Fanfarillo, E., Torri, D., Angiolini, C., Bacaro, G., Bonari, G., Cangelmi, G., Cannucci, S., Coppi, A., Giorgi, P.D., Simone, L.D., Fiaschi, T., Fontana, D., Franzoni, J., Giacò, A., Lazzaro, L., Marignani, M., Mugnai, M., Pinzani, L., Rocchini, D., Stinca, A., Tiburtini, M., Maccherini, S., 2023. Chronicle of a death foretold: The vanishing of an emblematic cultural landscape results in the loss of its unique plant communities. Global Ecology and Conservation 47, e02655.
Dino Torri, Mauro Rossi, Giulia Margaritelli, Simona Maccherini, Claudia Angiolini, Emanuele Fanfarillo, Tiberio Fiaschi, Irene Mazza, Elena Salerni, Claudia Perini , Leonardo Favilli, 2022. IL TERRITORIO DI ASCIANO, pagg. 11-24, in Carta archeologica della provincia di Siena, vol XIV, Asciano. a cura di F. Brogi, Nuova Immagine, ISBN 978-88-7145-415-3.
Rossi, M., Torri, D., De Geeter, S., Cremer, C., Poesen, J., 2022. Topographic thresholds for gully head formation in badlands. Earth Surf Processes Landf esp.5473.
Todisco, F., Vergni, L., Vinci, A., Torri, D., 2022. Infiltration and bulk density dynamics with simulated rainfall sequences. CATENA 218, 106542.
Agostini, M., Mondini, A.C., Torri, D., Rossi, M., 2021. Modelling seasonal variation of gully erosion at the catchment scale. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms esp.5259.
Vanmaercke, M., Panagos, P., Vanwalleghem, T., Hayas, A., Foerster, S., Borrelli, P., Rossi, M., Torri, D., Casali, J., Borselli, L., Vigiak, O., Maerker, M., Haregeweyn, N., De Geeter, S., Zgłobicki, W., Bielders, C., Cerdà, A., Conoscenti, C., de Figueiredo, T., Evans, B., Golosov, V., Ionita, I., Karydas, C., Kertész, A., Krása, J., Le Bouteiller, C., Radoane, M., Ristić, R., Rousseva, S., Stankoviansky, M., Stolte, J., Stolz, C., Bartley, R., Wilkinson, S., Jarihani, B., Poesen, J., 2021. Measuring, modelling and managing gully erosion at large scales: A state of the art. Earth-Science Reviews 218, 103637.
Vinci, A., Todisco, F., Vergni, L., & Torri, D., 2020. A comparative evaluation of random roughness indices by rainfall simulator and photogrammetry. Catena, 188 doi:10.1016/j.catena.2020.104468
Maccherini S., Santi E., Torri D., 2019. Germinable Soil Seed Bank in Biancana Badlands. Diversity, 11, 223; doi:10.3390/d11120223.
Zgłobicki W., Poesen J., Cohen M., Del Monte M., García-Ruiz J.M., Machová Z., Martín-Duque J.F., Nadal-Romero E., Pica A., Rey F., Solé-Benet A., Soms J., Stankoviansky M., Stolz Ch., Torri D., Vergari F., 2019. The potential of permanent gullies in Europe as geomorphosites. Geoheritage, 11: 217.
Torri D., Poesen J., Rossi M., Amici V., Spennacchi D., Cremer C., 2018. Gully head modeling: a Mediterranean badland case study. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43: 2547–256, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4414
Torri, D., Rossi, M., Brogi, F., Marignani, M., Bacaro, G., Santi, E., Tordoni, E., Amici, V., Maccherini, S., 2018. Chapter 4 - Badlands and the Dynamics of Human History, Land Use, and Vegetation Through Centuries, in: Nadal-Romero, E., Martínez-Murillo, J.F., Kuhn, N.J. (Eds.), Badlands Dynamics in a Context of Global Change. Elsevier, pp. 111–153.
Maccherini S., Marignani M., Santi E., Torri D., 2019. “Le biancane delle Crete Senesi e della Val d’Orcia: erosione, copertura vegetale e impatto antropico”, Etruria Natura XIII - 2019, the journal of the Accademia dei Fisiocritici, Siena, 43-53.
Torri, D., Rossi, M., Brogi, F., Marignani, M., Bacaro, G., Santi, E., Tordoni, E., Amici, V., Maccherini, S., 2018. Chapter 4 - Badlands and the Dynamics of Human History, Land Use, and Vegetation Through Centuries, in: Nadal-Romero, E., Martínez-Murillo, J.F., Kuhn, N.J. (Eds.), Badlands Dynamics in a Context of Global Change. Elsevier, pp. 111–153.
