambientali". GIT 2015, 10th National Conference "GIT- Geosciences and Information Technologies", San Leo (RN, Italy), 17-19 June 2015


Teaching qualification

▪    2018-2024 Italian National Scientific Qualification in the academic sector 07/C1 (Agricultural, forestry and biosystems engineering, ) - II Fascia (Associate Professor)


Teaching experience

▪    2018 - Teaching assistant for the course "Flood risk mitigation measures in mountain basins", master degree "Environmental Management of Mountain Areas (EMMA)". The master is a double degree programme between Innsbruck University and the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. 10 hours

▪    2018 - Teaching assistant for the course "Advanced geomatics", master degree "Environmental Management of Mountain Areas (EMMA)". The master is a double degree programme between Innsbruck University and the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. 10 hours

▪    2018 - Teaching assistant for the course “Laboratorio di cartografia numerica e GIS” University “Alma Mater Studiorum” – Bologna (IT). 30 hours

▪    Martinez-Murillo J.F., Crema S., López-Vicente M., Masselink R., Pöppl R.

Course title: Hydrological and sediment connectivity: from concepts to experimental and modelling procedures. Short course scheduled in the framework of 2017 EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly in the area of Geomorphometry, High-resolution DTMs, Hydrology, Sediment dynamics.  European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2017, Vienna, 23-28  April 2017


Courses, Workshops and Internships: Partecipation

▪    17/04/2013

Remote sensing for the rapid mapping of rainfall-induced landslide, Alessandro Mondini, CNR IRPI

▪    ​25/11/2013 - 27/11/2013

Introduction to Remote Sensing analysis with ENVI and ArcGIS, University of Padova

▪    06/2013

Intense course on Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry, University of Bolzano

▪    03/2011

Advanced applied statistics course, University of Padova

▪    04/2011

How to write a scientific article, University of Padova

▪    04/2011

Matlab and programming, University of Padova

▪    03/2011 04/2011

Python programming course, CNR IRPI, Padova

▪    12/2009

Training school: Chainsaw theory and practice, cable crane design and construction for wood harvesting, University of Padova in collaboration with Ossiach Training Center, Austria​

▪    06/2007 - 07/2007

Internship at "Corpo Forestale dello Stato"



▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Marchi L., 2016. Procedura DF ArcGIS 10.x Toolbox version 1.0 (tool for the hydrographic synthetic network characterization based on the potential for debris flow triggering and propagation).

▪    Crema S., Cavalli M., Marchi L., 2016. Runout DF Matlab app version 1.0 (tool for the morphometric estimation of the potential debris flow runout distance).

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., 2014-2016. Connectivity ArcGIS 10.x Toolbox version 1.0. (ArcGIS tool for the computation of sediment connectity index as expressed in Cavalli et al. (2013))

▪    Crema S., Cavalli M., 2014-2016. SedInConnect version (open source, free, stand-alone application for the computation of sediment connectity index as expressed in Cavalli et al. (2013) developped using Python language)

Official maintained repository ​for all the developed software:​


Editorial activity

Chapter editor for the journal "Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana" ​

Reviewer for the following journals​:

▪    Earth-Science Reviews

▪    Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

▪    Geomorphology

▪    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

▪    European Journal of Remote Sensing

▪    Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana

▪    Land Degradation and Development

▪    Science of the Total Environment

▪    Environmental Earth Sciences


Technical reports

▪    Crema S., Cavalli M., Marchi L., 2016. Kinematic of debris flows using Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV) (KINOFLOW). Project report, pp. 24.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Viero A., Marchi L., 2015. Attività di studio sulle conoidi con sviluppo di una metodologia di raccolta dati e loro applicazione su aree test. Final report, Regione del Veneto, CNR IRPI, pp. 140 + annex.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Viero A., Marchi L., 2015. Attività di studio sulle conoidi con sviluppo di una metodologia di raccolta dati e loro applicazione su aree test. Intermediate report, Regione del Veneto, CNR IRPI, pp. 71 + annex.

▪    Aigner J., Habersack H., Rindler R., Blamauer B., Wagner B., Schober B., Comiti F., Dell'Agnese A., Engel M., Liebault F., Bel C., Bellot H., Fontaine F., Piegay H., Benacchio V., Lemaire P., Ruiz-Villanueva V., Vaudor L., Cavalli M., Marchi L., Crema S., Brardinoni, F., Bezak N., Rusjan S., Mikoš M., Abel J., Becht M., Heckmann T., Rimböck A., Schwaller G., Höhne R., Cesca M., Vianello A., Krivograd Klemenčič A., Papež J., Lenzi M.A., Picco L., Moretto J., Ravazzolo D., Jäger G., Moser M., Hübl J., Chiari M., 2015. Sediment transport monitoring. Final project report (WP5), Alpine Space Programme – SedAlp Project, pp. 438.

