Personale di Ricerca
+39 075 5014421
+39 075 5014420
michele.santangelo (at) irpi.cnr.it
Via della Madonna Alta, 126 06128, Perugia


Papers in journals listed in JCR

1.Santangelo, M.,  Marchesini, I., Bucci, F., Cardinali, M., Fiorucci, F., Guzzetti, F. (2015) An approach to reduce mapping errors in the production of landslide inventory maps Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 3, 4189-4229, doi:10.5194/nhessd-3-4189-2015, 2015 (accepted for publication in NHESS).

2. Marchesini, I., Santangelo, M., Guzzetti, F., Cardinali, M., Bucci, F. (2015). Assessing the influence of morpho-structural setting on landslide abundance. Georisk, doi:10.1080/17499518.2015.1058956

3. Santangelo M.; Marchesini I.; Cardinali M.; Fiorucci F.; Rossi M.; Bucci F.; Guzzetti F. (2014) A method for the assessment of the influence of bedding on landslide abundance and types. Landslides, 12, 2, 295-309. doi:10.1007/s10346-014-0485-x

4. Brunetti M.T.; Guzzetti F.; Cardinali M.; Fiorucci F.; Santangelo M.; Mancinelli P.; Komatsu G.; Borselli L. (2014) Analysis of a new geomorphological inventory of landslides in Valles Marineris, Mars. Earth planet. sci. lett., 405, 156-168. 

5. Santangelo, M., Gioia, D., Cardinali, M., Guzzetti, F., Schiattarella, M., (2014) Landslide inventory map of the upper Sinni River valley, Southern Italy. Journal of maps, 11, 3, 444-453. 

6. Santangelo, M., Gioia, D., Cardinali, M., Guzzetti, F., Schiattarella, M. (2013) Interplay between mass movement and fluvial network organization: an example from southern Apennines, Italy. Geomorphology, 188, 54–67 

7. Razak, K.A., Santangelo, M., van Westen, C., Straatsma, M., de Jong, S.M. (2013) - Generating an optimal DTM from airborne laser scanning data for landslide mapping in a tropical forest environment. Geomorphology, 190, 112-125

8. Guzzetti, F., Mondini, A.C., Cardinali, M., Fiorucci, F., Santangelo, M., Chang, K.t (2012) - Landslide inventory maps: new tools for and old problem. Earth-Science Reviews 112 (2012) 42–66. 

9. Giordan, D., Allasia, P., Manconi, A., Baldoa, M., Lollino, G., Santangelo, M., Cardinali, M., Guzzetti, F., (2012) Morphological evolution of a large earthflow: the Montaguto landslide, southern Italy. Geomorphology 187 (2013) 61–79.

10. Santangelo, M., Cardinali, M., Rossi, M., Mondini, A.C., Guzzetti, F. (2010) - Remote landslide mapping using a laser rangefinder binocular and GPS.  Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 2539–2546, 2010.  doi: 10.5194/nhess-10-2539-2010.


Chapters in multi-authored books

11. Rossi, M., Peruccacci, S., Brunetti, M.T., Marchesini, I., Luciani, S., Ardizzone, F., Balducci, V., Bianchi, C., Cardinali, M., Fiorucci, F., Mondini, A.C., Reichenbach, P., Salvati, P., Santangelo, M., Tonelli, G., Bartolini, D., Gariano, S.L., Palladino, M., Vessia, G., Viero, A., Antronico, L., Borselli, L., Deganutti, A.M., Iovine, G., Luino, F., Parise, M., Polemio, M., Guzzetti, F. (2012) - SANF: National warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Italy. Eberhardt, Erik, Froese, Corey, Turner, A.Keith, and Leroueil, Serge (Eds), Proceedings of the 11th International and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Banff, Canada, 3 - 8 June, 2012, Landslides and Engineered Slopes: Protecting Society through Improved Understanding, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62123-6, 1895-1899. 