Amici V., Maccherini S., Santi E., Torri D., Vergari F., Del Monte M., 2017. Long-term patterns of change in a vanishing cultural landscape: a GIS-based assessment. Ecological Informatics 37, 38–51. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2016.11.008
Hooke J., Barberá G., Cammeraat L.H., Poesen J., Torri D., and van Wesemael B., 2017. Chapter 1, Introduction. In Hooke J., and Sandercock P. (eds.), Combating Desertification and Land Degradation - Spatial Strategies Using Vegetation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 1-12.
Hooke J., Sandercock P., Cammeraat L.H., Lesschen J.P., Borselli L., Torri D., Meerkerk A., van Wesemael B., Miguel Marchamalo, Barberá G., Boix-Fayos C., Castillo V., and Navarro-Cano J.A., 2017. Chapter 2: Mechanisms of Degradation and Identification of Connectivity and Erosion Hotspots. In Hooke J., and Sandercock P. (eds.), Combating Desertification and Land Degradation - Spatial Strategies Using Vegetation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 13-38.
Hooke J., Sandercock P., Barberá G., Castillo V., Cammeraat L.H., De Baets S., Poesen J., Torri D., and van Wesemael B., 2017. Chapter 5: Synthesis and Application of Spatial Strategies for Use of Vegetation to Minimise Connectivity, In Hooke J., and Sandercock P. (eds.), Combating Desertification and Land Degradation - Spatial Strategies Using Vegetation. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 105-124.
Bacaro G., Rocchini D., Diekermann M., Gasparini P., Gioria M., Maccherini S., Marcantonio M., Amici V., Landi S., Torri D., Castello M., Altobelli A., Chiarucci A., 2015. Shape matters in sampling plant diversity: evidence from the field. Ecological Complexity. 12/2015, 24, 37-45. DOI:10.1016/j.ecocom.2015.09.003
Bacaro G., Maccherini S., Chiarucci A., Jentsch A., Rocchini D., Torri D., Gioria M., Otto R.,. Escudero C. G., Fernandez-Lugo S., Fernandez-Palacios J.M., Arévalo J.R., 2015. Distributional patterns of endemic, native and alien species along a roadside elevational gradient in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Community Ecology. In press
Fiorucci F., Ardizzone F., Rossi M., Torri D., 2015. The use of stereoscopic satellite images to map rills and ephemeral gullies. Remote Sensing, 7, 14151-14178; doi:10.3390/rs71014151.
Rossi M., Torri D., Santi e., 2015. Bias in topographic thresholds for gully heads . Natural Hazards, 79, S51–S69. DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1701-2
Nasri B., Fouché O., and Torri D.B., 2015. Coupling published pedotransfer functions for the estimation of bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity in stony soils. Catena, 121, 99-108.
Bacaro G., Ricotta C., Marignani M., Torri D., and Chiarucci A., 2014. Using Shannon’s recursivity to summarize forest structural diversity. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 23, 3, 211–216,\.
Santi E., Tarantino C., Amici V., Bacaro G, Blonda P., Borselli L.. Rossi M.. Tozzi S., Torri D., 2014. Fine-scale spatial distribution of biomass using satellite images. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment (AcademicJournals), 6(2), 75-86. DOI: 10.5897/JENE2013.0416
Torri D., and Poesen, J., 2014. A review of topographic threshold conditions for gully head development in different environments. Earth Science Review.130, 73-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.12.006
Kosmas C., Kairis Or. , …, Torri D., ... et al., 2013. Evaluation and Selection of Indicators for Land Degradation and Desertification Monitoring: Methodological Approach. Environmental Management, DOI 10.1007/s00267-013-0109-6.
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Nadal-Romero E., Yair A., and Torri D., 2013. Updating the badlands experience – preface. Catena, 106;1-3.
Torri D., Santi E., Marignani M., Rossi M., Borselli L., Maccherini S., 2013. The recurring cycles of biancana badlands: erosion, vegetation and human impact. Catena, 106:22-30 doi:10.1016/j.catena.2012.07.001.
Torri D., Poesen J., Borselli L., Bryan R., Rossi M., 2012. Spatial variation of bed roughness in eroding rills and gullies. Catena. 90, 76–86,
Borselli L., Torri D., Poesen J., Iaquinta P., 2012. A robust algorithm for estimating probable values of soil erodibility in different climates. Catena. 97, 85-94.
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Salvador Sanchis M.P., Torri D., Borselli L., Bryan R., Poesen J. , Yañez M. S., Cremer C., (2009). Rill and gully junctions: estimating the parameters of the width-discharge relation in the field. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms; ( DOI: 10.1002/esp.1887.
Borselli L., Cassi P., Torri D., 2008. Prolegomena to sediment and flow connectivity in the landscape: A GIS and field numerical assessment. Catena 75, 268–277 DOI-10.1016 J.Catena.2008.07.007.
De Baets, S., Torri, D., Poesen, J., Salvador, M.P., Meersmans, J., 2008. Modelling increased soil cohesion due to roots with EUROSEM. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms33(13): 1948-1963, published online in Wiley InterScience, ( DOI: 10.1002/esp.1647.
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