▪    Brardinoni F., Sosio R., Scotti R., Marchi L., Crema S., Cavalli M., 2014. Colluvial sediment sources, glacial and periglacial depositional landforms, and geomorphometry-based sediment connectivity in the Saldur River basin, Italy. Project report, Alpine Space Programme – SedAlp Project, pp. 8.

▪    Cavalli M., Goldin B., Crema S., Brardinoni F., Marchi L., Blasone G., Cazorzi F., 2014. Geomorphic change detection in Gadria-Strimm and Moscardo catchments, Italy. Project report, Alpine Space Programme – SedAlp Project, pp. 16.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., Marchi L., 2014. Guidelines on the Sediment Connectivity ArcGis Toolbox and stand-alone application. Project report, Alpine Space Programme – SedAlp Project, pp. 31.

▪    Cavalli M., Crema S., 2014. Relazione sull'analisi di connettività del sedimento in Val Maira, Piemonte (Italy). Project report, Alpine Space Programme – SedAlp Project, pp. 18.

▪    Marchi L., Cavalli M., Amponsah W., Borga M., Borselli L., Comiti F., Crema S., Mondini A., Lucia Vela A., Viero A., 2013. Studio dei processi idrologici, idraulici e geomorfologici e della pericolosità ad essi associata nel bacino del Torrente Pogliaschina (Val di Vara, Provincia della Spezia). Relazione finale, Autorità di Bacino Interregionale del Fiume Magra, CNR-IRPI Padova, pp. 108.


Thesis supervision

▪    Co-supervisor of the master thesis in Environmental engineering at Milano Politecnico Univeristy: Cantone Carolina – Modelling sediment connectivity in Swedish catchments and application for flood prediction of roads, supervisor Prof. Paola Gattinoni, a.a. 2015-2016​

▪    Co-supervisor of the bachelor thesis in International Land and Water Management, Wageningen University, the Netherlands: Blok Michael M. J. – GIS-modelling sediment connectivity in mountain basins. Channel connectivity during high-magnitude flood events using stream power, supervisor Dr. Saskia Keesstra, 2014


Research Projects

▪    2016 – present

Geomorphometry and sediment dynamics in mountain catchments, Institute Research Project in the framework of CNR IRPI activities

▪    2014-2018

Partecipating to the European COST Action ES1306: Connecting European Connectivity Research on hydrological and sediment connectivity, WG 2 (Measuring), WG 4 (Indices).

▪    2015

Post-doc research activity in the framework of KINOFLOW – “kinematic of debris flows using large scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV)" project, financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano

▪    ​2013-2015

Post-doc position in the framework of SedAlp - "Sediment management in Alpine basins: integrating sediment continuum, risk mitigation and hydropower" project, Alpine Space Program 2007-2013

▪    10/2010-12/2010

Collaborator in the framework of the Interreg IV MASSMOVE project, dealing with the analysis of slope stability models for lanslide susceptibility assessment






▪    2013 - present

​EGU (European Geosciences Union) member

▪    2012

AGU (American Geophysical Union) member

▪    2011 - present

HyMeX (HYdrological cycle in the MediterraneanEXperiment) initiative, Working Group 3 memebr from 2011, parecipating to the Task Team on Intensive Post Event campaigns (IPEC) related to flash flood events



▪    2013 - 2016

Collaboration with IUAV Venice ​University for the hydro-meteorological monitoring of a high-elevation alpine catchment

▪    2013 - present

Collaboration with Udine University for the hydro-meteorological and video monitoring of a debris flow catchment



▪    Dr. ​Susan H. Cannon (USGS - United States Geological Survey)

▪    Dr. Jason W. Kean (USGS)

▪    Dr. Sebastiano Trevisani (IUAV University, Italy)

▪    Prof. Federico Cazorzi (Udine University, Italy)

▪    Dr. Marco Cavalli (CNR IRPI, Italy)


Honours and awards

- "Ivo Ricchetti" award for the best scientific contribution of young researcher, Geosciences and Information Technologies Conference, San Leo, 17-19 June 2015​

- EGU 2016 support grant for early career scientist

- EGU 2017 support grant for early career scientist