12. Rossi, M., Marchesini, I., Tonelli, G., Peruccacci, S., Brunetti, M.T., Luciani, S., Ardizzone, F., Balducci, V., Bianchi, C., Cardinali, M., Federica, F., Mondini, A.C., Reichenbach, P., Salvati, P., Santangelo, M., Guzzetti, F., (2013) - PPT-tool 2.039-1.1 Italian National Landslide Warning System in ICL Landslide Teaching Tools, 2013.

13. Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Santangelo M., Cardinali, M., Mondini, A.C., Rossi, M., Reichenbach, P., Guzzetti, F., (2013) Very-high resolution stereoscopic satellite images for landslide mapping. Margottini, C., Canuti, P., Sassa, K. (Eds.) Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 1: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, ISBN 978-3-642-31324-0.

14. Marchesini, I., Santangelo, M., Fiorucci, F., Cardinali, M., Rossi, M., Guzzetti, F. (2013) -  A GIS method for obtaining geologic bedding attitude. Margottini, C., Canuti, P., Sassa, K. (Eds.) Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 1: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, ISBN 978-3-642-31324-0.


Conference proceedings

15. Marchesini, I., Mergili, M., Rossi, M., Santangelo, M., Cardinali, M., Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Schneider-Muntau, B., Fellin, W., Guzzetti, F. (2014): A GRASS GIS approach for deep-seated slope stability analysis in complex geology. In: Sassa, K., Canuti, P., Yin, Y. (eds.): Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment: Volume 2: Methods of Landslide Studies (Proceedings of the Third World Landslide Forum, Beijing, June 2-6, 2014): 483-490. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York.

16. Mirabella F., Bucci F., Cardinali M., Santangelo M., and Guzzetti F. (2014) Morpho-structural features of extensional basins revealed from aerial photographs interpretation and structural data in the northern Apennines (Italy). 87° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana

17. Marchesini, I., Rossi, M., Mondini, A.C., Santangelo, M., Bucci, F., (2014). Morphometric signature of landslides. Proceedings of the Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium, Helsinky, 10 to 13 June 2014.

18. Mergili, M., Marchesini, I., Alvioli, M., Rossi, M., Santangelo, M., Cardinali, M., Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Schneider-Muntau, B., Fellin, W., Guzzetti, F., (2014) GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting. Proceedings of the XII International IAEG Congress, Torino, 2014

19. Santangelo, M., Marchesini, I., Bucci, F., Fiorucci, F., Cardinali, M., Guzzetti, F. (2012) – Landslide mapping: improving accuracy and efficiency. Scappini, S., Zapparoli, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th European congress on regional geo-scientific cartography and information systems, Bologna, Italy, 12 - 15  June 2012, 788-789. 

19. Marchesini, I., Rossi, M., Alvioli, M., Santangelo, M., Reichenbach, P., Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Balducci, V., Mondini, A.C., Guzzetti, F. (2012) – WPS tools to support geological and geomorphological mapping. Ertz, O., Joost, S., Tonini, M. (Eds) Proceedings of the Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium, Yverdon-les-Bains,  280-287.

20. Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F., Schiattarella M. (2010) Analisi spaziale della franosità nell’area di Latronico (Appennino meridionale). VIII Convegno Nazionale dei Giovani Ricercatori di Geologia Applicata, Perugia, 18-19 febbraio 2010 (cd del convegno), 166-169. 

21. Guzzetti F., Fiorucci F., Ardizzone F., Cardinali M., Rossi M., Mondini A.C., Reichenbach P., Santangelo M., Valigi D. (2010) Landslide volumes and evaluation of landslide mobilization rates in an area in Umbria, central Apennines. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, “L’Appennino nella geologia del Mediterraneo centrale”. Pisa, 6-8 Settembre 2010, 668-669. 

22. Henriques, C., Cardinali, M., Reichenbach, P., Santangelo, M., Guzzetti, F., Zêzere, J.L. (2010) - Relação entre movimentos de vertente e a morfo-estrutura na bacia hidrográfica da Tornada (sector Centro-Oeste de Portugal). Bateira, C.; Soares, L.; Gomes, A.; Chaminé, H. I.(Eds.) Volume de Actas/Proceedings do V Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia, Porto, p. 73-80.